Maine Democrat’s Worst Fear Comes True

Category: AR PAC

Last night, despite Hillary Clinton being touted as a top surrogate, the candidates she backed got routed, along with the Obama-Clinton-Reid policies they backed. Clinton’s policies and brand are becoming indistinguishable from the President in whose cabinet she served. Heading into 2016, Clinton looks like a candidate from the past who already lost the presidency once, and is running into political headwinds.

Just take a look at how the candidates with whom she campaigned fared:

  • She was touted as a savior for Kentucky Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes. She LOST by double digits.
    • *NOTE: Grimes paid $17,000 to fly Hillary to Kentucky to campaign for her. 
  • She campaigned down the stretch for IA Senate Candidate Bruce Braley. He LOST by 8 points in a state Obama won twice
    • *NOTE: Iowa Democrats paid $50,000 to fly Hillary to campaign for him. 
  • The Clinton brand was said to be gold in Arkansas. She and Bill campaigned for AR Senator Mark Pryor extensively. He LOST by SEVENTEEN POINTS. 


  • GA Senate Candidate Michelle Nunn: LOST
  • CO Senator Mark Udall: LOST
  • NC Senator Kay Hagan: LOST
  • MA Gov Candidate Martha Coakley: LOST
  • FL Gov Candidate Charlie Crist: LOST
  • IL Gov Pat Quinn: LOST
  • MD Gov Candidate Anthony Brown: LOST
  • MI Gov Candidate Mark Schauer: LOST
  • ME Gov Candidate Mike Michaud: LOST
  • NY-01 Rep. Tim Bishop: LOST
  • NY-24 Rep. Dan Maffei: LOST
  • NJ-03 Aimee Belgard: LOST
  • NY-19 Sean Eldridge: LOST by 30 points
  • CO-06 Andrew Romanoff: LOST
  • NY-23 Martha Robertson: LOST
  • FL-26 Rep. Joe Garcia: LOST
  • NH-01 Rep. Carol Shea-Porter: LOST
  • IA-03 Staci Appel: LOST



The Maryland Daily Record is reporting that Anthony Brown has lost his Gubernatorial bid against Republican Larry Hogan.

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In a state where registered Democratic voters outnumber Republicans 2 to 1, Brown’s loss serves as a referendum on Martin O’Malley’s last eight years. After more than 40 tax hikes, a massive increase in government spending, a high profile prison scandal and a disastrous ObamaCare rollout, Maryland voters have had enough.

Brown’s loss is a blow to O’Malley’s legacy and incipient presidential campaign.

After voting today in Olathe, Kansas, fake-Independent Greg Orman refused to answer reporters when they asked for whom he voted in the governor’s race. One reporter even followed up, “Why won’t you tell us who you voted for [for] governor?” No response. [Read more…]

During a radio interview with WPLR in Connecticut, Joe Biden said:

“We have a chance of picking up, you know, an independent who will be with us in the state of Kansas.”

[Read more…]

Just two weeks ago Kay Hagan wouldn’t say if Obama was a strong leader. For months she has been avoiding a President she voted with 96% of the time. Now with hours left in the campaign, the Hagan camp surreptitiously aired a radio touting Obama’s endorsement. What a shock. Listen.



The Miami Herald reported that Hillary Clinton has recorded a robo-call for Florida Democrat Joe Garcia, but she won’t let the press hear the call.

Now likely Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has recorded a call for Garcia. It went out to targeted voters in Congressional District 26 on Monday morning.

But Garcia’s campaign won’t make the recording available to reporters — because Clinton’s people won’t let them. That’s according to Garcia campaign consultant John Hennelly.

So we can’t tell you what the call said.

Hillary’s embarrassment must have something to do with Garcia’s campaign being under two federal investigations. Or maybe it was this:

The Hill reported today that Alison Lundergan Grimes’ family business “billed to Morgan County after a tornado killed 20 people and injured 300 in Kentucky.” [Read more…]

At an event in Keokuk, Iowa, Senator Tom Harkin was given the opportunity to apologize for demeaning Republican Joni Ernst’s candidacy by calling her “as ‘good-looking’ as singer Taylor Swift.”

The Washington Post called the remark “sexist,” but Harkin refused to apologize.

UPDATE: Bruce Braley was asked if Sen. Harkin should apologize, too–he declined. Take a look:

It is well established that Hillary Clinton flies in style when she jets to rallies, speeches, fundraisers, and other events.  Politico notes FEC filings show another example of Clinton’s travel draining resources from the candidates she campaigns for. The Alison Lundergan Grimes campaign paid “Executive Fliteways” more than $17,000 for “transportation” the day before Clinton turned up in Kentucky for a rally in Louisville with Grimes.

In addition on Friday, November 1, flight records from Fliteways show a private jet traveling from New York to Cincinnati to Lexington to New Orleans. Clinton had events with Alison Lundergan Grimes and Mary Landrieu on Friday. Neither campaign has reported the cost of those trips yet.

Recall that Clinton’s private jet to the Harkin Steak Fry cost the Iowa Democrat Party $50k.  She took another private jet to campaign for Bruce Braley last week, the cost of which is still unknown.

The big question for Clinton will be – was she actually a net financial loser for the candidates she was ostensibly trying to campaign for?

Sure seems like what really happened was Sec. Clinton got midterm Democrats to foot the bill for her 2016 campaign travel.




In an interview yesterday, Democrat Scott Peters said in response to questions about his nearly $70,000 in car allowance payments that he doesn’t even drive a BMW:

It’s quite surprising that Peters would say this, since just a few weeks ago Peters arrived at a campaign event driving a BMW:

Will Peters keep telling lies to voters about his BMW?