Hillary Clinton Drops 10 Points In One Month According To A New Poll

Category: AR PAC

The Nebraska Watchdog reports more problems for Rep. Brad Ashford (D-NE) during his time at OHA. Ashford served on OHA’s board of directors from 1996 to
2001 and was CEO from 2002 to 2006. A 2006 audit, that covered 2003 to late 2005 found that:

“OHA didn’t follow HUD’s requirements or its own requirements in buying $1.9 million worth of goods and services. Among the ineligible items paid for: Internet services, Halloween items, a football banquet and cheerleading uniforms. Auditors said OHA failed to save at least $970,000 on the purchase of $1.9 million in goods and services – which could have been used to help tenants and rental programs.”

Earlier problems during Ashford’s tenure at OHA have also come to light. A 1999 audit uncovered that OHA

“‘Did not maintain an effective control environment,’ lacked adequate cash controls, didn’t follow procurement regulations, didn’t properly administer its Section 8 program and used over a million dollars in federal funds to pay for ineligible expenses.”

Clearly, Ashford’s leadership at OHA is filled with reckless spending and questionable ethics.

Adding to the already long, proud history of flip flops from her three week-old campaign, Hillary Clinton announced yesterday that she would begin soliciting donations directly for Priorities USA Action—a liberal super PAC backing her candidacy. [Read more…]

Iowa Democrat Ravi Patel supports raising the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. Patel said, “In the wealthiest nation on earth, it is disgraceful that a full-time worker making minimum wage lives below the poverty line.”

But yesterday, the Huffington Post reported that Patel’s company Hawkeye Hotels pays employees well below the $10.10 figure. The company advertises positions for $8.50 an hour at the Iowa Residence Inn and as low as $8 an hour at a West Virginia hotel.

Patel wants the federal government to mandate practices that his own company isn’t already complying with. But laughably, Patel’s spokesman told the Huffington Post that there is no discrepancy between Patel’s position and his company’s salaries.

This morning, Politico reported that liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is creating what he’s calling his “Progressive Agenda to Combat Income Inequality.”  [Read more…]

During an event in Las Vegas today, Hillary Clinton tried to portray herself as an advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. [Read more…]

Today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Steve Rattner, a former Wall Street banker who is hosting a Clinton fundraiser, had a grim view of Hillary Clinton’s new poll numbers:

RATTNER: “Well a couple things. I think first, a poll rating she had when left state is an unsustainable number. You leave being Secretary of State, you’re a hero, everything is great. Obviously you’re gonna come down. I agree with you about the numbers. They are not good, they are terrible, whatever. I don’t think she has been as transparent as she should have been over the last few weeks as all this stuff has happened.”

According to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, just one in every four voters believe that Hillary Clinton is “honest and straightforward”:

In just seven weeks, a period in which Mrs. Clinton formally began her presidential campaign, the share of people with a negative view of her jumped to 42% from 36% in last month’s survey, and only a quarter of registered voters said they viewed her as honest and straightforward, down from 38% last summer.

When Bill Clinton was asked if he would continue giving paid speeches of $500,000 each, Clinton showed he learned nothing from his wife’s “dead broke” comment, saying, “I gotta pay our bills.”

Here are the bills he’s talking about.

The Clintons’ Bills:

$25,000 a box for the world’s most expensive cigar (that Bill Clinton loves)

$70,000,000+ in private jets  (NOTE: Even Prince William flies commercial)

14 $550 watches

His $4,000 watch

The mortgages for houses [mansions] the Clintons “struggled..to piece together the resources for…” See:


Fortunately, the Clintons don’t need to worry about paying for crudité, teleprompters, new University seals, presidential suites, most private jets, and lots more. Those are expensed to the host in addition to the Clintons’ 6-figure speaking fees!

bill clinton thumbs up

You can’t make this up…

Over the weekend, Brooklyn Democrat Vincent Gentile compared his odds to win the New York 11th district special election to boxer Manny Pacquiao. Gentile made this comparison just hours before Pacquiao ended up losing the fight to Floyd Mayweather.

Gentile told the Observer:

“And tonight it’s Pacquiao/Mayweather, Tuesday it’s Gentile versus Donovan. Just as the prizefighters aren’t in the ring alone tonight, each prizefighter has their team, I’m not in the ring alone Tuesday either, I have my team behind me, this team.”


The rules Hillary Clinton broke are the ones she herself wrote in order to prevent conflicts of interest at the State Department. After our earlier video, “Trustworthy?” this latest video from America Rising digs into Clinton’s ethical issues further. [Read more…]