Hillary’s Latest Campaign Reset Didn’t Even Last 24 Hours

Category: AR PAC

A new Quinnipiac poll released this morning shows Hillary Clinton is slipping. In Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania—three key swing states in every presidential race—Clinton’s support is significantly less today than it was prior to her email scandal breaking earlier this month. [Read more…]

In an interview with Charlie Rose that aired yesterday, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad once again proved how truly deranged he is. First, he defended the use of chemical weapons, then he denied that he used chlorine barrel bombs against his own people. And despite over 210,000 deaths in Syria and Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own people, Hillary Clinton is on the record as calling Assad a “reformer” and a “different leader” than his similarly murderous father. Check out the transcript and interview below:

ROSE: One is chlorine gas. They believe it has been used here. They said there is evidence of that, and they would like to have the right to inspect to see where it’s coming from. As you know, barrel bombs have been used, and they come from helicopters. And the only people who have helicopters is the Syrian army. And so, those two acts of war, which has, society looks down on as barbaric acts.

ASSAD: Let me fully answer this. It’s very important. This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria. First of all, the chlorine gas is not military gas. You can buy it anywhere.

ROSE: You do use barrel bombs? You’re just saying…

ASSAD: No, no. There’s no such a thing called barrel bombs. You have bombs, and any bomb is about killing.


Thursday morning Inspector General John Roth testified before a House committee that Harry Reid did manage to get preferential treatment for Chinese investors in a Las Vegas casino.

Roth stated that there were “several highly unusual things” that happened “as a result of the intervention” by Reid. Roth also stated that employees of the USCIS worried that expediting the vises would create the appearance of “special favoritism.”

Earlier this year it was discovered that Reid shepherded Chinese investors in a Las Vegas casino through the controversial EB-5 visa process, sparking an investigation.

Wednesday, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported the results of the Inspector General’s
report, finding that Reid pressured the Department of Homeland Security to fast-track the visas, despite the fact that there was “no basis” for expediting

“A top Department of Homeland Security official improperly intervened to fast-track visas for foreign investors in the $415 million SLS Las Vegas renovation after being pressured by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, according to an inspector general’s report released Tuesday. ‘There was no basis for expediting the (visa) petitions,’ the IG report concluded in the Las Vegas case, one of three high-profile projects Inspector General John Roth investigated for undue political influence based on whistleblower complaints.”

Despite the obvious evidence of favoritism, Reid is unfazed. A Reid spokesperson told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, there was nothing wrong with Reid’s actions, instead citing it as just another example of Reid’s commitment to serving Nevadans.

If it looks like corruption and it quacks like corruption, leave it to Harry Reid to call it public service.

And as a friendly reminder: this is not the first high-level scandal Reid has been involved in. In 2012 Reid was caught advocating for a solar energy plant proposed by his son’s lobbying client.

The House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing this morning during which the Homeland Security Department’s Inspector General, John Roth, confirmed that Alejandro Mayorkas’ intervention, via administrative appeal, on behalf of a company with political ties to Hillary Clinton and top Democrats to receive EB5 funding was “unprecedented.” [Read more…]


The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is reporting that Joe Sestak’s campaign is violating the Department of Defense ethics guidelines that require former military officials who run for office to designate their ranks as “retired” or “reserve.”

The distinction is in place to avoid any endorsement implications on behalf of the U.S. Government. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton Scandal

Senator David Vitter is openly questioning whether Hillary Clinton “concealed communications with a Nigerian donor to the Clinton Foundation during an internal State Department debate over designating Boko Haram a terrorist group.” [Read more…]


A new Inspector General’s report shows that Terry McAuliffe “received special treatment on behalf of his electric-car company from a top official at the Department of Homeland Security.”

That top official is Alejandro Mayorkas, whose intervention on behalf of McAuliffe’s GreenTech Automotive company “was unprecedented.” [Read more…]

In July of 2013, America Rising PAC submitted a FOIA request to the State Department requesting all correspondence regarding invitations to Terry McAuliffe and GreenTech Automotive executives to attend a State Department luncheon in February 2012. [Read more…]

In October of last year, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster was busted for using his office for political purposes, implementing a “pay to play” policy, and being lenient on companies that donated to his campaign. [Read more…]

“Almost two years ago, Tim Miller, the then executive director of the America Rising PAC, authored a letter to look into possible favoritism from Hillary Clinton’s State Department epartment to longtime Clinton associate Terry McAuliffe. The letter, addressed to the State Department, was acknowledged as having been received, but none of the information requested has ever been handed over.

‘In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. § 552, I request copies of all records of physical and or electronic correspondence, memoranda, scheduled meetings and records of phone calls regarding the decision to invite Terrence R. McAuliffe, Charles Wang and Rick Wade, all of whom were executives of GreenTech Automotive, to a State Department Luncheon on or around February 14, 2012, which was hosted by Vice President Biden and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to honor Xi Jinping, then-Vice President, now-President of China,’ Miller, who is now an adviser to Jeb Bush, wrote on July 23, 2013.”

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