Clintons Personally Paid State Department Aide To Maintain Server

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday morning, former Speaker Newt Gingrich made the case for why Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Russian/Uranium One deal deserves greater scrutiny: [Read more…]

In case you missed it over the weekend, Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has refused to endorse Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile, the nominee for the Staten Island-based 11th congressional district.

Despite endorsing a failed fellow Brooklyn Democrat candidate in 2014, when asked if he would get involved in the race, Cuomo said:

“Ummmm… You know I normally leave local races to the localities.”

Why won’t Cuomo endorse Gentile, who is running in a crucial special election for Democrats? Could it be because…

Gentile had an absolutely atrocious fundraising haul the last few months?

National Democrats have abandoned him?

A Democratic poll showed a much stronger challenger than Gentile getting walloped in the election?

Gentile’s extremely close relationship with the wildly unpopular New York City mayor Bill De Blasio?

Or perhaps Cuomo simply perused some headlines and articles written about Gentile over the years…

NY 1 Headline, 2015: “Gentile Faces Past As Staten Island Office Controversy Surfaces”

New York Sun Editorial, 2003: “Gentile Runs Against Taxes, Votes For Them”

NY Observer, 2014: “An unassuming presence in the council, Mr. Gentile finally rose to power this year…”

City & State, 2013: “Brooklyn’s Vincent Gentile… has similarly maintained a low profile and has not demonstrated obvious leadership potential…”

City & State, 2013: “So even if Gentile and González win their re-election bids, their roles as the most senior incumbents on the Council will be largely inconsequential, providing enough leverage perhaps to claim the Council offices with a view of the Brooklyn Bridge, but little else.”

I guess we’ll never know…

Joseph Nye, the author of Hillary Clinton’s 2011 TIME 100 profile and a former Defense Department official in the Clinton Administration, recently told an Iranian journalist that “US policies toward Iran won’t change” if Hillary Clinton is elected President.

Hillary Clinton already wrongly took credit for the sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table, but when considering the headlines Obama’s policies towards Iran have produced, such as “Iran Is Already Winning,” “[Iran Foreign Minister] Zarif Stresses Benefits To Iran Of Framework Nuclear Deal,” and “The Big Sell: Iran Touts Nuke Deal Terms, As US Tries To Claim Win,” this is a claim that should be concerning.

A quiet, “low-key” visit to New Hampshire turned into a political quagmire for Hillary Clinton last week. While Clinton wanted to focus on her tightly-scripted and controlled events with “everyday Americans” (translation: highly-vetted Democratic activists), [Read more…]

Eighteen months before Election Day, Democrats are publicly and privately attacking one another’s credibility and viability in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Maryland, Nevada, and Illinois. [Read more…]

The news keeps getting worse for Vincent Gentile as the Brooklyn Democrat vies for a chance to represent a Staten Island-based New York City congressional seat. Fundraising numbers just came out and show Gentile raised a paltry $195,000… more than $400,000 less than his opponent.

What’s more, from individuals disclosed on FEC reports, Donovan received the support of over 450 individuals while Gentile was only able to muster support from just over 160 people.

Vinnie doesn’t seem too upset about this horrific fundraising haul, though. According to Gentile’s spokesman:

“We are running the campaign we want to run.”

There seems to be a disconnect, however, as NY1 reported last night that Gentile had hoped to raise $500,000 in the race:

“Now earlier this month, both the Donovan campaign and the Gentile campaign told us they hoped to raise about a half a million dollars for the race. Now clearly Donovan reached that goal; Gentile did not.”

Hillary Clinton’s miserable Thursday has spilled into the Friday editorial pages with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and New York Post all taking whacks at Clinton’s pay-to-play scheme with a Russian company, which obtained U.S. uranium production capacity:  [Read more…]

Bloomberg reported today that Laureate Education Inc. is planning an IPO. Bill Clinton’s, “honorary chancellor” of Laureate, response: CHA-CHING! [Read more…]

Fox News is reporting that the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars from Russian interests while those same interests worked Hillary Clinton’s State Department for approval on a uranium production deal. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton collected millions in speaking fees in Russian during this same period. [Read more…]

It’s been a rough morning for Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign. With this morning’s news about her family Foundation’s involvement in a Russian uranium deal, these headlines are radioactive: [Read more…]