Ethical Storm Clouds Worsening For Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

Category: AR PAC

BREAKING: 2016 Hillary Clinton is now pro-vaccination. I repeat, Hillary Clinton is now pro-vaccination. She sent a snarky tweet on the issue late last night that was a far cry from her last presidential campaign, when 2008 Hillary Clinton told a group of people opposing vaccinations that there should be studies into the links between vaccinations and autism:

Senator Hillary Clinton, in response to a questionnaire from the autism activist group A-CHAMP, wrote that she was “Committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines.” And when asked if she would support a study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children, she said: “Yes. We don’t know what, if any, kind of link there is between vaccines and autism – but we should find out.”

Let’s get her in front of a different crowd and see if she has a new vaccine dance.

UPDATE: It turns out prominent Democrat anti-Vaxxers are giving a lot of money to Ready for Hillary.

On MSNBC this morning, Joe Scarborough noted the out of touch life Bill and Hillary Clinton have lived, calling it “an extraordinary lavish life.” He notes that ultimately, “they have lived like kings and queens.”


With vaccinations in the headlines today, the Washington Free Beacon notes that then-Sen. Hillary Clinton was open to the anti-vaccination crowd’s claims back in 2008. [Read more…]

Earlier this week, Politico reported that a key part of Clinton’s 2016 strategy was “aggressively courting key endorsers from the left,” namely economist Robert Reich:

One component of Hillary Clinton’s emerging strategy involves quietly but aggressively courting key endorsers from the left, who could help increase progressives’ comfort level and take the wind out of a potential challenge. Two top targets: Robert Reich, the economist and former labor secretary in her husband’s administration, and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), the civil rights icon.

But earlier today, released a video featuring Reich slamming the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement as “the worst trade deal you’ve never heard of,” “NAFTA on steroids,” because it was negotiated in secret by corporate lobbyists. And who led “the negotiations for the proposed” deal? None other than Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Seems like its going to be a tougher sale than expected.


A New Mexico Democrat in the state legislature compared a measure that prevents illegal immigrants from obtaining a drivers’ licenses “to the rounding-up of Jews by Nazi Germany.” [Read more…]

Liberal Democrats have begun leaking polls showing just how vulnerable Hillary Clinton is to both a primary AND general election campaign. The poll conducted by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling found that Hillary Clinton’s net approval rating is negative five (43-48) and Republican presidential candidates are “well within striking distance.”

Read the full report from Politico.

hillary clinton announcement ready

It’s hard to imagine a worse week for Hillary Clinton. She’s trying to avoid appearing inevitable, but her lackeys indicated she might skip Democratic debates and even delay her launch another 3 months while she tries to decide if she has a message. [Read more…]

CNN is reporting that one of the detainees from the “Taliban 5” swap for Bowe Bergdahl “has attempted to return to militant activity from his current location in Qatar.” [Read more…]

Within hours of a leak to Politico that Hillary Clinton was planning a coronation strategy and a mid-summer campaign launch free of pesky things like debates, CNN is reporting that infighting has “erupted” over when she should jump in.

An internal debate among Hillary Clinton supporters about the timing of when she should launch her expected campaign for the presidency has erupted once again.

Several Democrats have told CNN that there is a desire on the part of Clinton and her innermost circle to go as late as possible. But the potential for a summer start to the official Clinton 2016 campaign, first reported this morning by Politico, is only one of the options on the table. The spring launch plan is still seen by most Clinton watchers as the most likely timing scenario. …

Some Democrats have also expressed concern that a later start to Clinton’s campaign will appear like the nomination is shaping up to be more of a coronation and a race – something Clinton and her advisers are looking to avoid.

This is starting to resemble the infighting that plagued her leaky 2008 campaign and doesn’t bode well for the no-drama Obama advisers she’s planning to bring into her fold.

Also in the report, Team Clinton isn’t too happy with the work of American Bridge PAC and Correct The Record, set up to defend her record.

The Democratic National Committee and the liberal superPAC American Bridge are both currently playing defense on Clinton’s behalf. But the cover has not necessarily been to the satisfaction of all in Clinton’s orbit.

Of course, when Clinton has been out there defining herself, it hasn’t exactly gone so well.


DC Democrats are eager for 2014 loser Brad Schneider to run for his old seat in Illinois’ 10th district. According to Roll Call, Schneider is being urged on by the likes of Steve Israel and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, among others. [Read more…]