Maine Voters Don’t Want Democrat Baldacci To Run

Category: AR PAC

Mary Landrieu was immediately put on defense during tonight’s Louisiana Senate debate about using taxpayer dollars to fly on private jets to campaign events: [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton is adding yet another bizarre speaking gig to her growing list of appearances that have added money to her personal wealth and bad press to her looming presidential campaign. [Read more…]

At a press conference this morning, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer laid out the path to victory for Democrats in 2016: more government.

Hillary Clinton’s bizarre and offensive assertion at a black tie gala in New York City that the wait staff was comprised in part of illegal immigrants should have raised eyebrows. Now  The Weekly Standard reports that the Mandarin Hotel is pushing back:

A New York luxury hotel says it does not knowingly employ illegal immigrants, despite a suggestion by Hillary Clinton that it does. …

“This is about, I would venture to guess, the people who served us tonight, who prepared our food tonight,” Clinton said, according to MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald. …

“Mandarin Oriental, New York does not knowingly employ illegal and/or undocumented immigrants. We require all employees to provide proof of their eligibility to legally work in the U.S.,” said Tammy Peters, a spokesperson for the hotel, in an email to THE WEEKLY STANDARD. “All wait staff and catering staff are employed through our hotel and we do not use outside contractors for such services.”

It is not clear why Clinton was under the impression illegal immigrants were serving or preparing food for the fete.

With the news out today that the Iran nuclear talks are being extended yet again, many are skeptical that a deal will be reached. But not so long ago, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was bullish on the Iran nuclear talks standing by the Obama administration’s negotiations with Iran. [Read more…]

On Sunday, President Obama said Americans want a President with a “new car smell.”

New Car Smell

That must mean he doesn’t think Americans are Ready For Hillary, who has supported Obama on every major issue, would serve as  Obama 3rd term, and was criticized by Obama in 2008 as being part of the politics of the past.

At a ritzy black tie event in New York City Friday night, Hillary Clinton made some assumptions about the immigration status of the people who cooked and served her food:

“’We should all remember … that this is about peoples’ lives. This is about, I would venture to guess, the people who served us tonight, who prepared our food tonight,’ and those who perform construction jobs, she said to applause.”

It seems Clinton is working very hard to maintain her out-of-touch image.


It appears New Mexico Democrats are continuing their tradition of supporting questionable “leaders.” On Saturday, the state House Democrats elected Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton as their whip.

Stapleton is known for making a derogatory and highly inappropriate remark against America’s first Hispanic female governor, referring to Governor Susana Martinez as “The Mexican on the Fourth Floor.” [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton will be speaking at the Cookstoves Future Summit, supporting one of her State Department initiatives that ended up as a failure.

In a Mother’s Day 2011 article, Clinton joined with actress Julia Roberts to push an initiative to send “clean cookstoves” to poor people around the world. The cookstoves were supposed to be better for the environment, better for women’s health and easier to use. Clinton committed $50 million to the project in 2010 and, with the State Department, other US organizations committed another $55 million the following year.

In her final months in office, a joint Harvard and MIT study showed that the clean cookstoves initiative was a failure. Those given the stoves often continued to use their old stoves, while those who did use the new cookstoves did not receive the expected environmental or health benefits. In the end, families who were given the stove actually had a decrease in standard of living because of the time spent maintaining the stoves.

Even Jacob Moss, the director of the State Department’s Cookstove Initiative, praised the study that tore the initiative apart.

With so much failure behind the clean cookstove campaign, it’s a wonder Hillary is still talking about them

With news that former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb has formed an exploratory committee to pursue a presidential bid, America Rising is taking this throwback Thursday to highlight when he’s pointed to the failures of his most likely rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

On Meet The Press, Webb criticized Clinton’s Libya policy, dubbed “Hillary’s War,” noting the country’s descent toward chaos and the spread of weapons fueling terrorism globally.

In fact, on Iowa television Webb joked that he didn’t want to spend time talking about Hillary Clinton’s failures as Secretary of State, because it’d take up the whole show.

Looks like he’ll have plenty of time to make the case.