DSCC Taking On Water For Primary Map Disaster

Category: AR PAC

The Daily Beast’s Jackie Kucinich appeared on MSNBC to discuss the link between the Clinton Foundation, Qatar, and FIFA. FIFA, which has been in the news for corruption charges, has given between $50,000 to $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. [Read more…]

Maggie Hassan’s budget is chasing business out of New Hampshire. Under pressure to work with Republicans to cut the state’s high business taxes, Hassan refuses again and again to take on the task. [Read more…]

On America’s Newsroom, Ed Henry outlined several recent struggles facing the Clinton campaign. [Read more…]

A Democrat running for governor in West Virginia, Jim Justice, owns two companies that owe $2 million from a 2013 coal deal, according to the Associated Press. [Read more…]

stutter babble

Illinois Democrat Cheri Bustos is having trouble finding a coherent position on fast-track authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She blasted previous trade deals for hurting Illinois, but then refused to take a clear stance on the current deal [Read more…]

How the Clintons obtained their wealth continues to dog them in the press, with questions about foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation still making headlines. [Read more…]

This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.

On Tuesday, Ann Kirkpatrick announced she would risk her seat in the House to run for Senate in Arizona. On Wednesday, the Democrat most expected to run, Kyrsten Sinema, could barely hide her disbelief. [Read more…]

A new Quinnipiac poll released this morning shows Americans do not find Hillary Clinton to be honest and trustworthy, or particularly likeable, either.

“American voters say 53 – 39 percent that Clinton is not honest and trustworthy…”

[Read more…]

Since leaving the State Department, Hillary Clinton’s favorability numbers have taken a sharp nose dive, indicating that her standing with the American public is much different than her campaign would like you to believe. [Read more…]

“A conservative political action committee that has Hillary Clinton in its crosshairs wants Floridians interested in her visit this week to see and hear not-so-nice things about the 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner.

America Rising PAC is targeting Google, Facebook and YouTube users who search for “Hillary Clinton” or whom they have identified as Democrats with a web video attacking Clinton as “unethical.” The campaign is aimed only at users in Miami, Parkland and Orlando — the three cities where Clinton will attend campaign fund-raisers Thursday and Friday.”

Click here to read the full story from the Miami Herald.