UPDATE: CIA Confirms Clinton’s Private Server Contained “Top Secret” Material

Category: AR PAC

When asked this morning by NBC News’ Cynthia McFadden if he would continue giving paid speeches of $500,000 each, President Bill Clinton showed he learned nothing from his wife’s “dead broke” comment, saying, “I gotta pay our bills.”

1) That time Hillary Clinton forgot about the agreement between herself and the Obama Administration that the Clinton Foundation would publicly identify all donors while she was Secretary of State.

Obama Hillary Gif

2) She overlooked that Canadian law doesn’t actually forbid disclosure of donors.

That disclosure claim has run into, well, the facts, as nearly every Canadian expert asked for comment shot down that defense as false. Read More.

jk lol

3) When Clinton couldn’t seem to find where that $6 billion of taxpayer money went during her tenure at Foggy Bottom.

4) That time Clinton said she had 1 phone for “convenience,” explaining why she didn’t use State Department email – but totally forgot she actually had 2 phones.


5) She can’t seem to keep her stances on the issues straight, flip-flopping on at least three major issues during her first week as an official candidate.

6) When she claimed she wants “unaccountable money” out of politics, but at that exact moment her campaign chairman was wooing big donors at a swanky conference in San Francisco.


7) That time the Clintons forgot to report $24 million in income on their taxes.

8) Clinton said the Iran sanctions were her idea, but they actually weren’t. OOPS!


9) Clinton tweeted that the detention of five women’s rights activists in China “must end,” but less than a month after becoming Secretary of State in 2009, she had told reporters in South Korea that while human rights in China were important they “can’t interfere” with dialogue on economic issues.


10) In her campaign website biography, Clinton called herself a “forceful champion” of women’s rights, not mentioning that the Clinton Foundation has accepted large donations from countries that routinely violate women’s rights.


11) Clinton compared Vladimir Putin to Hitler, but later called her Russia Reset a “brilliant stroke.”

Earlier this evening, Hillary Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the DC home of former ambassador and longtime Clinton supporter Elizabeth Frawley Bagley. Bagley has donated between $1 Million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, and was a “Hillraiser” for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

The event was the third of the day for Clinton in DC, with all events sporting a ticket price of $2,700. These came on the heels of a string of New York City fundraisers Clinton attended hosted by hedge fund and investment fund managers.


Last month, Reuters revealed that the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—an arm of the Clinton Foundation—did not disclose its donors from 2010-13, breaking an agreement between Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration.

Today, the Boston Globe reports today that during that time, donations from foreign governments increased dramatically. [Read more…]

Bloomberg reported this morning that “[t]here are in fact 1,100 undisclosed donors to the Clinton Foundation … most of them non-U.S. residents who donated to [the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership] CGEP.” [Read more…]


The Hillary Clinton campaign likes to spin away her troubles saying that the New York Times and Washington Post stories don’t resonate anywhere else. We checked and they’re wrong. [Read more…]

Vinnie Gentile seriously can’t catch a break. In addition to everything else that has plagued his campaign from day one, he failed to get an endorsement from a Brooklyn Democrat club. That’s right folks, a Brooklyn Democrat club has refused to endorse a Brooklyn Democrat. The group endorsed the Green Party candidate instead.

Take a look at their scathing words for Gentile:

“Southern Brooklyn Democrats is proud to endorse James Lane in the CD 11 race. Mr. Lane isn’t a career politician; he’s a member of our community who deeply cares about the interests of the people and representing us. It’s long overdue that this district was represented by someone who is ‘by the people, for the people,’ and not some sleazy criminal or party hack. On Tuesday, May 5th, vote James Lane!”

The Gentile campaign has declined to comment on this absolutely embarrassing development.

In a competitive Democrat primary for Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, former SNL cast member Gary Kroeger has declared his support for a carbon tax:

“I support a carbon tax as a simpler and more transparent way to control dangerous carbon dioxide. Because certain carbon intensive industries create this negative outcome, a tax will encourage cleaner alternatives and the revenue raised could be used to subsidize those alternatives as well as to repair damage caused by pollutants.”

Where do his fellow progressive challengers Monica Vernon and Ravi Patel stand on the expensive carbon tax?question


Editorial boards across the country continue to slam Hillary Clinton and her Foundation for ethical lapses and poor judgment. Newspapers in Florida, California, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island all chimed in today, joining yesterday’s from New Hampshire and Massachusetts. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton just wrote an op-ed in the Des Moines Register – but there’s a LOT she forgot to mention. We made some necessary annotations. Check them out HERE.

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