“More Democratic Losses Could Be On The Horizon” In Kentucky

Category: AR PAC

1) Obama, his policies, and his Democrats are on the ballot on November 4th. He said so:

“[My] policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” – President Obama

He specifically said

“If Michelle Nunn wins, that means Democrats keep control of the Senate.”

Meanwhile, First Lady Michelle Obama credited Mark Udall with enabling Obama’s agenda. michelle_nunn_thanks_obama And remember…. Voted With Obama Graphic Website 2) Iowa Democrat Bruce Braley Insulted Iowa Farmers We caught him dismissing Senator Chuck Grassley as just “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school.”

To try to make up for it, he lied to a voter and told her that he (a trial lawyer!) is a farmer himself! He also said being a trial lawyer is “no different” than farm work and defended saying a farmer can’t lead the judiciary committee.

3) Democrat Mary Landrieu Doesn’t Live In Her State, Billed Taxpayers For Private Jets, And Insulted Her State

She lives full-time in her $2.5 million D.C. mansion and doesn’t even own a home in Louisiana! She billed taxpayers for $33,700 worth of private flights since 2002 to fundraisers and other campaign functions, which is illegal.

Also, Landrieu recently said she thinks she and Obama are unpopular in Louisiana because voters are racist and sexist.

4) Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor Dismissed His Opponent’s Military Service And said it gives him a “sense of entitlement.” seriously 5) This Kentucky Democrat Who Won’t Answer Questions

Even Hillary Clinton thinks Alison Lundergan Grimes should be disqualified!

6) This Georgia Democrat Whose Leaked Campaign Plan Is Really Embarrassing 

Michelle Nunn’s campaign plan talked about whether or not she should take stances on important issues, stereotyped people by race and religion, and talked about how her organization had given service awards to “terrorists” with ties to Hamas and “inmates.” 7) The New York Democrat Who Billed Taxpayers For His Wedding Tank Maloney Tank 8) 2014 Democrats Have Been Campaigning With Hillary Clinton, Who Said THIS

“Don’t Let Anybody Tell You That It’s Corporations And Businesses That Create Jobs” – Hillary Clinton

And 2014 Democrats have been THRILLED to campaign with her.

9) Democrats Lie To Voters To get Elected Like when they know they can’t win as Democrats, they run as pretend “Independents.” air-quotes (1) 10) Democrats Voted For Obamacare And Still Think It’s A Good Idea They voted for it. voted for obamacare They still somehow think it’s a good idea! giphy (18)

Jeanne Shaheen wrongly suggested yesterday that New Hampshire voters are apathetic about national security issues when she claimed ISIS doesn’t “come up very often” on the campaign trail. [Read more…]

Watch Iowa Democrat Staci Appel call Bruce Braley “Bruce Bailey.” Ouch.

Former Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry was spotted leaving a Michelle Nunn campaign rally yesterday in Atlanta.

Why exactly was the legally troubled ex-mayor hanging out at a Nunn rally?

Let’s not forget that Michelle Nunn spent most of her youth in the D.C. metro area.

Greg Orman compared the revered former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) to a clown yesterday when Orman criticized Republicans and their campaign efforts in Kansas.

“It sort of seems like a Washington establishment clown car to me,” he said of Roberts’s star-studded bus tour. “Every day a new person comes out of that car.”

Not the wisest move for a candidate masquerading as an “independent” but is in reality a liberal partisan Democrat. Even Dole expressed disappointment at Orman’s gaffe.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been called a ‘clown’ before. I’m disappointed by Mr. Orman’s statement.” 

Alison Lundergan Grimes has dodged, ducked, and done just about everything to avoid answering questions from Kentucky voters and media.

And now, according to Hillary Clinton, who is campaigning with Grimes on Saturday, that disqualifies Grimes for seeking Kentucky’s Senate seat: [Read more…]

During another local TV interview gone awry, Kay Hagan flatly refused to give her first term as North Carolina’s senator a grade.

“Ya know, I’m not going to give myself a grade.” – Hagan the Lionheart

[Read more…]

Republican Rick Allen reminded Georgia Democrat Rep. John Barrow that Hillary Clinton is wrong on job creators.

“I mean I know that our President and Mrs. Clinton have both said that businesses don’t create jobs. But, you know what – they do. And when you criticize a business, and the number one thing on people’s minds are jobs, then guess what – then you’re criticizing the very thing that gives you the opportunity to get a job.”

During last night’s Alaska Senate debate, Mark Begich lied to voters about his 2008 campaign against Republican Ted Stevens. “I didn’t run attack ads,” Begich claimed. [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu, taking the low road to defeat, doesn’t think much of the voters in her state. She tells Chuck Todd that Obama and her are unpopular because voters are unfriendly to African-Americans and women.