Hillary Clinton Unleashes Surrogates To Slam Biden, Sanders

Category: AR PAC

Today on WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show, Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile admitted to having voted for President Obama twice, as well as for New York Mayor Bill De Blasio. What’s more, Gentile was effusive in his praise for the jobs that De Blasio and Obama have done.

It seems that Vincent Gentile stands with liberal Democrats and not the people of New York’s 11th congressional district.

Hillary Clinton just signed a lease for a campaign office in Brooklyn Heights. Hipsters shouldn’t rejoice though—there’s a Wall Street strategy behind Clinton’s office placement.

Clinton’s HQ will be based “in one of New York City’s wealthiest neighborhoods,” according to the International Business Times. [Read more…]

Tonight, Hillary Clinton came out in support of the agreement reached on the framework of a nuclear deal with Iran, which in part would still allow for nuclear enrichment at the main site at Natanz. In her statement, Clinton called the announcement an “important step toward a comprehensive agreement that would prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and strengthen the security of the United States, Israel, and the region.”

Her statement stands in stark contrast to her declaration just last year that it is important “for there to be so little enrichment or no enrichment” because allowing any enrichment “will trigger an arms race in the Middle East.”

With the breaking news that a nuclear framework would allow some of Iran’s centrifuges to enrich uranium, Hillary Clinton has questions to answer. In 2014, Clinton firmly announced any enrichment would likely set off an arms race in the Middle East. Will Clinton denounce a deal she once said would cause an arms race or fall in line with Obama’s foreign policy?

Further, given that Clinton, along with the Obama administration, has opposed additional sanctions during the negotiations and even came out against Congressional oversight of a final deal, what constitutes a bad deal to Hillary Clinton?

As details of the nuclear negotiations continue to emerge, it is worth noting that if Hillary Clinton does not denounce this framework as a bad deal for America, a Clinton administration would be set to carry on Obama’s failed foreign policy vision regarding Iran.

vincent gentile

Career politician Vinnie Gentile just can’t catch a break in his uphill battle to represent the neighboring borough of Staten Island. A NY1 report out today covers a past complaint against Gentile for sexual harassment, which ultimately went to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The investigation even quoted one staffer as saying Gentile “lacked awareness or refused to recognize that staff members were hired employees, not friends.”


Following Harry Reid’s announcement that he would not seek reelection, a brutal intraparty fight immediately broke out between his two chief lieutenants seeking to climb the leadership ladder. [Read more…]

Yesterday’s Quinnipiac poll had brutal results for Hillary Clinton in key 2016 states, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. Check out the headlines below from those states’ publications and national outlets showcasing Clinton’s falling favorability ratings: [Read more…]

Despite claiming she’s “Ready For Hillary,” recently announced Illinois Senate candidate Rep. Tammy Duckworth said Hillary Clinton had to have sent emails deemed classified, even though Clinton claims she never emailed classified material. [Read more…]

Last week, the Associated Press revealed that Missouri Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Chris Koster never implemented a gift ban policy from organizations under investigation by his office. That’s despite a pledge to do so months earlier.

But Koster went further this week, showing how little he cares about his conflict of interest issues. [Read more…]

So, about that convenience argument…

The Associated Press reported this morning that Hillary Clinton used an iPad to email staff while Secretary of State “despite her explanation she exclusively used a personal email address on a homebrew server so that she could carry a single device…” [Read more…]