FREE BEACON: America Rising Demands State Dept Transparency Czar Resign for Donating to Hillary Clinton

Category: AR PAC

The National Journal’s Ron Fournier appeared on Special Report this evening, reiterating claims about Hillary Clinton’s believability that he had made in a column published earlier in the day.

Below is a transcript of the exchange:

BAIER: Well, I mean I was struck, Ron, by this line. Why don’t you demand it, will you demand it? She says, they are not mine. They belong to the State Department. Wait a second. They were hers. 55,000 pages were turned over to the State Department. The ones that we don’t know about were erased.

FOURNIER: Now, I literally spit my coffee on my laptop when she said that. It’s just — it’s inconceivable. It’s laughable. She treated them like they were her own e-mails. She kept them in her basement in a server that violated a White House policy and then only handed over the ones to her State Department that she wanted us to see. She cherry picked them. She’s got copies. She could have brought them to the news conference. So that was totally unbelievable. It was totally unbelievable when she says there’s no conflict of interest between her doing speeches for folks doing business with government. Well, of course that’s a conflict of interest. She also said that she wants the e-mails out. Well, I can’t believe that because, again, if she wanted the e-mails out, she would have given them to us at the news conference. It’s this whole trust and credibility issue that is really — it’s becoming a handle on her campaign.

In a brutal editorial, the Ohio Valley’s Intelligencer lays into Ted Strickland for his utter failure as a governor, saying, “Strickland and his party have been dismal failures on just about everything that is important to East Ohioans.” [Read more…]

Today, Democrat Minority Whip Steny Hoyer laughably argued that members of Congress deserve a pay increase. He claimed that the current salary “dictates the only people who can serve are the rich.” And the top Democrat on the Rules Committee, Alcee Hastings, said many members of his party support a raise but are “afraid to express themselves for fear of some backlash in their communities.”

Members of Congress already receive $174,000 each year, which is 235 percent more than the average family earned in 2013 ($51,939). Hoyer’s declared support for a pay raise shows how badly House Democrats are out of touch with the middle class in this country.

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In Iowa today, Hillary Clinton said that action must be taken to unburden small, community banks from the regulatory and paperwork requirements imposed by Dodd-Frank. In effect, she made the exact argument Gov. Mitt Romney did in 2011. Check out this video from America Rising:

On the other side of the ledger is progressive favorite Sen. Elizabeth Warren who, in February 2015, maintained “that the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law has helped community banks do better than big banks.”

Hillary Clinton is so eager to avoid speaking to the press that she and her team sped away from an event in Mason City, Iowa yesterday at 95 miles per hour, according to the Daily Mail.

While the event Clinton was fleeing was public, the one she was heading to was not. [Read more…]

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7 Things Hillary Clinton Says At Every Campaign Stop

1) “We need to fix our dysfunctional political system, and we need get unaccountable money out of it once and for all.

Hillary Clinton intends to raise a combined $2.5 BILLION between now and election day 2016, her senior campaign staff regularly raise money with big donors, and her campaign is coordinating directly with an unaccountable money group.

2) It’s wrong “when CEOs make 300 times more than the typical worker.”

In 2012, the Clintons made over 321 times more than the median American household. At the Clintons’ combined income level of $30 million, they would rank as the 27th highest-paid CEO in 2014.

3) “The deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.”

But she and Bill Clinton are part of “those at the top,” they’re among the highest earners in the top 1%, and have a combined net worth of $55 million. They also charge foreign governments and students hundreds of thousands of dollars for just one speech. But Clinton thinks they’re “dead broke.”

She even decided to run for president at a millionaire’s beachfront compound!

4) “Everyday Americans”

Clinton says her campaign stops are with “everyday Americans,” but those she labels as such are usually highly-vetted Democratic activists. Plus, just a couple weeks ago, for each “everyday America” Clinton met with, she rubbed elbows with 250 members of the 1%.”

5) “it’s just wrong that a hedge fund manager pays a lower tax rate than a nurse or a trucker or an assembly worker here at Whitney Brothers.”

Numerous Hillary Clinton fundraisers have been hosted by hedge fund managers.

6) Bipartisanship: “I’m very committed to meeting with anybody, going to have any conversation, to try to find common ground.”

Hillary Clinton labeled criticism of her husband as “vast rightwing conspiracy” and described Republicans as those who would “squander the promise of our country and the hopes of our people.”

7) Clinton says her work as Secretary of State included “promoting women’s rights, promoting the rights of people who would otherwise be marginalized or left on the sidelines”

But the Clintons have promoted companies that are bad on human rights. Plus, governments with terrible human rights records have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation while Clinton was Secretary of State.


2 Things Hillary Clinton Won’t Say

1) Anything to the media

Hillary Clinton has only answered 9 media questions since her campaign launched over a month ago. Reporters are feeling burned and becoming frustrated.

2) Anything on the Keystone XL Pipeline

Months after Clinton said that she’s been traveling across Canada and “avoiding answering questions about the Keystone Pipeline,” she still won’t take a stance on the divisive issue, for political purposes.


In a tweet she sent out this morning, Hillary Clinton said she wants to be “the president for small business.” This week, she’s holding small business-focused events in Iowa and New Hampshire. [Read more…]

With several news stories breaking late in the afternoon yesterday, and the continued media blackout by the Clinton campaign the morning news was dominated once again by Hillary Clinton.

MSNBC Morning Joe highlighted the New York Times report that long time Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal wrote a series of memos to then-Secretary Clinton regarding the situation in Libya, which it turns out he was trying to profit from.

This lead to Joe Scarborough saying, “There is always a dollar sign attached somewhere a co-mingling of friendships, state department business and moneymaking, right?”

On top of that, it is now being reported that Sectary Clinton’s 55,000 emails from her private email server won’t be released until January 2016, two weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

Compounding these scandals is the on going media black out by the Clinton campaign. It has been 4 weeks since the former Sectary answered a reporter’s question.

Their frustration at this fact is starting to become very apparent. Mike Barnicle stated this morning that Hillary Clinton isn’t answering questions because “there are no good answers.”

California Democrat Ami Bera continues to struggle to explain his weak position on trade.

First, he plagiarized his op-ed in support of fast track authority. Then, he was criticized by his own base for his vague position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Just yesterday Bera said, “I’m not interested in committing political suicide” over the trade issue. Bera has been all over the map with his position on trade and his latest statement shows he lacks courage to take a bold position and is only interested in taking the most politically feasible position.