Democrats Struggle To Make Inroads In Crucial Illinois House Districts

Category: AR PAC

This morning, the Wall Street Journal, who broke the news this week about the Clinton’s accepting donations from foreign governments, reported that Hillary Clinton’s Foundation “collected donations from companies she promoted as Secretary of State.”  [Read more…]

Today, Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander announced he is running for U.S. Senate in an empty airport terminal.


The immediate reaction to Kander’s announcement in the state has been confusion. [Read more…]

We’re calling on the Clintons to return foreign government donations – but we’re not the only ones who see a problem with the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation accepting foreign government money right as Hillary gears up for 2016.  Take a look at what people are saying:

“A Stupid and Sleazy Clinton Decision”  National Journal

“Unethical” – Liberal Juan Williams

“…a couple of these countries support terrorism…” – National Journal’s Ron Fournier on CNN

“…some of these countries are NOT very good for women…” – National Journal’s Ron Fournier on CNN

“Ethical Questions Obvious” as Clinton Foundation Enables Foreign Entities to Lobby Hillary  – Fox News

“Foreign Donations To Foundation Raise Major Ethical Questions For Hillary Clinton” Washington Post

As the Washington Post highlights, there are obvious ethical problems with foreign donors “who are legally barred from giving to U.S. political candidates,” instead giving millions to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Remember – the Foundation spends a LOT of their money on flying the Clintons around the world and paying future and former Hillary political advisers.

clinton cash flow fb

And SIGN to DEMAND the Clintons return that foreign money!

“One day after a report revealed that the Clinton Foundation has abandoned its near-prohibition of raising new money from foreign governments, Republican opposition research firm America Rising is calling on the organization to return funds from international sources and to promise to stop accepting them.
The group is warning against the prospect of countries that in some cases have given $1 million or more to the foundation having a “special” relationship with a Clinton administration. The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday reported that nations including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Canada have recently donated to the foundation.”

Read more at Politico.

This morning, Fox News’ John Roberts covered the “special in” foreign governments who donated to the Clinton Foundation, officially renamed the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, would have should Hillary Clinton become president. [Read more…]

Last night, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Clinton Foundation “has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency.” [Read more…]


Today, President Obama’s stimulus celebrates its sixth anniversary. Despite a total cost of over $800 billion in taxpayer dollars, the Solyndra scandal, and an increase in federal debt, the following six House Democrats who voted for stimulus are celebrating its sixth anniversary: [Read more…]


The news out of Clintonland today is basically this: they are so mad!

The Hill has two stories out this morning about the Clintons, and each details their irritation with various “allies.” [Read more…]


The Ohio Senate race to take on Rob Portman is reaching new levels of hand-wringing on the left.

So far, only Cincinnati Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld has thrown his 30 year-old hat in the ring, but Ohio Democrats are waiting for decisions from former Gov. Ted Strickland, 73, and Rep. Tim Ryan, 41. [Read more…]


The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is assembling “experts” to chart her foreign policy agenda.

Yes, the official who used to run the State Department apparently needs to fly in experts from around the country to tell her about what’s going on in world affairs. [Read more…]