History Repeating: Another CO Senator Underestimates Threats Abroad

Category: AR PAC

At her small business roundtable event from earlier today, Clinton said it was “unfortunate” and concerning that Chinese companies are buying American companies. However, Clinton did not adopt this tough-on-Chinese companies approach when it came to accepting donations to her family Foundation. Just a couple of months ago, CBS reported that a privately-held Chinese conglomerate with “a direct tie to the Chinese government” pledged $2 million to the Foundation in 2013. And these concerns didn’t stop Bill Clinton from receiving large speaking fees from Chinese tied firms either.

Clinton also expressed concern at the fact that, more broadly, foreign companies are acquiring American companies. Once again, her past actions don’t match up with her tough rhetoric. A bombshell report by The New York Times revealed that a high-level interdepartmental committee on which Clinton sat approved the sale of a company that owned the rights to twenty percent of all domestic uranium production capacity in the United States to a state-owned Russian energy corporation. This came after $2.35 million in donations flowed to a Clinton-tied charity, a fact that was until recently undisclosed.

The AP reports that Hillary Clinton received now-classified information about the Benghazi attacks on her private email server:

“Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received information on her private email server about the deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi that was classified Friday at the FBI’s request.

The email in question, forwarded to Clinton by her deputy chief of staff, relates to reports of arrests in Libya of possible suspects in the attack.

The information was not classified at the time the email was sent and was upgraded from unclassified to “secret” on Friday, according to State Department officials.”

In retrospect, this raises new questions about Clinton’s claim that she received no classified material on her private email server:

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Remember that now infamous comment Hillary Clinton made about being ‘dead broke’?

The Washington Post now reports that the Clintons made $700,000 the following day, which is roughly 13X the median American family income.

Reports that the Clinton Foundation did not disclose and addition $26 million dollars of revenue are adding fuel to the fire that the Foundation hasn’t operated in the most ethical manner. The New York Times’ Nick Confessore said:

NICK CONFESSORE: Well, the problem here Jose is that they keep being sloppy about this. They sign this agreement and it seems like every week there is a new example of them saying whoops, we actually made a mistake, here’s some more income, here’s some more grants, here’s some more fundraising. So if it’s within the letter of the agreement or not, they keep changing the rules a bit and saying here’s more money, here’s more money. At best it looks very sloppy. It looks like they weren’t taking very seriously the obligations they imposed on themselves back in 2008.

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski had harsh words for the Clintons’ and their fondness of money:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I’m not sure either. But when you just look at the Clintons and some of the gaffes involving money, they talk about it as if, you know, dead broke or I got to pay the bills. Those things I would say you could go into e-mail-gate and all these other things, those things rub people the wrong way.

Another persistent problem for Hillary Clinton’s campaign is the bubble in which it operates. On Inside Politics the Associated Press’ Julie Pace pointed out:

JULIA PACE: I was with Hillary in Iowa this week. The campaign is saying they’re doing small events putting her in settings where she can have a conversation. But I think it’s important for the public to understand what these conversations are. These are with pre-selected, pre-screened supporters mainly. I was at a conversation she was having with small business owners, everyone around the table very supportive of her agenda.

Did you see today’s article in the Youngstown Vindicator? The gist of it is that Retread Ted Strickland has hired as a spokesman a former journalist who spent years publicly bashing Strickland.

Here are just a few of the quotes from Strickland’s new spox:

  • Strickland “promised to create gobs of jobs, but the ship of state has not turned. Instead, it is sinking.” 
  • Strickland is “a bizarro-world Robin Hood” who “is stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.” 
  •  Strickland’s promises to turnaround Ohio have “gone unfulfilled.” 
  • Strickland’s responses to suggestions and criticisms showed “thin skin and paranoia.”

An astute analysis of Strickland’s new hire came from the camp of his primary opponent, where P.G. Sittenfeld’s spokesman said “Handing your opponent a club to beat you with is a pretty unusual campaign strategy.”

We agree – it is a pretty unusual campaign strategy. But we’ll be happy to accept that club.

The Pew Research Center came out with new polling this week that show Hillary Clinton’s favorability has plummeted.

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Since last August, Clinton’s favorability has fallen nine points, making this her lowest favorability since her failed 2008 presidential campaign.


An article published by McClatchy highlights how Hillary Clinton’s campaign is more scripted and exists within in a bubble. Anita Kumar points out how orchestrated Clinton’s Mason City, Iowa event was early this week:

She took a private 15-minute tour of a bike shop that had closed for her visit. She spoke to four small business owners chosen by her staff in front of an audience of 20, also chosen by her staff. She answered a few questions from the media following weeks of silence.

Today the Clinton campaign attempted to be spontaneous by turning over its twitter account to a New Hampshire small business owner. It turns out that is even staged according to the Wall Street Journal “tweets are being cleared by campaign staff first.”

It’s not only the media that is growing restless with Clinton 2.0, but now everyday Americans are beginning to notice the Clinton bubble:

“I am troubled that so far in this caucus cycle she hasn’t had any public town halls,” said Chris Schwartz, a liberal activist from Waterloo”

Clinton’s 2016 campaign strategy seems to be one that “does not include town-hall meetings and campaign rallies, media interviews, even public events.”

This is not the first time that it has been pointed out that Hillary Clinton’s campaign events have a staged feeling. During the former Secretaries first trip to New Hampshire WHDH Andy Hiller said, “The way Hillary Clinton is campaigning isn’t real.”

Morning Joe was very critical of Hillary Clinton’s rollout, pointing out a Clinton roundtable participant who was “an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur.”

Joe Scarborough called her first Iowa trip “staged.” While Mike Barnicle pointed out that Hillary Clinton “has been living in a protective cocoon for 30 years.”

This morning, the New York Times released Hillary Clinton’s emails pertaining to the events surrounding the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. To help break down the most important information, America Rising compiled the “by the numbers” rundown [Read more…]

Based on the Benghazi e-mails released last month by the New York Times, a top foreign policy adviser called Hillary Clinton “the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya” and said Clinton had the “leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy”. Despite being heavily engaged in the process to end Gaddafi’s rule in Libya, Clinton ultimately failed to execute a strategy for a post-Gaddafi Libya. One democratic Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, said Clinton and Obama had “no after plan, there was no plan on what happens next” in Libya.

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Libya is now characterized as “a case study in the hazards of embarking on military action in political transitions without first devising a solid political strategy to deal with the aftermath” and a state where “Western governments who were eager to get Gaddafi out failed to help Libya stabilize after his death.”

Today, not only does Libya have two governments, but Islamic State and “other Islamist militant groups” also have a presence and are taking advantage of “the turmoil in Libya”.

As we are starting to learn more about what Hillary Clinton sent and received from her private server, Ed Henry highlighted some of the more explosive details on Happening Now.

According to emails released by the New York Times long time Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal sent then-Secretary Clinton a memo regarding the Benghazi terrorist claiming ‘demonstrators’ who were upset over a “sacrilegious internet video on the prophet Mohammed” conducted the attacks.

Clinton forwarded this memo to Jake Sullivan asking for more information about Mr. Blumenthal’s claim.

You might remember that Sidney Blumenthal has recently been in the news for trying to profit from his ties to the Clinton State Department, and the devolving situation in Libya.

Ed Henry also pointed out that Hillary Clinton sent and received sensitive information from her private emails server.