New Report: Close Clinton Aide Worked In Conflicting Roles In Clinton State Department

Category: AR PAC

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A new report from Bloomberg noted there is growing unrest among Democrats about Hillary Clinton’s complete lack of positions on important issues. [Read more…]

shrug idk

New York Democrat Vincent Gentile, in a recent interview with the Staten Island Advance, is touting his 18 years of experience as a legislator and his work to repeal a sales tax on clothing and shoes.

But Gentile’s legislative record on taxes is more complicated, as he has voted to raise multiple taxes. According to news reports and City Council records, Gentile voted to raise taxes on New Yorkers by about $700 million, as well as an 18.5 percent property tax increase, which Gentile had specifically campaigned against in a tight special election just months prior.

While Gentile may talk about lowering taxes, his record demonstrates the exact opposite.

“The technology is also appealing to opposition research teams digging up dirt. ‘In our business, the faster the better,’ says Jeff Bechdel, communications director for America Rising, a Republican research firm that put trackers in 36 states during the 2014 campaign.

Bechdel pointed to a live stream of Hillary Clinton being interviewed last month at a women’s tech conference in Silicon Valley, where she said she uses multiple mobile devices. As soon as Clinton said during a press conference last week that she conducted government business through her personal email account for the “convenience” of carrying a single device, America Rising distributed the Silicon Valley clip before Clinton had even finished her presser.

An app like Meerkat ‘could definitely work for us and help us get video and whatever else out there into the bloodstream as it happens, and help shape the narrative that way,’ says Bechdel.”

Click here to read the full story from Real Clear Politics. 

Coloradans received some bad news recently when it was announced that 190,000 will lose their health care plans next year.

This is particularly bad news for Colorado, as about 338,000 Coloradans have already lost their health insurance due to ObamaCare. [Read more…]

This morning, CNN spoke to Thomas Pickering, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, who investigated the terror attacks in Benghazi. Pickering said he did not have access to Hillary Clinton’s emails during that investigation.  [Read more…]

The New York Times is reporting that a federal judge has ruled on behalf of Citizens United, who has been requesting travel logs for Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State: [Read more…]

On Monday, Joe Sestak assured the American people that “the ISIS group is very racist” and the recent news that Boko Haram pledged its allegiance to ISIS was nothing to worry about:  [Read more…]

Everyone knows that people wear green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. But the Clintons are deep in the green every day.

Where does the money in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow come from? Take a look below:

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$1,000/year – Bill Clinton’s Arkansas State Pension

Arkansas pension: In her 2011 financial disclosure form, Clinton states that Bill received “retirement benefits over $1,000” from the ARPES. (Hillary Clinton, Executive Branch Personnel Personal Financial Disclosure Report, Filed 5/15/12)

$16 million in taxpayer money for Bill Clinton’s travel, the salaries of staff, and more

“Bill Clinton and his office have received more money through the Former Presidents Act than any other ex-president.”

“By Election Day 2016, taxpayers will have paid out more than $16 million to fund Bill Clinton’s pension, travel, office expenses and even the salaries and benefits of staff at his family’s foundation, federal records show.”

Taxpayer tab for Clinton Inc.: $16 million – Politico

$2 billion in donations to the Clinton Foundation Hillary political donors, foreign governments that are not allowed to donate to U.S. campaigns, and more

The Clinton Foundation has raised about $2 billion “from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data.”

Clintons’ foundation has raised nearly $2 billion — and some key questions – Washington Post

$100 million in paid speeches

Over the past decade, the Clintons have earned more than $100 million from paid speeches. “The family speechmaking business is a lucrative one and has generated more than $100 million for her parents over the past decade as they hopscotched the globe. Their fees range from $200,000 to $700,000 per appearance, and Mr. Clinton alone earned $17 million last year giving speeches.”

Following Her Parents’ Lead, Chelsea Clinton Takes Stage As Paid Speaker – The New York Times

hillary clinton jokey man national security FACEBOOK

According to a Wall Street Journal story, Hillary Clinton’s State Department “homebrew” server was not encrypting her emails until March 29, 2009.

Clinton assumed office in January of 2009, meaning we don’t know if Clinton’s emails were encrypted for more than two months, potentially leaving it susceptible to hackers. [Read more…]


A new report from Politico revealed that “by Election Day 2016, taxpayers will have paid out more than $16 million to fund Bill Clinton’s pension, travel, office expenses and even the salaries and benefits of staff at his family’s foundation…”

That’s more than any former president has received from taxpayers, ever. [Read more…]