Hassan’s Absentee Leadership Is Hurting New Hampshire During Its Heroin Epidemic

Category: AR PAC


Staten Island Democrats continue to struggle to find a candidate for a swing seat that has eluded them since 2011. Following their two most promising candidates’ decisions not to run in the NY-11 special election, Democrats have interviewed several people to take on the GOP presumptive nominee, Dan Donovan.

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UPDATE: Shalala to lead Clinton Foundation!

Tonight, Donna Shalala will headline a Ready For Hillary fundraiser in Miami, FL also featuring earwax aficionado and former Representative Joe Garcia.

Shalala, the outgoing University of Miami Chancellor who brought Hillary Clinton to the University for a paid speech last year, is rumored to take a position advising Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign after she officially steps down.

However, working together hasn’t been the most harmonious arrangement for the two. In an interview with the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, Shalala said nobody thought the Clintons’ “screwy” approach to healthcare reform would work and was “problematic from the beginning.” She was also accused of providing unflattering quotes about Clinton’s healthcare reform taskforce to author Elizabeth Drew in 1995.

Thank goodness Hilary’s ideas weren’t incorporated into that underperforming Obamacare law. Oh wait, she IS the Mother of Obamacare


Have you heard the one about the Oregon governor, facing corruption charges, deciding to resign and then changing his mind? [Read more…]

Happy Valentine’s Day! We decided to make special candy hearts for our favorite, Hillary Clinton, that say exactly what’s in her heart! We probably missed a few though – so tweet your ideas with #HillaryCandyHearts to @AmericaRising!  

She LOVES hiding from the issues!

hillary clinton hiding obama candy hearts facebook copy

She also loves being out of touch with America!

hillary clinton out of touch candy hearts facebook-size

And her heart is in becoming president for no other reason than that she wants to be POTUS!

hillary clinton obama 3 term candy hearts

She loves mismanaging – and she can’t wait to mismanage America!

hillary clinton inevitable candy hearts-facebook-size





Yesterday, President Obama requested Congressional approval for military action in the Middle East to combat the threat posed by ISIL. Hillary Clinton, ever the fearless leader, responded to this news like so:

A spokeswoman for Clinton declined to comment on Obama’s request, which was unveiled Wednesday.

[Read more…]

Last night, New Hampshire Democrat Annie Kuster said she “felt like we crawled to the end in terms of the expense of providing that college education” for her children. This is the same Democrat who gave the excuse that “life is expensive” when confronted with late property tax payments.

While Kuster often complains about life expenses, she is much more hesitant to reveal the fact that her 2014 net worth is estimated to be $1.37 million as reported by CQ. Kuster’s poor attempts to connect to the middle class only reveal how out of touch she is with voters in New Hampshire’s 2nd District.


On tonight’s Politico Podcast, former Obama advisor David Axelrod said he wouldn’t have advised Hillary Clinton to take paid speaking gigs or go on her botched book tour after she stepped down as Secretary of State. The criticism comes on the heels of his newly-released memoir, where he had some pretty interesting things to say about Clinton. Check out the audio clip above.

Democrat and perennial Senate candidate Joe Sestak was in Washington DC Tuesday night to raise money for his Senate campaign. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton might have been better off staying under the covers this morning. She was greeted by some rough headlines about her campaign-in-hiding that include the phrases “ugly infighting,” “signs of disquiet,” and “very much at odds.” [Read more…]

Clinton State Department Waste

Additional revelations have recently surfaced regarding International Relief and Development, the contractor that received over $1 billion in contracts and grants during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. As previously noted, USAID suspended IRD from receiving any additional federal work due to the organization’s “serious misconduct.” [Read more…]