VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Refuses Twice To Say She Is Sorry For Hiding Email Records

Category: AR PAC

Today, The New York Times revealed Hillary Clinton’s connection to a Russian agency that has taken over a company with “uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West.”

However, Clinton is not the only Democrat whose finances are tied to uranium production. Brad Schneider, who is running for a third time in Illinois’ 10th congressional district, was dogged by his family’s investments in an uranium company that did business with Iran during the 2014 election.

The Clintons have a long history of problems paying their taxes. This morning, Reuters is reporting they also have problems with their Foundation’s taxes.

In the Clintons’ case, their problems involve under-reporting or over-reporting their Foundation’s income by millions of dollars: [Read more…]

clinton hillary russia uranium FACEBOOK

Charitable donations and speaking fees in exchange for project approval by the State Department.

That’s what the New York Times is reporting about unreported donations to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton collecting speaking fees in Russia, and a Russian company obtaining “one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.” [Read more…]


ARLINGTON, VA. — In a nondescript high-rise in the suburbs of Washington, a group of 20-somethings is waging war on Hillary Clinton.

They’re tracking her every move, analyzing her utterances during decades in public life and updating a library of 1,000 videos dating to the early 1980s.

Even the tiniest bit of information might be used, at a moment’s notice, via Twitter, video or news release, to attack the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“We’re the eyes and ears,” said Francis Brennan, 25, war room director at the conservative political action committee America Rising. “We try to just pump out as many facts as we can. Everything we do is fact-based. It’s not scrutinized or opinion-based. It’s all facts. We have to prove what we are saying. We can’t just say things.”

America Rising isn’t alone in its work on Clinton. She faces a trio of major independent organizations, each armed with different tools but all with the same mission: Defeat her.

Read more at McClatchy. 

Asked during a press gaggle this afternoon if she would endorse Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan said:

“I’m not making any decisions about 2016 until after the budget is done.”

[Read more…]

Today, while presenting an award named after herself, Clinton touted her own work while Secretary of State standing up for women in Saudi Arabia.

As the New York Times has reported, Saudi Arabia is “a particularly generous benefactor to the Clinton Foundation,” having donated between $11.1 million and $30.25 million.

The department’s 2011 human rights report on Saudi Arabia, the last such yearly review prepared during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure, tersely faulted the kingdom for “a lack of equal rights for women and children,” and said violence against women, human trafficking and gender discrimination, among other abuses, were all ‘common’ there. Saudi Arabia has been a particularly generous benefactor to the Clinton Foundation, giving at least $10 million since 2001, according to foundation disclosures. At least $1 million more was donated by Friends of Saudi Arabia, co-founded by a Saudi prince.

When it comes to Clinton Foundation donations, the massive amounts of money must help Clinton overlook the human rights abuses.

Remember all the way back to Monday, when Hillary Clinton had this to say about hedge fund managers?  [Read more…]

Today, Lucy Flores announced her bid for Nevada’s 4th congressional district. Flores is hoping to have just a little bit more luck in 2016 than she did in 2014, when she was shellacked by a whopping 26 points in her bid for Lieutenant Governor.

It is yet to be seen whether Flores will again be heavily supported by Nevada’s very own Senator Harry Reid, who threw his massive campaign apparatus behind her failed bid just six months ago.

The Nebraska Watchdog reported that Rep. Brad Ashford (D-NE) is trying to lobby the Department of Housing and Urban Development to give the Omaha Housing
Authority (OHA) more time to repay $1.1 million that it misspent years ago, when he was an OHA board member.

According to Nebraska Watchdog:

“A HUD audit found fraud, improper fund transfers and governance problems – including conflicts of interest and financial mismanagement – while reviewing its programs from 2001 through 2012.”

A former director with the housing authority even said Ashford has a conflict of interest because some of the problems identified in the audit started
under his watch.

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Jonathan Tamari reports that Congressman Joe Sestak’s campaign raised a paltry $312,000 in the first quarter of 2015. [Read more…]