Two New Polls Show Hillary Clinton’s Taking A Serious Hit With…Democrats?

Category: AR PAC


Today, we’re launching a new Facebook page, “Hiding Hillary.” It will chronicle Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential “campaign,” particularly every time she dodges an issue or debate, seems out of touch, delays her campaign, and all that Classic Clinton internal campaign drama.

Why all the hiding? Because Clinton has no message, no vision, and no rationale for running for president, aside from the fact that she wants to be president. Clinton has been hit by fellow Democrats for being too cautious and calculating in 2008—she seems to be repeating that mistake now.

See Hiding Hillary HERE and LIKE it here:

Facebook-Profile hillary hiding

A recent survey of Republican and Democrat “insiders” showed that the two parties can actually agree on something: Harry Reid is the most vulnerable Senator up for re-election 2016. [Read more…]

The New York Daily News reports that in 2008, Hillary Clinton’s first pick for Attorney General was none other than John Edwards (but that was under the condition he got out of the race and endorsed her in the 2008 Democratic primary).

Presidential campaign consultant David Axelrod, in his memoir “Believer: My Forty Years in Politics,” recalls a conversation with an Edwards emissary, who told him:

“Well between us, Hillary is offering attorney general, but what John really wants is to be on the ticket.”

‘”Hillary’s camp was desperate to escort him out the door,” Axelrod writes.


hillary clinton edwards

During a fundraiser last month in Naperville, IL, Congressman Bill Foster indicated his 2008 special election win deserved credit for passing ObamaCare. [Read more…]

Last week, Bloomberg News investigated Hillary Clinton’s rampant use of private jets during her 8 years as a U.S. Senator.

But today, a new report from National Review Online shows that Clinton also made frequent use of private jets during her 2008 presidential campaign. [Read more…]

decisions decisions Back in 2008, while Hillary Clinton was racking up over $19 million in private jet fees, she was quite demanding about the type of Gulfstream jet she was flying in. As the New York Post reported:

Jet-setting Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fussy frequent flier who used three different planes in a single day during a recent campaign swing through South Carolina. The former first lady even grounded one aircraft – a chartered Gulfstream II – in Columbia, S.C., last Friday, demanding a swankier Gulfstream III replacement for a flight out west. “She didn’t like the configuration of the cabin,” an aviation source familiar with Clinton’s travel told The Post.

Oh, and the interior of a Gulfstream II like the one that Clinton found unacceptable: hillary-clinton-unacceptable-gulfstream

MSNBC host Chris Matthews repeatedly broke into laughter after New Hampshire Democratic Chairman Raymond Buckley refused to say whether Granite State Democrats will hold debates as they’ve traditionally done for decades. [Read more…]

Once upon a time, Florida Congressman Patrick Murphy decried money in politics, calling it “absolutely gross”—the most mature description he could muster.

And yet suddenly, Murphy, who is reportedly eying a statewide bid for Senate, doesn’t think money is so bad. [Read more…]

The Arizona Republic is reporting that Democrat Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has formed a political action committee, perhaps setting the stage to challenge one of the Senate’s most respected leaders, John McCain. [Read more…]

An ABC News investigation revealed questionable activity in the EB-5 visa program, which allows immigrants who are willing to invest $500,000 in American businesses to skip to the front of the immigration line.

The report shows that Harry Reid pushed Homeland Security to expedite the processing of investors’ visas. [Read more…]