Clinton’s Falling Favorability Ratings Top The Morning News

Category: AR PAC

During an interview on ABC this morning, Vice President Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos that “yes,” he may challenge Secretary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

Biden clearly senses a weakness in Clinton that he believes he could capitalize on, but said he may not make a formal decision until the summer.

If there was any doubt that Clinton was running for Obama’s 3rd Term, this should erase it. Clinton just took to Twitter to back Obama’s #SOTU tax hikes.


Prepared remarks released by the White House show what everyone believes: the agenda laid out in President Obama’s State of the Union is in lock step with Hillary Clinton’s 2016 agenda of higher taxes, increased mandates and regulations, and a weak U.S. national security policy. [Read more…]


During Obama’s State of the Union, he claimed his ISIS strategy is working, specifically its “stopping ISIL’s advance.”

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has strongly backed Obama’s ISIS strategy, which has relied primarily on air strikes, leading a majority of Americans to believe he is “not ready to do whatever it takes to defeat Islamic extremists.”

In fact, just last week, The Daily Beast reported that despite the Obama-Clinton ISIS strategy, the terror group continues to gain territory in Syria, expanding its reach to over one-third of the country.

ISIS continues to gain substantial ground in Syria, despite nearly 800 airstrikes in the American-led campaign to break its grip there.

At least one-third of the country’s territory is now under ISIS influence, with recent gains in rural areas that can serve as a conduit to major cities that the so-called Islamic State hopes to eventually claim as part of its caliphate.

Does Clinton, a backer of Obama’s policy and his former Secretary of State, agree with Obama that their ISIS strategy is working?

The latest evidence that Florida Representative Gwen Graham is a Nancy Pelosi Democrat is her guest for the State of the Union: Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum. Gillum just so happens to be an ally of Nancy Pelosi, who invited Gillum as a guest to the State of the Union. [Read more…]

Tonight, President Obama will deliver his sixth State of the Union address. He’s widely expected to present tax hikes as “fresh ideas” to help middle class Americans.

Obama’s wannabe successor, Hillary Clinton, has desperately tried to craft the same kind of populist message the President will deliver tonight [Read more…]

CNN reports on a newly-released memo by America Rising that explains why John Podesta’s departure from the White House and join Hillary Clinton’s nascent 2016 campaign is just the latest signal that a Clinton presidency would serve as Obama’s third term.

“Tim Miller, the executive director of America Rising, an anti-Clinton communications and research super PAC, argues in talking points to other Republicans that Clinton is tying herself to Obama by working with and hiring many of his staffers ahead of her all-but-certain 2016 run.

‘By hiring his key political and policy staff and making no public moves to place clear distance between herself and the President on issues likely to be front and center in the coming Congress, Clinton is signaling that she’s not just from the same party as the President, but that she’s an Obama Democrat, who will back his policies, pursue his agenda, and represent a Third Term of the Obama Administration,’ Miller argues in a memo to the group’s supporters.”

Liberal pundits have already admitted as such. Last night, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said Podesta’s hiring proves Clinton and Obama are “going to stay very close together.”

The State Of The Obama-Clinton 2016 Union Is Strong by America Rising PAC

Political prognosticator Larry Sabato notes that Harry Reid’s electoral luck might be about to run out: “He’s the most endangered Democrat on the ballot for Senate in 2016. … I think it’s possible either Reid will decide not to run again or he’ll be defeated.”

Monica Vernon, a Democrat candidate for Iowa’s 1st District, is off to a bad start in her third campaign in two years. Vernon, who is just coming off two (2!!) losing elections in 2014, struggled to explain her defeats in an interview on WHO’s “The Insiders.” She wrote off her losses by saying “I didn’t know everybody” in the district. Then she temporarily forgot she was running in the 1st District and not the 2nd District. Oops!

Vernon even admitted her liberal policies could be “difficult for people to understand,” but then claimed that the solution was merely to give “shorter answers” next time.

Vernon seems to believe every reason for her resounding defeats except for the real cause: voters do not want her representing them in the House.

Today is Martin O’Malley’s birthday, and we wanted to tribute him with a listicle of things that make him him.

1) When Nobody Thought O’Malley Should Run For President


2) When A Gang Took Over A Baltimore Prison And Maryland Governor O’Malley Didn’t Mind

3) When Martin O’Malley Dressed Up Like A General And Rode A Horse


4) When Maryland’s Economy Didn’t Grow Under His Watch


5) When He Bombed His Reddit AMA


6) That Time Martin O’Malley Fell Asleep On The Job

O'Malley Sleeping

7) When O’Malley’s Flawed Obamacare Website Cost Maryland Millions… More


8) When Nobody At Center For American Progress Liked Him :(

Omalley sad

9) When O’Malley’s Obamacare Site Was “Crashing All Over The Place”

giphy (2)

10) When Martin O’Malley Read The Directions From The Teleprompter

martin omalley