Michigan To Host Latest Democratic Primary

Category: AR PAC


For months, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster has been at the center of a controversy regarding favorable treatment given by Koster to companies that support his political efforts.

In October 2014, a New York Times story revealed multiple instances of Koster implementing a “pay to play” policy, [Read more…]

Citizens United is filing another lawsuit against the State Department today, according to National Review Online.

Over the past year, the group has filed several Freedom Of Information Act requests that have gone unfulfilled. [Read more…]

At a candidate forum in Staten Island, Brooklyn City Councilman Vincent Gentile was asked if Nancy Pelosi has been a good minority leader. Gentile waffled on the simple question, saying:

“Well, I haven’t studied her record totally but certainly I will have not had a chance to sit down to speak to her, and I will make that judgment after I speak to her.”

Bloomberg is reporting that during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department, there was no “permanent, independent Inspector General” nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to protect the agency from waste, fraud, and abuse. [Read more…]

Today, at the Center for American Progress (where she hilariously claimed we need to get out of our “ideological bunkers”) Hillary Clinton claimed to understand the challenges facing middle class Americans.

That’s rich, considering Hillary “Dead Broke” Clinton woke up in her $5 million mansion this morning. [Read more…]

Remember when Hillary Clinton said she used her private email account to correspond with State Department employees, thus guaranteeing (in her eyes) a catalogue of her emails for the Federal Archives?

Well, forget all of that. [Read more…]

This morning, Hillary Clinton is speaking at an event for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), hosted by the Center for American Progress.

As Secretary of State, Clinton stated her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—a free trade initiative. That’s all well and good, except that AFSCME adamantly opposes TPP. [Read more…]


Patrick Murphy, a Florida Democrat who has served one term in the House, has decided he’s had enough of the lower chamber and is launching his campaign for Senate on the 5 year anniversary of ObamaCare. [Read more…]

Today is the 5th anniversary of the law that caused millions to lose their health insurance – ObamaCare. But it looks a lot like HillaryCare. See below:

Hillary Obamacare FULL

No surprise – we’re not the only ones who can’t tell them apart.

President Obama said “95% of our health care plan is similar.”

Democrat Senator Tom Harkin has said “I want you all to know that her fingerprints were all over that legislation.”

Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Clinton would “step on the gas” when it comes to implementing Obamacare.

Even Hillary Clinton herself said “you can keep the doctors you know and trust. You keep the insurance you have, if you like it.”

On the weekend of America Rising’s 2 year anniversary, Fox News’ Chris Wallace sat down with AR’s chairman, Matt Rhoades, to talk about accomplishments from the past 2 years and plans for 2016.
