Catherine Cortez Masto Really Doesn’t Want To Endorse Hillary Clinton

Category: AR PAC

At the Warren County Democrats dinner on Sunday, it was made clear that Democrats in attendance like the thought of Retread-Ted more than 30 year-old P.G. Sittenfeld. The Columbus Dispatch even went with the headline “Warren County Democrats cheer Strickland more than Sittenfeld.”

Democrats in attendance, such as labor union president Tinita Cole, said that Sittenfeld should drop out:

“Making the task even more difficult, top Democrats have called for Sittenfeld to give up his candidacy and unite behind Strickland. Cole agreed. ‘When we fight within ourselves it weakens us,’ she said.”

Lebanon Resident Mary Lou Harmon even said that it was too soon for Sittenfeld to run for the Senate, apparently thinking that a failed governor is a better choice:

“Harmon said it didn’t bother her, but she thinks it is too soon for Sittenfeld to become a senator.”

Yes, apparently these Democrats believe Strickland’s record of doing “virtually nothing” to save jobs while he was governor is a better path forward. Don’t forget, the Ohio unemployment rate went from 5.5 percent to 9.2 percent when Strickland was governor, and at the end of retread-Ted’s one failed term, Ohio ranked 48th in job creation. The state lost more than 370,000 jobs during his tenure.

Of course, this is the same group of Ohio Democrats who enthusiastically endorsed human disaster Ed FitzGerald a year before their party’s primary, only to see his campaign collapse on itself like a dying star. So you know their judgment is sound.

Rep. Ami Bera’s (CA-07) trade headache continues after being attacked last week by the AFL-CIO with a television ad criticizing his stance on fast-track authority and the TPP. The union leaders apparently don’t care if Democrats lose the seat. Meanwhile, Bera is blaming “special interests” for “bullying” him on the issue.

Now, the Sacramento Central Labor Council is putting an ad on craigslist searching for a Congressman who “must have a backbone.” The labor group has specifically asked that “No sell-outs need apply.”

Things aren’t looking good for Ami Bera.

Yesterday, the TV program Nevada Newsmakers discussed the potentially bruising Democratic House primary in Nevada’s 4th Congressional district.

Highlights from the conversation include one panelist noting, “That’s going to be a very crazy race. … A bruising four-way primary could certainly help the incumbent anyway.” Later, the moderator adds, “You have a situation where a lot of money’s going to be spent and by the end of the primary, everybody’s going to be broke and Crescent Hardy will be sitting there with all the cash.”

This broadcast was followed by a Roll Call article that chronicles the myriad Democratic House primaries shaping up across the country that could threaten Democrats’ opportunities and the DCCC’s reaction to them – or lack thereof.

“In video captured by a tracker for the conservative opposition firm America Rising, Clinton, a Democratic candidate for president, is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail outside Smuttynose Brewery in Hampton, New Hampshire. One supporter of the former first lady, senator, and secretary of state asked Clinton for her signature.

‘Go to the end of the line,’ said Clinton. When the supporter persisted, asking for a photograph, Clinton repeated herself. ‘Why don’t you go to the end of the line?’”

Click here to read the full story from The Weekly Standard.

On CNN’s “Inside Politics,” John King pointed to a recent Quinnipiac poll that showed Hillary Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness numbers underwater. King attributed her falling poll numbers to a slew of bad stories, saying “you can’t go 20 minutes in this town, it seems, without some sort of a story about the Clinton Foundation that gives you a little bit of the creeps.”

While on ABC’s “This Week,” “With All Due Respect” host Mark Halperin said about the Clinton campaign, “I never dealt with a campaign in my career that was as unresponsive, they said we’ll get you those answers and then simply don’t. For a major campaign that’s well staffed, I have never encountered that. I think that suggest that they don’t want to answer the questions.”

California Democrat Ami Bera has now faced nearly a month of constant attacks and protests from labor unions for his tepid support of fast-track authority for trade agreements, which began when he plagiarized his op-ed with White House talking points. Today, the AFL-CIO escalated the attacks even further, launching a brutal television ad criticizing Bera.

Given the union’s recent threats to primary his friend Scott Peters, who hasn’t even announced his position on the legislation, Bera must be extremely worried about a possible primary challenge next year.

Want to know why Democrats are so concerned about Joe Sestak being their Senate nominee in Pennsylvania in 2016? [Read more…]

Over the past month, Clinton has curiously been touting an economy that, this morning, we learned from a new economic report shrank in the first quarter of
this year:

At a campaign stop in Iowa, Clinton claimed that the economy “is in much better shape today.”

Then, in New Hampshire, Clinton claimed President Obama got our economy “out of the hole.”

Finally, in South Carolina, Clinton praised President Obama for putting the economy “back on the right track.”

Hillary Clinton just wrote a column in The Gazette about energy – but she left out a LOT of big details. Click below to see the interactive annotations we made to her column via Genius.

Click here to read!

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charlie crist hillary clinton

Two-time statewide loser Charlie Crist, who hasn’t won a race since 2006 despite running nearly every chance he’s had, will attend a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton today at the home of well-known jerk John Morgan. [Read more…]