Clinton Spokesman: I Don’t Know What “Wiped” Means

Category: AR PAC

Asked directly by CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny about the Clinton Foundation’s work during her time as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton buzzed past the reporter and completely ignored his question.

hillary clinton flip flop WEB


2008: “As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people.” – Hillary Clinton

2015: “Hillary supports state policies to provide driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants” – Clinton campaign

Read more at Business Insider.

Same-Sex Marriage:

2014: “I fully endorse the efforts by activists who work state-by-state.” – Hillary Clinton

2015: “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right” – Clinton spokeswoman

Read more at Business Insider.


2010: President Obama’s “Trans-Pacific Partnership is “an innovative, ambitious, multilateral free trade agreement.” – Hillary Clinton

2015: Says she is “watching closely”

The hosts of Hillary Clinton’s events in Iowa and New Hampshire want her to face primary competition. Today in New Hampshire, the manager of the Mill where Clinton staged a roundtable “discussion” told New York Times reporter Amy Chozick: “Someone should jump in and give her a little competition.” [Read more…]

Well that didn’t take long. [Read more…]


This morning, the mayor of Allentown, a die-hard Obama supporter, Ed Pawlowski announced he’s entering the race for the U.S. Senate against Congressman Sestak. [Read more…]


Last week, failed former Gov. Ted Strickland fired up his political machine behind the scenes to orchestrate an endorsement of his Senate candidacy. [Read more…]

“This America Rising PAC video makes the case, based on news events, statements from Hillary Clinton and comments from political observers like Democratic strategist James Carville, that Hillary Clinton just may not be ‘trustworthy.’”
trustworthy hillary clinton

Click here to see the story by IJ Review.

Clinton On Trade (Website)When it comes to trade, Hillary Clinton is in a bind.

Congress is set to vote on the giving President Obama fast track authority on trade in a few weeks. Clinton’s political calculation is made more difficult with Republicans and some Democrats siding with President Obama on this issue, while liberal Democrats, whom Clinton is actively trying to convince to support her, oppose the deal: [Read more…]

Missouri Attorney General, and gubernatorial candidate, Chris Koster is bragging about his campaign’s policy for not taking money from individuals, lawyers, or lobbyists that have business before his office. [Read more…]

Let the #Hillary2016 “walk backs” begin!

Last night, BuzzFeed reported that the story Hillary Clinton has been telling about all of her grandparents immigrating to the United States “conflicts with public census and other records related to her maternal and paternal grandparents.” [Read more…]