BREAKING: FBI Is Looking Into The Security Of Hillary Clinton’s Private E-Mail Server

Category: AR PAC

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It’s no surprise that Hillary Clinton’s pursuit of a clear rationale to run for president would lead to a delay and confusion about her campaign launch. In the meantime, we expect more paid speaking gigs as she “struggles” to pay for “mortgages” and suffers from being “dead broke.” Playbook has the scoop: [Read more…]

Well, well, well… One day after a the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s hearing, which saw Democrats stonewalling the investigation at virtually every turn, the State Department announced it is making available witnesses that had previously been inaccessible for questioning. [Read more…]


P.G. Sittenfeld, Ohio’s most ambitious young man, has tapped his longtime buddy Ramsey Reid to be the campaign manager for his adorably earnest Senate campaign. [Read more…]

Today, ineffective Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos announced she’s introducing a new bill—the Government Waste Reduction Act. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton waste

According to The Washington Post, International Relief and Development (IRD) was suspended from receiving any additional federal work because of IRD’s “serious misconduct.” IRD is also currently being investigated by the FBI. [Read more…]

During today’s House Select Committee on Benghazi, State Department liaison to the House, Joel Rubin, continued the administration’s stonewalling of the ongoing investigation. [Read more…]

UPDATE: According to Politico’s Mike Allen, Clinton allies are worried about her avoiding debates in the Democrat presidential primary:

It’s possible she doesn’t even debate during the nomination race (in itself, worrisome to some of her top allies).

[Read more…]

Asked about the devolving situation in Libya, Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a combat veteran who serves as the DNC’s Vice Chair, slammed Hillary Clinton’s handling of her war in LibyaGabbard adding that following Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s outster, the former Secretary of State had “no plan for what happens next.


This morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough reminded folks that Hillary Clinton “has led over the past 25 years the most elite, the most insular, the most Gatsby-like existence of any person in the political world today.” [Read more…]

With The New York Times reporting that Bill Clinton is demanding editorial control of a Martin Scorsese documentary on his life, we thought we’d share just a few of the many things from just the past few years that Bill Clinton doesn’t want to make the cut:

1) The flight logs showing him on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, the Lolita Express more than a dozen times.


2) His penchant for deluxe $1,000 cigars.

3) Everything about Ron Burkle and Air F!#@ One!

4) The $50 million in charity $$ his foundation has spent on travel expenses.

5) When TIME named Bill one of the top 25 people to blame for the financial crisis.

6) The front page Washington Post story on how a donor to his foundation got a “shameless” sales pitch for their product by none other than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

7) Protesters demanding accountability for all the Clinton Foundation’s “missing money” for Haiti’s earthquake recovery.

clinton haiti protest

8) The time he and Hillary claimed they were “dead broke,” so they “struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses.”

9) The time he defended himself and Hillary as not out of touch, then bragged about buying 14 $550 watches and giving them away on the same day.

10) The time he compared Obama to Jesse Jackson.

11) The time he backed construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which his wife refuses to comment on.