Ohio Editorial Board: Strickland’s Attempt To “Squelch” Democrat Dissent Is Bad For Ohio

Category: AR PAC

During an interview on WSJ Live, reporter Peter Nicholas said it was “very difficult” to find many folks in Iowa for whom Hillary Clinton was their first choice for President. [Read more…]

Politico is reporting this morning that travel expenses for Bill and Hillary Clinton during the 2014 midterms topped $1.5 million. Those expenses include private jet travel for the Clintons, as they refuse to fly commercial, along with their “security coterie and aides” according to Politico.

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Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Kathleen Kane is really bad at her job. That’s according to Bob Brady, U.S. Congressman and Chairman of the Philadelphia Democratic Party, who called Kane “asleep at the switch” as the state’s top prosecutor. [Read more…]

Rick Nolan has been tweeting in support of Obama’s new Cuba policy, but it’s not the first time he’s praised the Communist nation and its dictator. [Read more…]

On Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect” reporters Mark Halperin and John Heiilemann discuss how a new New York Times story exposes a big problem Clinton faces: the conspicuous “nexus of money and official action” at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.

The Clinton’s have a history of special insider deals and Halperin/Heilemann correctly note that there are many more examples of this to come as the campaign kicks into gear.

In 2011, Hillary Clinton, then the Secretary of State, became a “strong advocate” within the administration for the NATO-backed intervention, swinging President Obama. Following the intervention, Clinton crowed to The Washington Post, saying “we set into motion a policy that was on the right side of history, on the right side of our values, on the right side of our strategic interests in the region,” with her allies labeling the policy a foreign policy success.

“Libya’s liberation, for better or worse, was Hillary’s War,” wrote reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes in their biography HRC.

Today, Reuters reports that “threatened African nations” are urging Western nations to act and resolve the growing crisis coming from Libya, as terrorist organizations who’ve seized loose weapons from the country destabilize the region.

African leaders on Tuesday urged western nations to act to resolve the crisis in Libya which has sent shock waves across the vast arid Sahel band and threatened to destabilize fragile regional governments.

More than three years after a French-led NATO military action helped oust Libya’s longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi, two rival governments are competing for legitimacy, raising fears of a civil war for control over the country’s oil wealth. …

The political void in the north has allowed Islamist groups to regroup in Libya’s barren south and from there threaten nations including Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad. …

Mali became one of the first collateral victims of the chaos that erupted following Gaddafi’s ouster when Islamist fighters, many armed with weapons seized from Libyan government arsenals, overran the country’s north in 2012. …

African states accuse the west of ignoring their concerns and say that once Gaddafi was killed they left the country to fend for itself.

“‎Now Libya is fertile ground for terrorism and all sorts of criminals,” Chadian President Idriss Deby told the forum, adding that NATO had an obligation to finish what it started in Libya. …

And today, the State Department was forced to respond to these growing concerns from the region that the intervention has helped armed groups such as Boko Haram and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

UPDATE: Bloomberg’s Josh Rogin is reporting that Hillary Clinton “secretly pushed” to open up Cuba just as Obama proposed yesterday:

Nevertheless, throughout 2011, Clinton and her team continued to press the White House to take further steps on Cuba. In early 2011, frustrated by what she saw as resistance from the Obama political advisers as well as the NSC staff, Clinton met personally with the president and nudged him to keep going.

After returning to Washington, Clinton directed her head of policy planning, Jake Sullivan, to work up several options to lay out a policy approach and present it to the president. The result was, in essence, what Obama announced Wednesday, a source close to the process said.

Once again, Hillary Clinton is in lock step with Barack Obama, this time on normalizing relations with Cuba.

In her book Hard Choices, Clinton explained how she advocated Obama drop the U.S. embargo on Cuba entirely, and normalize relations with the Castro regime:

Near the end of my tenure I recommended to President Obama that he take another look at our embargo. It wasn’t achieving its goals and it was holding back our broader agenda across Latin America. After twenty years of observing and dealing with the U.S.-Cuba relationship, I thought we should shift the onus onto the Castros to explain why they remained undemocratic and abusive.

Today, Martha McSally defeated Democratic Rep. Ron Barber in Arizona’s 2nd congressional district. McSally, the nation’s first female fighter pilot to fly in combat and first female to command a fighter squadron in combat in US history, gives the House GOP its 16th Democrat seat in its best election since 1928.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has demanded the government force CEOs to reveal their salaries. This demand for corporate transparency, however, does not seem to apply to Sen. Warren who has refused to name what corporations she used to work for let alone how much the corporations paid her. [Read more…]

clinton visa

The New York Times reports on how Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) aggressively lobbied Clinton’s Chief of Staff and the former Secretary of State herself to overcome “months of resistance from State Department offices in Ecuador and Washington” and grant a visa waiver to a “politically connected Ecuadorean woman [Read more…]