Clinton Foundation Donor UBS Benefited From Hillary Clinton’s Intervention With The IRS

Category: AR PAC

For months, Hillary Clinton has been in lock step with Obama’s shifting strategy in Iraq and Syria. In a June 2014 interview, Hillary Clinton supported Obama’s indecision on dealing with ISIS. Later, when Obama began strikes against ISIS, Hillary Clinton once again expressed her support for Obama’s approach.  [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu spent the better part of this afternoon openly campaigning on the Senate floor. Landrieu is attempting to do with loud talking what her so-called “clout” could not: get Harry Reid’s “no votes” Senate to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton MyanmarThe Associated Press reports that staff working for the U.S. government’s aid agency in Myanmar paid thousands of dollars to a notorious former spymaster that tortured pro-democracy activists.  [Read more…]

President Obama is in Asia this week for the APEC summit. His visits to China, Myanmar and Japan highlight Hillary Clinton’s failed pivot to Asia. Below is a review of the missteps, failures and unfulfilled commitments that best characterize Clinton’s “Asia-Pivot”:

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Robin Raphel Under InvestigationThe Washington Free Beacon reported today that Robin Raphel, a longtime Clinton ally, is being investigated by the F.B.I. Raphel was a lobbyist on behalf of Pakistan before Secretary of State Clinton appointed her to oversee U.S. aid to Pakistan. [Read more…]


Democrats griping about the President’s fundraising or lack thereof for their midterm campaign might want to take note of the expensive tab the Clintons billed campaigns for their private jet travel.

Never to travel in coach like other potential 2016 candidates, a new report from BuzzFeed shows that Democratic candidates struggling for campaign cash were forced to spend nearly $700,000 through October 15 for the Clintons’ private jet travel. That number is only expected to grow as new FEC reports are released later this month.

Keep in mind it would only take 4 hours worth of speaking gigs for Hillary to have picked up the travel tab herself.

Landrieu House1

In the run up to Election Day, Mary Landrieu was insistent that her 7,316 square foot D.C. residence was not a “mansion.” [Read more…]

On the heels of a senior administration official calling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a “chickenshit,” setting off a “new low” in U.S.-Israeli relations, Vice President Biden just couldn’t help himself. Noting his track record for rather candid comments, Biden joked about how he doesn’t “agree with a damn thing” Netanyahu has to say.

Not so funny Joe.

Sen. Mary Landrieu is running for a fourth term in Louisiana. [Read more…]

Like deja-vu all over again, soda-snatching Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg gave millions of dollars and high profile endorsements to dozens of candidates up and down the ballot, but in the end came up short-handed. [Read more…]