Hillary Clinton’s Lagging Poll Numbers Are The Reason Behind Her Recent $2 Million Ad Buy

Category: AR PAC

$2,777/minute + Stenographer + Amenities + Private Jet

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Meet P.G. Sittenfeld, the most ambitious young man in Ohio! Sittenfeld, who is a Cincinnati city council member, announced this morning that he plans to run for Senate.

That news likely doesn’t shock people who know Sittenfeld well. [Read more…]

clinton sheldon silver meme

Today, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, was arrested on federal corruption charges. Silver, a typical New York Democrat insider, has long ties to Hillary Clinton, the Democrat who desires to continue the Obama presidency.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton praised Silver’s work as New York State Assembly Speaker:

In 2008, Silver endorsed Clinton’s presidential campaign:


And in 2000, Silver was integral in Clinton’s Senate campaign. According to The New York Times, Silver helped Hillary lobby members of the state assembly for their support:

The Clinton side was equally persistent, he said. On Monday night, he held what he described as an emotional two-hour session with Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Manhattan law offices of Sheldon Silver, the Assembly speaker.


Last night, at yet another paid speech in Canada, Hillary Clinton said that she’s been traveling across Canada and “avoiding answering questions about the Keystone Pipeline.” [Read more…]

The Weekly Standard reports that according to a co-sponsor of Hillary Clinton’s two paid speaking events in Canada, a 65-member U.S. Secret Service detail was deployed to Saskatoon, Canada to provide security for the event, presumably at U.S. taxpayer expense.

In advance of her appearance, TCU Place security services supervisor Marty Gilley said they’ve been working with RCMP and the U.S. Secret Service for the past week.

“To source out the site, inspect all kinds of potential hazards from bomb threats to smoke bombs that could be put in intakes into our building to make the event go south,” Gilley explained.

“The day of the show, the rest of the Secret Service fly in from other points of the United States of America. A full deployment is approximately 65 agents that will be in the house for the event.”

UPDATE: CNN is reporting that the number of Secret Service agents originally reported was inaccurate.

On the heels of President Obama’s strikingly populist tone during his State of the Union address, Hillary Clinton’s first public appearances will be paid speeches before a Canadian bank under investigation for a tax evasion scheme.

McClatchy already reported on how Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) has settled numerous criminal investigations into misleading investors and making illegal corporate donations. Now, MSNBC reports that a longtime Clinton fundraiser who has a financial stake in the Keystone XL pipeline and has previously lobbied for its construction, also just happens to be a senior partner and board member of CIBC.

Hillary Clinton returns to Canada Wednesday for two speeches sponsored by a Canadian bank, but don’t expect her to say too much on the Keystone pipeline, the elephant in the room when it comes to relations between the U.S. and our neighbors to the north. …

Gordon Giffin, a longtime Clinton donor who served as ambassador to Canada under Bill Clinton, is on the board of directors of the CIBC, the bank sponsoring Clinton’s appearance, and has lobbied for the company hoping to build the Keystone pipeline.

Giffin, who as a “Hillraiser” bundler for Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and has donated $1,000 to the pro-Clinton super PAC Ready for Hillary, is a lawyer specializing in international energy issues. His firm was a registered lobbyist for Transcanada for several years, and Giffin personally lobbied for the company trying to build Keystone pipeline in 2007 and 2008, according to Senate ethics records. Transcanada did not fully takeover the Keystone pipeline until 2009.

Giffin is also on the board of Canadian Natural Resources, an energy company pushing for Keystone to be built. …

“Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) may have finally said she’s not going to run for president in 2016, but she’s still got the GOP opposition machine tailing her on the off chance she changes her mind or just because she’s an influential figure among Democrats.

Both the Republican National Committee and America Rising, the leading GOP opposition research group, have been eagerly compiling opposition files on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in anticipation of her running for president, but both groups have also been compiling negative info on Warren as well.

‘Obviously we’ve been spending a bulk of our time on Secretary Clinton,’ Tim Miller, the executive director of America Rising told TPM. ‘She’s clearly the person that the Democratic establishment is a aligning behind but we’ve also done the necessary research for a potential candidate to emerge and I think Elizabeth Warren is at the top of that list.’”

Click here for the full story from Talking Points Memo. 

Last summer we told you how much Hillary Clinton is paid to speak one minute – $2,777. Hillary is starting her 2015 speaking circuit, so we’re making it even easier to estimate how much she made during speech with our new Clinton Costs Calculator!

Type in how many hours, minutes, and seconds she spoke, and you’ll find your answer! Tweet us your results at @ClintonCosts!

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Obama Administration’s negotiations, backed by Hillary Clinton, over Iran’s nuclear program, Ranking Member Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), called out the Administration for sounding like “talking points from Tehran.”

When asked in a local TV interview “Should Florida be in business with dictators?” Rep. Patrick Murphy (D, FL-18) answered definitively “no,” but then hedged, remembering that he supported doing business with Castro in Cuba.