Former Clinton Aide Responsible For Her Private Server Plans To Plead The Fifth

Category: AR PAC

The Clinton Foundation announced yesterday that it would continue accepting foreign donations from Canada, a leading advocate for the Keystone pipeline, throughout Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clinton herself has never taken a formal position on the Keystone pipeline, having dodged the question on several occasions. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton changed her tune on Barack Obama’s economic leadership today at an event in Iowa, proving she will say or do anything to win an election. [Read more…]

America Rising cameras caught Clinton’s top brass in San Francisco yesterday raising the kind of “unaccountable money” Clinton was decrying at the very same moment in Iowa.
[Read more…]

“Clinton appears at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday at a small business in Norwalk, Capital City Fruit. She’ll do an invitation-only roundtable there on the economy and other issues.

The digital ads will be the first expenditure by the conservative America Rising PAC against Clinton of the 2016 cycle, the PAC’s executive director, Colin Reed, told The Des Moines Register on Wednesday.

The ads will appear only to people in Norwalk either Googling or looking up Youtube videos or reading Facebook.

America Rising launched a web video called “Trustworthy?” on Tuesday, and has decided to put some money behind it, Reed said.”

Read the full article at the Des Moines Register. 

“Nearly 100 staff of Republican opposition research group America Rising are digging up dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The group has 20 full-time and more than 50 part-time trackers across the country, mostly in early primary states and big money hubs such as Boston, New York and San Francisco, to document Clinton’s every move.

At the Arlington, Va., headquarters, more than 20 researchers are mining the paper trail she has left behind her during decades in public life, trying to find facts and factoids which can be turned into deadly ammo against the Democratic frontrunner. A dedicated war room synthesizes all of the dirt and directs the attacks.”

Click here to read the full story from the Washington Examiner.

Everybody hates tax day, but few have gone to the lengths that the Clintons have to deliberately avoid paying their taxes. In 2010, Hillary Clinton decried the wealthy not paying “their fair share,” and yet for decades, she and her husband Bill have used various schemes to do just that: [Read more…]

Tonight, Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile was held accountable for his record live on TV. Here are the top three moments from the debate.

1) Gentile offered a robust support of Hillary Clinton, but then said he supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.

2) Gentile was called out on his support for a House Democratic budget that raises taxes and debt by trillions of dollars.

3) Gentile’s City Council record and influence were criticized by local media over the years.

Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile boasted about bringing home money to his city council district during tonight’s debate. What he did not share was that $3.6 million of that funding was wasteful earmark spending. See all of Gentile’s wasteful spending of taxpayer money here.

A few examples:

1. In 2013, Gentile secured $1,500 for a poetry event involving the Artichoke Dance Company and Bella Voce Singers.

dance artichoke

2. In 2014, Gentile secured $6,000 for a Viking Fest.

viking3. And in 2014, Gentile secured $2,500 to commemorate an opera tenor who died in 1921.


During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing today that covered the future role of Congress in the nuclear agreement with Iran, two Democrats said that it was Congressional sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table. Senators Cardin and Markey both noted the sanctions were key to engaging Iran in nuclear talks.

But Hillary Clinton wrote a different history for herself in her campaign biography. Clinton claimed full
credit for building “a coalition for tough new sanctions against Iran that brought them to the negotiating table.” However, given that it was reported that Clinton would be “hard-pressed to come up with clear-cut success stories,” her revision shouldn’t be surprising.

Today, at her first campaign event in Iowa, Hillary Clinton said its wrong “when CEOs make 300 times more than the typical worker.” However, in 2012, the Clintons made over 321 times more than the median American household.