Iowa Democrat Touts Lack Of Experience, Compares Self To Bruce Braley

Category: AR PAC

On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake struck Haiti killing approximately 300,000 people and causing billions of dollars in damage. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to rebuild the country.

Five years later, the country still has not recovered and many are wondering what happened to the billions of dollars pledged to Haiti’s recovery. [Read more…]

A Hillary Clinton coloring book was recently released. But we noticed there was a problem – some pages were missing. Not to worry! We fixed it, and made our own “Missing Pages From The Clinton Coloring Book.” We encourage you to join our coloring challenge, and tweet, instagram, or email us your finished product! Clinton coloring book instructions Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hillary Clinton Struggle Hillary Clinton Russia Reset

In 2008, Harry Reid was all aboard the “Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick,” sunshine-and-rainbows-powered train. But today, during an interview on KNPR, Reid struck a different tone, saying, “We should all be happy that the price of oil is low.” [Read more…]



Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is kicking off 2015 in style! The end of 2014 saw her fellow Democrats mocking Kane for being terrible at her job—“asleep at the switch,” to be exact. [Read more…]

After butchering his State’s Obamacare exchange, outgoing Governor Martin O’Malley is proving to be not just incompetent, but also a true hypocrite on health care. O’Malley has spent years criticizing Republican Governors for not expanding Medicaid in their states even when GOPers have told him that the Medicaid expansion could overwhelm their states’ budgets.

[Read more…]

Today the Weekly Standard is reporting the Clinton Foundation accepted $25,000 from a known pedophile, Palm Beach billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The donation came in 2006, a full year after initial charges were filed against Epstein. [Read more…]

In some her strongest language yet, liberal icon Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) slammed economic policies embraced over the years by both Bill and Hillary Clinton in remarks today before an AFL-CIO conference.

Warren took aim at Bill Clinton’s famous 1996 declaration that the era of “big government” was over, and slammed “some Democrats” for backing “trickle-down economics” and Wall Street deregulation.

Later, Warren declared Washington politicians over the past 30 years (including the 8 years of the Clinton presidency) have placed the interests of the wealthy above those of the middle class.

UPDATE: In a panel after Warren’s speech, Clinton ally and her 2008 campaign policy director Neera Tanden was asked to respond to Warren, noting that the Senator said Democrats (like the Clintons) were culpable as well. Tanden responded that Warren was “absolutely right.”


We wanted to start 2015 by letting YOU decide which Democrats failed worst in 2014! It’s up to YOU to decide which Democrats will receive our prestigious fail awards in 4 categories. VOTE below!

VOTE Which Democrats Failed Worst In 2014

  • The Biden Award For Worst Gaffe

  • The Hillary Clinton Award For Most Out-Of-Touch

  • The Kerry Award For Dodging

  • The Anthony Weiner Award For Weirdest Fail

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Today, a few endangered Democrats showed their true colors and voted for Nancy Pelosi for House Speaker. See the video evidence below that captures this special moment for eternity: [Read more…]

U.S. News & World Report, which originally reported that Hillary Clinton’s longtime spokesman Philippe Reines was pitching talk radio producers on “racy, sexually charged writings in [potential Clinton challenger Jim] Webb’s past novels,” is reporting that in 2006, when Webb, then a Senate candidate, came under similar attack, Bill Clinton lambasted the attack as “outrageous.”

As previously reported in our profile delving into former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb’s 2016 presidential ambitions, an ally of Hillary Clinton’s has already pitched talk radio producers on the racy, sexually charged writings in Webb’s past novels.

The pre-Thanksgiving push came out of Beacon Global Strategies, a consulting firm founded by Philippe Reines, Clinton’s longtime communications guru. Soon after Webb formed an exploratory committee in November, cutthroat Clintonites began eyeing him as a rival. The lowest-hanging fruit appeared to be Webb’s fictional descriptions, which drew fire for being demeaning to women.

But in 2006, Team Clinton was racing to the defense of Webb and his books, when the then-Democratic Senate candidate was pushing back on similar attacks from incumbent Sen. George Allen, R-Va.

“The only good thing about that outrageous attack on Jim Webb’s books is that somebody from the other side had to read a book,” former President Bill Clinton said at a rally for Webb. “As a candidate, Jim Webb has already done more to advance the education of those Republicans than they have in six years in power.”

The video was provided to U.S. News by America Rising PAC, a Beltway-based Republican opposition group.