Nevada Democrat Should Keep His Fingers Crossed

Category: AR PAC

Today, City & State published its list of the week’s winners and losers, and between national Democrats abandoning him and an absolute failure by his staff in a botched campaign event, Brooklyn Democrat Vinnie Gentile just couldn’t catch a break:

LOSERS: “Vincent Gentile – The Brooklynite couldn’t catch a break-neither from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Ben Ray Lujan, nor from local transit crews. The DCCC has spent nothing on behalf of Gentile in the race to replace the disgraced former U.S. Rep. Michael Grimm. And it’s unlikely national Dems will get involved in the final month, deciding that it’s unlikely Gentile can best Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan and better off investing in 2016. Then, the massive pothole Gentile chose for a scheduled press conference on the need for more highway funding was filled overnight. He was left clutching a yardstick.

Tough luck, Vin.

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In February, Fox News’s John Roberts asked “If [Hillary Clinton] becomes president, will governments that contributed to the Clinton Foundation have a special in at the White House?” Now, The Hill details that a “report in the International Business Times comes as Clinton readies an expected run for president. She’s been dogged by questions about whether foreign donations to her foundations could have influenced her official decisions.”

The Hill article also answers these questions. “Report: Clinton changed stance on trade deal after donations to [Clinton Foundation].”

“The Clinton Foundation reportedly accepted millions of dollars from a Colombian oil company head before then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to support a trade deal with Colombia despite worries of human rights violations.”

“The report centers on donations from Frank Giustra and the oil company that he founded, Pacific Rubiales. In a Wall Street Journal story from 2008, Giustra is described as a “friend and traveling companion” of former President Clinton who donated more than $130 million to Clinton’s philanthropies. He’s also a Clinton Foundation board member and has participated in projects and benefits for the foundation.”

Read the full story HERE.

Today, Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile held a campaign event in the neighboring borough of Staten Island, replete with a prop yardstick, in an attempt to highlight the numerous potholes on the roads. It turns out, embarrassingly enough, that the event site chosen by Gentile and his staff had just been freshly paved and all the potholes fixed.

How humiliating.

Gentile: “We were to talk about the Highway Trust Fund and about growing infrastructure in the area. We chose this location and we brought our yardstick because this strip here right around Chestnut Street and Bay Street was pothole marked, deep potholes over the past weekend when we drove through here. But as it would be, the New York City Department of Transportation is doing their job around the clock and we found out this morning that they paved overnight. And so all the potholes we wanted to show you as indicative of everything that’s on Staten Island is not here anymore. So the use of this yard stick will not be necessary, but I think we all get the picture of the conditions of our roads.”

In an unusually testy interview on CBS’s “This Morning,” Elizabeth Warren was asked where she differs with Hillary Clinton on key issues. Warren cited trade as an example of not knowing where Clinton stands. [Read more…]

A new batch of polls from potential battleground states is spelling more bad news for Hillary Clinton. Just last week, a set of polls from Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania were bearing bad news. The takeaway from last week’s polls was “in no state do voters say she’s honest and trustworthy.”

Today’s poll is no better. [Read more…]

From Russians hacking the White House to more reports of Assad employing chemical weapons on his own people, the headlines from just the past month highlight the consequences of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous policies as Secretary of State. And she hasn’t even announced her candidacy for president yet.

Russians Hacked White House Via State Department, Claims Report

The Big Sell: Iran Touts Nuke Deal Terms, As US Tries To Claim Win

[Iran Foreign Minister] Zarif Stresses Benefits To Iran Of Framework Nuclear Deal

Russia, Iran, Syria Share Same Vision: Assad

As Syrian Civil War Rages On, Chemical Weapons Use Persists

Chinese Police Detain Five Women’s Rights Activists

Role Of Hillary Clinton’s Brother In Haiti Gold Mine Raises Eyebrows

In Case You Missed It: Two longtime Democratic Congressmen from Massachusetts are apparently fed up with Nancy Pelosi as their leader:

Moderator: “… Is it time for her to go with Harry Reid?”

Rep. Michael Capuano: “I have said from day one that when you do something, no matter how good I may think it is, if it’s not working you should change what you’re doing. And right now we continue to do the same thing, we have lost more seats since then and I’ve thought for a while – I don’t blame one person, that would be incredibly stupid…”

Moderator: “But she should go?”

Rep. Capuano: “I think we need leadership that understands if something you’re doing is not working, change what you’re doing.”

Moderator: “So she should go?”

Rep. Capuano: “I think that or she should change, one way or the other. Thus far, we just lost more seats at the last cycle.”

Moderator: “Should she go?”

Rep. Stephen Lynch: “Nancy Pelosi will not lead us back into the majority.”

Moderator: “So the answer is yes?”

Rep. Lynch: “Right.”


Florida Democrats area tearing each other apart over Patrick Murphy’s Senate campaign announcement. The problem? In the eyes of many Florida Democrats, Murphy isn’t sufficiently liberal and they don’t appreciate DC Democrats handpicking their nominees: [Read more…]

Democrats have all but abandoned Vincent Gentile in his bid for Congress, though Gentile still has the support of the wildly unpopular liberal mayor Bill De Blasio.

Gentile’s prospects are so grim that the DCCC does not see “any victory for the Democrats in this special election.” Despite the fact that he will not get any financial assistance from national Democrats, Gentile swears the door for help is “not fully closed.”

Clearly, Gentile is in denial of his abandonment by Democrats, even though he is “almost certainly running this congressional race on his own.”


Infighting among Democrats is threatening to derail one Congressional aspirant before his campaign even gets off the ground.

Iowa Democrat Matt McCoy “is seriously considering a challenge” to Rep. David Young in IA-03. Unfortunately for McCoy, not everyone is thrilled with that idea: [Read more…]