Shot/Chaser: “The Future” Is Relative For Sen. Feingold

Category: AR PAC

Today, House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi, whose net worth was over $100 million in 2013, claimed that members of Congress can’t live without having their paycheck on time.

Pelosi: “I don’t know about you, but I think almost everybody I know cannot live without having their paycheck on time, members of Congress even, and yet they’re asking this Department of Homeland Security people to do that.”



The New York Times reported this morning that Hillary Clinton is still scheduling paid speeches through April and still demanding highbrow perks at paid speeches, despite widespread negative press coverage.

The Times reported Clinton dropped some of her most absurd requests like lemon wedges and crudité, but kept the big ticket items:

In late January, a trade group for general counsels sought to have Mrs. Clinton as its keynote speaker for a conference in Miami in April. An executive with the Harry Walker Agency, which represents Mrs. Clinton, responded in an email, obtained by The New York Times, that in addition to the $225,000 fee, the hosts would also have to pay for “chartered round-trip private air transportation (e.g., a Gulfstream 450 or larger jet)” and business-class tickets for two advance staff members.

But the January email did set out other specific requirements, including a travel stipend of $500, a stenographer, “up to three (3) adjoining or contiguous single rooms for her travel aides and up to two (2) additional single rooms for the advance staff.”

The “total amount of time Secretary Clinton is participating in the event” should be a “continuous 90 minutes.” That included a 30-minute photo line reception “not to exceed 50 photos with up to 100 people.” And Mrs. Clinton’s speaking agents sought final approval of any “proposed moderators or introducers.”

Help us stop Hillary Clinton! >>>

The morning after a detailed Washington Post exposé that showed the Clinton Foundation accepted foreign donations during Secretary Clinton’s time at the State Department—breaking the rules of an ethics agreement with the Obama administration—Charlie Rose detailed some of those specific donations. [Read more…]


A memoir by Chen Guangcheng, a blind Chinese dissident whom Hillary Clinton has repeatedly claimed to have rescued in 2012, will be released next month.

As Clinton tells the story, she made a “hard choice”—even going so far as to call the rescue a “James Bond-ish kind of activity”—to give Chen refuge in the U.S., [Read more…]

i was never here gif

Today, Ted Strickland has announced that he is going to run for Ohio’s Senate seat in 2016. What Strickland won’t be talking about though is how he failed Ohio when he served as Governor. Some facts about Strickland’s not so great tenure:

  • Ohio lost over 370,000 jobs during Strickland’s time as Governor.
  • Ohio’s unemployment rate increased by 3.7 percent under Strickland.
  • In 2008, Fitch downgraded Ohio’s long-term credit outlook.
  • In 2009, Standard & Poor’s Said That Ohio’s Credit Standing Was At Risk.
  • Strickland left Ohio’s budget with an $8 billion deficit and its rainy day fund with just 89 cents.

It’s no wonder that when given the chance in 2010, Ohio voters said that they had had enough of Ted Strickland. Despite this, Strickland must think that over 4 years is enough time for Ohioans to forget the economic disarray that he left the state in. He shouldn’t bet on it.

UPDATE: Brent Larkin, writing at, had some thoughts on Strickland.

“But his overall record as governor was mediocre at best.”

“That Strickland might be the Democrats’ strongest candidate for Portman’s Senate seat speaks volumes about the state of the party.”

“The best measure of a political party’s strength is the depth of its bench. In Ohio, that bench isn’t empty, but there are plenty of vacancies.”

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton

Politico’s Josh Gerstein reported this morning that while the Clintons claim they go above and beyond what is required when it comes to disclosing information about its donors, serious ethical lapses still exist: [Read more…]

Virginia Governor and longtime Clinton apologist Terry McAuliffe is praising President Obama’s economic “policies,” calling their result “booming,” according to a story in IJReview.

He goes on to claim his mentor, Hillary Clinton, would build on Obama’s “success.” Welcome to the McAuliffe-Clinton economy, where Virginia boasts “among the slowest-growing state economies” in the country! [Read more…]

Today at the Watermark conference in Silicon Valley, Hillary Clinton said if she could wave a magic wand, she would make people in Washington work together:

“That we could get back to working together cooperatively again, that we could get out of our mindsets, our partisan bunkers…”

[Read more…]

At an event yesterday, Missouri liberal Democrat Jason Kander said:

“We don’t send senators to Washington so that they can climb the leadership ladder of their political party as fast as possible…”

Oh, really? [Read more…]

Vincent Gentile is widely expected to be chosen as the Democratic nominee for the NY-11 congressional seat. But this brutal NY1 story highlights the many (MANY) obstacles Gentile will likely face, including but not limited to: [Read more…]