The Clinton Crudité Comeback: A Love Story

Category: AR PAC

Following Hillary Clinton’s damage-control press conference yesterday, editorial boards across the country made it clear they are not buying her excuse that having one email was more “convenient.” Take a look: [Read more…]


Most major newspapers put Hillary Clintons damage-control press conference on their front pages, above the fold. And while the presser provided more questions than answers, one thing that is clear is how poorly Clinton’s campaign managed this scandal. To the front pages:
NYPostemailsUSATodayEmailsNYTemails WSJEmails

Today, Hillary Clinton claimed her reason for using personal email while Secretary of State was “convenience,” she only wanted to use one phone. However, just two weeks ago, Clinton said she used multiple devices.


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Hillary Clinton is about to hold her first press conference in 231 days. Topics are sure to include her private email account, transparency, and maybe even the Clinton Foundation foreign donors. Here are a few key things to remember before she stands in front of the cameras. [Read more…]

Today PoliticMO‘s Eli Yokely reported that anti-lobbyist Jason Kander was spotted in Washington D.C. heading into a fundraiser at the lobby shop Porterfield, Lowenthal,Fettig & Sears.

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Today the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) took a side in the Ohio U.S. Senate race – and they chose the guy everyone (except the establishment) hates – Ted Strickland. This comes after Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and 3 Ohio congressmen endorsed Strickland, and the Ohio Democratic Party defended Strickland – and not his primary opponent. Another Ohio state rep went so far as to issue a warning to Strickland’s primary opponent.

But the Democratic establishment seems to be the only group that likes Strickland. Here’s what everyone else is saying about him in the Ohio newspapers:

“Congratulations on your next term, Sen. Rob Portman.” – Cleveland Plain Dealer

“The death of the Democratic Party was confirmed Wednesday with the Strickland announcement.” Christopher Evans of the Northeast Ohio Media Group

“But his overall record as governor was mediocre at best.” … “That Strickland might be the Democrats’ strongest candidate for Portman’s Senate seat speaks volumes about the state of the party.” – Brent Larkin, writing at

“Strickland’s return says a lot about the lack of young Democratic leaders waiting in the wings to freshen the brand.” – Sharon Broussard of the Northeast Ohio Media Group

So while the Democratic establishment loves Strickland, everyone else is far from thrilled.

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During an interview on MSNBC, Democrat Joe Sestak said he believed Iran “might be a friend” to fight ISIS.

Later, Sestak assured viewers that ISIS is “very racist” and downplayed the fact that Boko Haram declared their allegiance to ISIS.

Today, Hillary Clinton will release the “No Ceilings Full Participation Report” on the progress of women’s participation around the world. Clinton has focused much of her career, including her time at the State Department and at the Clinton Foundation, on advancing the position of women in society. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton made news for recently changing her profile picture. Why? Because the one she had been using basically encompassed the heart of the scandal she’s embroiled in.

We wanted to give her some tips about what makes a good profile picture and suggestions for some she can use! Which do you think are the best?

1) Some people highlight their favorite hobbies in their profile pictures.

2) Others make sure it includes what they do for work.

3) It should represent you as a person.

4) Your profile picture can also represent your aspirations – like returning to D.C.

5) It’s always nice to have a default pic with your BFF!

6) Nothing beats a classic pic.

7) It should represent how you feel.

8) And how you see yourself.

9) A lot of people on Twitter wear their hearts on their sleeves and highlight their stances on important issues.


10) Some people just use their profile pic to show what they’re really thinking.

hillary clinton emails

Boko Haram, the Nigerian militant group who began capturing hundreds of innocent girls last year, has pledged its allegiance to the Islamic State (IS), according to recent reports.

Boko Haram “is thought to have had links with al-Qaeda,” but as Josh Rogin pointed out last May, Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused to brand Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. [Read more…]