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Category: AR PAC

Hillary Clinton announced that she will be running for president today starting her campaign by exaggerating her record and misrepresenting her foreign policy failures.  [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton announced she’s running for President today via web video. After an anonymous Clinton staffer told reporters they “just wanted to get this over with,” maybe Clinton’s brief 92-word announcement is no surprise. But compared to previous Clinton announcements, 92 words seems awfully light. [Read more…]

Today, Hillary Clinton formally announced her campaign for president. During her two minute announcement video, Clinton said “The deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.”

Except she neglects to say that she and Bill Clinton are in fact part of “those at the top,” with a combined net worth of $55 million. In fact, in the video she is seen standing in front of her Chappaqua, NY house… the house that the family purchased for $1.7 million in 1999.



The following is a statement from America Rising Chairman Matt Rhoades on Hillary Clinton’s presidential announcement: [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton, to no one’s surprise, wants to be president. Democrats cleared the decks for her to run essentially unopposed in a primary, and now she’s formally accepting her party’s coronation.

Clinton has been in the public eye for nearly 4 decades. So what are the most important things you need to know [Read more…]

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Gov. Mitt Romney rightly noted that Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy and called her a “creature of Washington.”

One of Hillary Clinton’s closest allies refused to endorse her this morning.

In 2000, Bill de Blasio was the campaign manager for Clinton’s Senate bid. This morning, now mayor of New York City, de Blasio refused to endorse Clinton for president. [Read more…]

On the day she is expected to announce her ambitions to once again be president, Sunday morning shows exposed the harsh realities facing her campaign. From her tanking poll numbers to her mismanagement at the State Department, there’s plenty to talk about:  [Read more…]

As Hillary Clinton (finally) makes her presidential campaign official today, here’s a look back at some notable events and headlines about the Clintons on this day:

1994:  Whitewater Documents ReleasedWhitewater 1On April 12, 1994, the Clintons’ partner in the Whitewater investment scandal, James McDougal, released more than 2,000 pages of documents that suggested Hillary Clinton played a more active role in Whitewater’s final years, despite the Clintons describing themselves as just “passive investors” during Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.

1994 Chicago Tribune Headline: “Clintons Pay $14,615 In Taxes From Missed 1980 Capital Gain”

Back TaxesOn April 12, 1994, it was reported that the Clintons paid $14,615 in back taxes and interest stemming from income from Hillary Clinton’s commodity trading days that they did not report on their tax return for 1980.

2002 New York Daily News Headline With Clinton Condemning Future Foundation Donor: “Millions Raised For Bombers’ Kin”

SaudiOn April 12, 2002, the New York Daily News reported on Hillary Clinton’s remarks decrying Saudi Arabia for aiding terrorists. Clinton said any effort “that creates incentives for acts of terror or provides a reward for suicide bombings is reprehensible.” The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, however, has been a big contributor to the Clinton Foundation over the years, donating between $10 million and $25 million.

2006 The Associated Press Headline: “Sen. Clinton Calls For ‘Return To Fiscal Discipline’”

2006On April 12, 2006, The Associated Press reported then-Sen. Hillary Clinton’s remarks from a meeting with the Economic Club of Chicago. During the meeting, Clinton slammed then-President George W. Bush’s fiscal policies, saying “over the long term … red-ink fiscal policies will undermine America’s competitiveness.” Clinton would go on to serve in an administration that passed a failed $800 billion stimulus, ObamaCare, and added $5.8 trillion to the national debt under her watch while she begged the Chinese to continue to buy more American debt.

“Perhaps the most bellicose operation within the conservative firmament is America Rising, an anti-Clinton super PAC that has issued a flurry of Freedom of Information Act requests for the State Department and devoted its youthful staff and Arlington, Va., war room to Clinton activities.

Colin Reed, America Rising’s executive director, said the group has trackers — video-camera-toting personnel who haunt the campaign trail searching for the next viral moment — already deployed in the early primary and caucus states, waiting for Clinton.

‘In this 24-7 news cycle where everything moves quickly, it’s only a question of getting footage back and turning it around in real time,’ Reed said. ‘Now that she’s in, she’ll be out and about, and the mission of tracking will be easier than when she wasn’t doing many public events.’”

Click here to read the full story from The Washington Post.