BREAKING Hillary Clinton’s Favorability At An All Time Low In New NBC/ WSJ Poll

Category: AR PAC

Hillary Clinton, America’s favorite social media maven, just tweeted the following: [Read more…]

A new Fox News poll released yesterday shows only 1 in 3 Americans approve of President Obama’s handling of foreign policy, not good news for his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has been in lock step with him on a number of issues polled. [Read more…]

A new CNN poll shows a majority of Americans support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Of the 1,011 Americans surveyed, 57% support construction while just 28% oppose it. [Read more…]

jeffrey epstein


UPDATE: New revelations in the saga surrounding the Clintons pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein show that Bill flew on his jet – which was nicknamed “Lolita Express” – on at least a dozen occasions. Key graf:

Clinton shared Epstein’s plane with Kellen and Maxwell on at least 11 flights in 2002 and 2003—before any of the allegations against them became public—according to the pilots’ logbooks, which have surfaced in civil litigation surrounding Epstein’s crimes. In January 2002, for instance, Clinton, his aide Doug Band, and Clinton’s Secret Service detail are listed on a flight from Japan to Hong Kong with Epstein, Maxwell, Kellen, and two women described only as “Janice” and “Jessica.” One month later, records show, Clinton hopped a ride from Miami to Westchester on a flight that also included Epstein, Maxwell, Kellen, and a woman described only as “one female.”

Epstein was also a donor to the Clinton Foundation and his “fixer” maintains ties to the Clintons.


A new report reveals that Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffery Epstein’s “fixer” and who is herself accused of sexually abusing minors, still maintains close ties to Bill Clinton. Clinton distanced himself from Epstein after Epstein was convicted of having sexual relations with a minor. It seems, however, that Clinton has not removed removed himself entirely from Epstein’s sordid social circle.

The Weekly Standard reports that Maxwell, who “regularly participated in Epstein’s sexual exploitation of minors,” is a “friend” of Clinton’s and has “long had ties to the former president of the United States.” Despite Epstein’s conviction, “Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with the Clintons flourished.” As recently as 2013, Maxwell attended the Clinton Global Initiative where both Bill and Hillary Clinton were in attendance. Maxwell made a commitment on behalf of her charity at the Clinton event, a fact still listed on the Clinton Foundation’s website.

In 2011 Vanity Fair called Maxwell and Clinton “close friends” and The Weekly Standard reports that Maxwell also helped raise funds for the Clinton Presidential Library. According to court documents, Maxwell helped Epstein convert an underage girl “into what is commonly referred to as a ‘sex slave.’” Despite this, it seems Maxwell is still warmly embraced by the Clinton family, even being photographed at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010.


Today, Nancy Pelosi and Steve Israel announced a new task force to focus on their message strategy following House Democrats’ devastating defeat last November. Not included in their announcement was the fact that this is now the third time Democrats have discussed the importance of a new message.

After the 2010 election, Democrats blamed a poor messaging strategy and said they would try a new communications plan based on offense. And then after the 2012 election, Democrats again talked about a “meaningful shift” from their previous message. House Democrats can continue to make minor strategy changes, or they can finally realize that their positions are out of step with the American public.

Last week, news reports emerged of an horrific attack by Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram that left 2,000 dead in the country’s northeast. Yesterday, AFP reported that Cameroon’s army stepped up a military counteroffensive targeting members of Boko Haram, to undermine its campaign of terror across Nigeria and Cameroon. [Read more…]

“Unsurprisingly, the Republican opposition research organization America Rising PAC did not agree, and decided to make a supplement to the Hillary Clinton coloring book.

If you ever wanted to color in a picture of Hillary Clinton testifying about the Benghazi attacks, now is your chance.

In a world that includes politicians making Harlem Shake videos, politicians taking selfies and politicians being Twitter trolls, you may not be shocked to learn this isn’t the first time someone has designed anti-Hillary Clinton coloring book pages. In 2007, the “Very Unofficial Hillary Clinton Coloring Book” included “challenging activities for all ages” including, “‘Help Hillary be More Macho’ and ‘Dress Bill for Any Occasion’ (paper doll cut out clothes), and ‘Play Running Mate Roulette.’”

Read more at the Washington Post. 

clinton money investigation

According to recent reports, another aid group that received taxpayer funding during Hillary Clinton’s State Department tenure is under investigation. A local media organization, New Zimbabwe, reports that USAID is now investigating the aid group Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition. [Read more…]

The Associated Press is reporting that the controversial, quarter of a million dollars speaking fee that Hillary Clinton received from UCONN as the university was raising tuition on students has prompted state lawmakers, led by a Democrat, to consider changing the state’s open records law in order to compel the university foundation to release records regarding its decision making.

State lawmakers may take another look at the University of Connecticut Foundation’s exemption from the state Freedom of Information Act.

The Journal Inquirer reports that state Rep. Roberta B. Willis, co-chairwoman of the legislature’s Higher Education and Employment Committee, said more needs to be known about the foundation’s finances. It’s the fundraising organization of the state’s flagship university.

The foundation drew questions over a large increase in its contribution to UConn President Susan Herbst’s salary and a speaking fee to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Since leaving her post as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has given 8 paid speeches to higher education institutions, netting over $2 million while many were raising tuition rates on students.

Joe Biden Window

Instead of representing the United States in Paris this weekend and leading 40 other world leaders in standing up for free speech and denouncing last week’s terrorist attack, Joe Biden decided he would rather relax at his home in Delaware. He even had administration officials try to spin his absence to Bloomberg.

The lack of American representation in Paris has been called a mistake, an embarrassment and even CNN’s Jake Tapper said he was ashamed.

I say this as an American – not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN – but as an American: I was ashamed.

I certainly understand the security concerns when it comes to sending President Barack Obama, though I can’t imagine they’re necessarily any greater than
sending the lineup of other world leaders, especially in aggregate.

But I find it hard to believe that collectively President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Attorney General Eric Holder – who was actually in France that day for a conference on counterterrorism – just had no time in their schedules on Sunday. Holder had time to do the Sunday shows via satellite but not to show the world that he stood with the people of France?

Hopefully the time at home was worth it Joe.