Scott Peters Caved To Liberal Protesters On The Iran Deal In Record Time

Category: AR PAC


A new report by Reuters found that in 2010, the Clinton Foundation spun off its largest health program, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), into a separate legal entity and stopped disclosing its donors. CHAI “received millions of dollars in new or increased payments from at least seven foreign governments” while Clinton served as Secretary of State, raising new questions regarding transparency and whether there were substantial conflicts of interests.

Clinton Foundation officials claimed that CHAI did not disclose its donors from 2010 to 2013 because of an “oversight.” This excuse is dubious at best however, considering that the Initiative is led by former Clinton-era health czar Ira Magaziner whose 1990s healthcare reform taskforce was accused of intense secrecy and a failure to abide by open meeting and public disclosure laws.

On Wednesday afternoon, Senator Elizabeth Warren proudly strode across the Senate floor to cast the flashiest “no” vote the Senate’s human trafficking bill has yet seen. Warren gave the bill a big thumbs-down, punctuated with a jaunty wave. For the third time, Democrats voted to block the measure to combat human trafficking, and Warren’s biggest concern seemed to be finessing her voting technique.

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Governor Mitt Romney spoke with Yahoo! News’ Katie Couric about the latest Hillary Clinton scandal—her secret private email account she used at the State Department.

As Gov. Romney notes, “It’s always something with the Clintons,” [Read more…]


The Boston Globe is reporting that Democrats are growing increasingly uncomfortable with Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches. She’s speaking to the American Camp Association on Thursday in Atlantic City. That organization is spending a lot of its budget to have Clinton speak: [Read more…]

As Hillary Clinton continues her campaign-in-hiding’s tweet to the White House strategy, Democrat voters in early primary states are wondering why she hasn’t shown up to campaign yet [Read more…]

In a recent Staten Island Advance interview, Democratic candidate Vincent Gentile said he was unsure of the need for term limits. This is a far cry from Gentile’s record and rhetoric on extending term limits, which he decried and voted against before he took advantage of them.

In fact, Gentile’s rationale for running for a newly allowed third term on the City Council was:

“After everybody got the third term, then I didn’t want to be the only one not to have the third term, so I ran. But I felt that extension of term limits should be by referendum.”

Clearly, strong convictions and leadership on an issue like term limits is something Gentile will bring to the table. Not.temper-tantrum-o1


In a recent Staten Island Advance interview, Democratic candidate Vincent Gentile said the Keystone XL pipeline’s contributions to energy solutions in America was a “pie-in-the-sky thought.”

“It is really pie-in-the-sky thought to think that one pipeline is going to solve the energy issues in this country.”

Gentile’s views are at odds with a majority of the American public, as well as both unions and manufacturers, who have been calling for the pipeline’s construction.

During votes this morning, Minority Leader Harry Reid and Colorado Democrat Michael Bennet voted against a bill that would help victims of human trafficking.

Because of their opposition to it, the bill has stalled in the Senate.

This is how bad it gets when an Obama official is publicly asked about Hillary Clinton’s private email.

Congressman Sean Duffy pressed U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew about his emails with Hillary Clinton’s private email account. Lew essentially claimed he couldn’t remember if he knew that Clinton’s email was private. [Read more…]

hillary clinton private jet FACEBOOK

A recent front page story by USA Today reveals just how much Hillary Clinton relied on taxpayer funded private jets during her Senate career (hint: it was a lot). When it comes to travel, Clinton clearly has expensive tastes. Check out the breakdown below: [Read more…]