Memo: Clinton World In Full Panic Mode

Category: AR PAC

Granite Staters are waking up to the prospect of spiking health care premiums thanks to ObamaCare, according to the New Hampshire Union-Leader: [Read more…]

Florida Democrat Annette Taddeo, who is currently running for Congress in Florida’s 26th Congressional district, was endorsed today by failed gubernatorial and congressional candidate Alex Sink. Sink’s endorsement is on an Act Blue donation page where she touts how she has known Taddeo since her days as a banking executive in Miami.

In 2014, Taddeo ran for Lieutenant Governor and in 2008 ran for Congress, both unsuccessfully.


Not The Onion.

The New York Post reports that in order to accommodate Hillary Clinton’s second campaign launch (her campaign is acting like her first launch in April didn’t count?), a children’s event is being cancelled.

“According to the park’s website, a specially planned event for tots called Imagination Playground — which features unique blue building blocks — has been canceled to accommodate the Democratic frontrunner for president.”

That’s not all.

“Also at risk of major inconvenience: an annual celebration called Roosevelt Island Day, which features a blood drive, hot dog stands and free rides for kids.”

Here’s what residents are saying:

“It’s going to be horrendous, logistically” – Sherie Helstien, vice president of the island’s community association
“I think the campaign should have reached out to the community representatives of 14,000 people — absolutely,” – Matthew Katz, former president of the association, and husband of Helstien. He noted residents received no notice from the Clinton camp.
“We are not just a memorial and a park. We’re a thriving community of 14,000 people. It’s just tone-deaf to ignore that,” – Katz

Read the full article at the New York Post. 

In an interview with Bloomberg Markets today, when asked why he believed current Russian-American relations did not constitute a reset, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the “reset” was “not our invention,” but “the invention of Hillary Clinton” and the Obama administration.

While Hillary Clinton has said the reset was “a brilliant stroke” and was even more so “in retrospect,” today’s statements by Foreign Minister Lavrov indicate senior Russian officials know the so-called reset was nothing of the sort.

A quick look back at Hillary Clinton’s failed reset:

-Russia expanded a ban on certain American meat imports

-Russia annexed Crimea

-Russia invaded Ukraine

-Russia’s “chief arms exporter” announced “his company was shipping advanced defensive missile systems to Syria” in order to “shoot down airplanes or sink ships”

2016 Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton did not have a very good morning. The new CNN/ORC poll released today shows Clinton’s numbers on favorability, trustworthiness, and relatability all underwater. Above is a video compilation of morning shows talking about Clinton’s rapidly declining numbers.

Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune reported that health insurance premiums could rise more than 30 percent in 2016 for some individuals under certain health insurers and possibly even further in 2017.

“Insurers’ requests in Illinois appear to follow a trend of higher-than-expected increases across the country, as companies adjust to the population they’ve signed up under the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare.”

However, several Illinois Democrats have not shied away from their support of ObamaCare over the years:

Brad Schneider, IL-10 candidate:

“I support the overall direction of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and I believe we need to continually work to reform our national health care system to achieve two broad goals.”

“I’m working to move it forward. It’s a step in the right direction.”

Rep. Bill Foster (IL-11):

“I voted for ObamaCare after reading the bill from end to end.”

Foster “also said he doesn’t regret helping President Obama pass healthcare legislation.”

Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17):

ObamaCare “but makes real improvements in our health care system.”


With the news of these disastrous costs for Illinois residents, do these Democrats still stand by Obamacare with unwavering support?

The Washington Examiner reported that the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) has filed an amended FEC complaint demanding a review of how Hillary Clinton’s campaign was able to obtain a Super PAC’s donor email list:

A watchdog group is asking the Federal Election Commission to review whether Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign legally obtained a massive email list from a political action committee associated with the candidate.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust pressed the FEC Monday on how the Clinton campaign was able to “swap” unknown items for a collection of nearly 4 million supporters’ email addresses that had been compiled by the Ready for Hillary super PAC.

“Federal law explicitly prohibits a candidate from coordinating with and accepting donations, including an in-kind donation of a mailing list, from a super PAC,” wrote Matthew Whitaker, FACT’s executive director, in a letter Monday supplementing a complaint filed in April.

You can read the complaint here.

After weeks of dithering on her position on the trade legislation before Congress, Illinois Democrat Cheri Bustos finally revealed she opposes fast-track authority.

Just last week, Bustos hypocritically claimed she has “always been a strong advocate for growth and jobs.” But this important bill is supported by two of the biggest employers in Illinois’ 17th District, John Deere and Caterpillar. Caterpillar’s CEO criticized Bustos’ trade rhetoric as “an absolute abomination” in 2012.

Bustos must be more concerned about pleasing the labor unions than helping the primary job creators in her Illinois district.

Last month, the Wall Street Journal revealed that political appointees in the federal government, like Hillary Clinton’s close confidant Cheryl Mills, helped determine what documents were released to the public via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. [Read more…]

A new CNN/ORC poll should be sending warning signals at Clinton HQ as scandals surrounding emails, foreign money, immense wealth, and Foundation take a toll. The poll states, “a growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57%, up from 49% in March), less than half feel she cares about people like them (47%, down from 53% last July) and more now feel she does not inspire confidence (50%, up from 42% last March).”

These poll numbers follow a memo released by America Rising PAC last Thursday showing a sharp nosedive in Hillary Clinton’s favorability numbers since leaving the State Department.

CNN Jeff Zeleny Said About the Poll:

JEFF ZELENY: Good morning. You’re right. Hillary Clinton’s shine has tarnished a little bit just two months after she entered the presidential race. Let’s look at the numbers. More people have an unfavorable view of Clinton 50% than at any time since 2001. A growing number of people feel she doesn’t inspire confidence. That’s 50% compared to 42%. Now 42% of people say she’s honest and trustworthy. That’s down from 50% in March. And only 40% of people say she cares about people like them. That’s down from 53% in March. So it appears some of those early controversies are causing perception problems for her. Certainly bringing her back from those high approval ratings during herring eight years out of politics.