Democrats Finally See Clinton’s Email Scandal A Problem While State Department Dodges Questions

Category: AR PAC

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski was incredulous this morning at American Bridge founder David Brock’s suggestion that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong by exclusively using a personal email account while conducting official business at State. Luckily, Bob Woodward was having none of Brock’s deflections:

However, Brock returned to planet earth long enough to admit that the issue of Hillary Clinton hiding her emails was “legitimate to raise”

Probably not the response Hillary Clinton’s campaign was looking for from those who will be covering her 2016 campaign. Yikes! [Read more…]

Tonight, Hillary Clinton took the stage at Emily’s List’s 30th anniversary gala for a highly-anticipated speech that did nothing to address the multiple scandals currently embroiling Clinton’s campaign-in-hiding. Here are a few other facts Hillary (or is it Hilary?) forgot to mention: [Read more…]

This morning, in response to the news that Hillary Clinton intentionally and unlawfully tried to hide all correspondence from the government, by using her personal email [email protected], America Rising is requesting of the State Department “copies of all emails from any and all State Department employees sent to Secretary Hillary Clinton’s private email account as reported by The New York Times.”

[Read more…]

Following the New York Times report that Hillary Clinton broke the law by not using an official government email address, national commentators are breaking down what this means for Clinton (hint: it’s all bad).  [Read more…]

hillary clinton emails

Michael Schmidt at The New York Times reports that, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton “exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business” “and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.”

She didn’t even have a government email address while Secretary of State, and “her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.”

Instead “advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department.”

Schmidt goes on to say that “the revelation about the private email account echoes longstanding criticisms directed at both the former secretary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, for a lack of transparency and inclination toward secrecy.” As a reminder, in 2008, Hillary Clinton called herself “the most transparent person in public life.”

But we need your help – can you help us figure out what her email address was? Tweet your ideas to @AmericaRising, using #HillaryEmailAddresses

big wink

Capital New York released talking points this morning that were recently sent to supporters from Nick Merrill, spokesman for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The talkers stress that the Foundation is NOT a political slush fund used to pay for travel expenses for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Absolutely not! [Read more…]


The Clintons have a knack for hiring people who don’t like each other. Sunday night, Politico Magazine published a story with the subhead: “Inside the power struggle at Clinton, Inc.”

The story focuses on Eric Braverman. Brought on board in 2013, Braverman was CEO of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. [Read more…]

After a rough week of news for Hillary Clinton, the media and Democrats are continuing to criticize Clinton for the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation:

And her lack of transparency:


This week, failed former Gov. Ted Strickland announced his Senate candidacy. The response from one of Ohio’s most respected newspapers, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, was swift and devastating. Here are some of the highlights: [Read more…]