Joe Biden Has A Path To The Democratic Nomination Thanks To Clinton’s Email Scandal

Category: AR PAC

Today Hillary Clinton is speaking at the Watermark #LeadOnCA conference, which is in part focused on personal and business finance. It’s also her first speech in the U.S. in 71 days (she’s been hiding). Clinton was kind enough to send out some helpful finance tips before she speaks:

1) Create a giant “charity” that helps fund your travel and political staff.

employees stock

2) Praise foreign companies while you’re representing America, and then they’ll donate to your “charity.”

corruption stock photo

3) Complain about civil rights problems in foreign countries, and then make sure your “charity” takes their money.

Backroom deal

4) Pay female staffers 72 cents for each dollar paid to men.

unhappy workers

5) Relate to people who are struggling to pay their mortgage by telling them you “struggled … to piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses” when really you had 2 mansions.

home family

6) Take a private jet everywhere and make other people pay for it.

private jet

7) Demand students pay for your hummus, crudité, teleprompter, and anything else you want! Great money saver.

Eating hummus

8) Most importantly, hide until people pay you  $2,777/minute to speak to them!


Hillary Clinton is expected to give a speech tomorrow in Silicon Valley in front of a group of “friends” from which she has solicited donations many times in the past. [Read more…]

Oscar Shot:

Last night in Hollywood, Best Supporting Actress winner Patricia Arquette delivered an acceptance speech that included the line:

“It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all…”

That prompted this response from Meryl Streep: [Read more…]

Not quite a week ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation dropped their ban against accepting donations from foreign governments. That has sparked a sharp rebuke from a few surprising places, including editorial boards across the country. [Read more…]


The Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton’s shadow campaign is now recruiting consumer marketing specialists to try and rebrand her image… for the fifth time:

Is Hillary Rodham Clinton a McDonald’s Big Mac or a Chipotle burrito bowl? A can of Bud or a bottle of Blue Moon? JCPenney or J. Crew?

As she readies her second presidential campaign, Clinton has recruited consumer marketing specialists onto her team of trusted political advisers. Their job is to help imagine Hillary 5.0 – the rebranding of a first lady turned senator turned failed presidential candidate turned secretary of state turned likely 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. …

“It’s exactly the same as selling an iPhone or a soft drink or a cereal,” said Peter Sealey, a longtime corporate marketing strategist. “She needs to use everything a brand has: a dominant color, a logo, a symbol. ... The symbol of a Mercedes is a three-pointed star. The symbol of Coca-Cola is the contour bottle. The symbol of McDonald’s is the golden arches. What is Clinton’s symbol?”

Even this morning’s panel on MSNBC mocked Clinton’s multiple rebranding efforts. Check out the video below:

In case you missed it, Hillary Clinton’s campaign-in-hiding had yet another awful week. On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Clintons dropped their Foundation’s ban on accepting donations from foreign governments and leaders.

Here are a few of the headlines that followed. Take a look and vote for your favorite, but of course remember that they’re all winners:


Ted Strickland, the former Ohio who last won an election in the mid-2000s, is facing headwinds as he seeks the Democrat nomination for Senate.

Thus far, Stickland has had to defend himself against attracks from fellow Democrats calling him a “stale contender” and calls for a “fresh face.” [Read more…]


Joe Sestak had a Democrat problem in 2010. In his battle with Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter, Sestak upset a lot of state Dems by winning the nomination and running a lackluster campaign.

Many PA Dems are eager not to repeat the same mistake, but no credible candidate has come forward to challenge Sestak for the nomination. [Read more…]

Today, America Rising PAC is excited to announce Colin Reed as its new executive director. Reed will replace outgoing ED Tim Miller, who helped launch America Rising with President Joe Pounder and Chairman Matt Rhoades in early 2013.

Reed brings his recent experience as Sen. Scott Brown’s 2014 campaign manager—an operation National Journal said “transformed the New Hampshire Senate race into an unexpected, nail-biting contest.”

Previously, Reed served as deputy communications director for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, communications director for Scott Brown’s 2012 Senate race, and press secretary in Brown’s Senate office. Reed also has experience at the NRSC, and on the 2008 presidential campaigns of Gov. Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain.

Reed is a Massachusetts native and a North Carolina Tar Heel.

Fox News is reporting that the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), a new watchdog group that holds political organizations accountable for campaign finance rules and ethics violations, has filed a complaint against Catalist, LLC, “a for-profit company that has provided customized voter data to hundreds of labor unions, Democratic committees and candidates [Read more…]