New Clinton Emails Reveal Possible CGI Member Doing Business With Iran

Category: AR PAC

It was reported today that the same Russian hackers who accessed the State Department have now accessed “sensitive” information from the White House computer system. The report comes at a time when Hillary Clinton is already under fire for her use of a private email account on her own server for official State Department business, calling further into question her national security decisions and judgment.

But the bad news for Hillary Clinton is twofold. Considering her insistence that Russia is not a threat, the news of the hackers makes Clinton’s Russian reset seems less and less like a “brilliant stroke” today.

Before the left-wing National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) decided to pollute Ohio’s airwaves with outrageous attack ads, they were publicly praising Ohio Senator Rob Portman for introducing legislation that would, according to their own analysis, “benefit consumers and the environment.” [Read more…]

Mayor Bloomberg Introduces Mayor Candidates At City Lab Forum On Urban Ideas

One may fight the Second Amendment and the other may be prepping for a Hillary Clinton run, but together both Mike Bloomberg and Bill DeBlasio paid women and minorities substantially less than their white male counterparts, according to the New York Times. [Read more…]


Below are the headlines that Patrick Murphy woke up to this morning, which is why you’ve seen some hastily announced endorsements from establishment Democrats, rolled out by Murphy’s campaign.

The only problem with that strategy? Most Democrats don’t care. [Read more…]

Bill Clinton on the cover of Town & Country's May Philanthropy I

Bill Clinton posed for the May cover of Town & Country magazine. The cover photo, described as “a shot that looks more or less like a painting” includes some hidden gems, like “a real helicopter” in the background and a $4,000 watch:

[Read more…]

Hillary Clinton tweeted last night in response to the recent detention of five women’s rights activists in China, demanding that these detentions ‘must end.’ Since their detention in March, the activists have been denied medical treatment by Chinese authorities, their supporters have been detained and sympathetic NGO’s have been raided.

While her tweet gives the impression she has been a strong supporter of human rights activists in China, her actual record is embarrassing. Less than a month after becoming Secretary of State in 2009, Hillary Clinton told reporters in South Korea that while human rights in China were important they “can’t interfere” with dialogue on economic issues, climate change or security concerns.


Patrick Murphy (D-FL) might be heading for a bruising primary battle if today’s news from the Sunshine State is any guide.

Florida Democrats held a news conference today and laid into Murphy as someone unable to excite grassroots volunteers. [Read more…]


Annette Taddeo announced her plans to run for Florida’s 26th congressional district at a Miami fundraiser with her 2014 losing running mate Charlie Crist. Taddeo, a perennial failed candidate, also previously lost campaigns for Miami-Dade County Commission in 2010 and for Congress in 2008. [Read more…]

Vincent Gentile

Over the weekend, the New York Daily News reported that national Democrats have all but conceded the special election in New York’s 11th congressional district.

Democrats’ realized their chances of taking the seat were shot after all their preferred candidates passed on the race, leaving them with damaged Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile.

Sorry Vinnie.

Burning Glass Consulting and America Rising PAC released the following memo regarding Hillary Clinton’s recent decline in public image, lack of trustworthiness, and the path forward for the 2016 race: