Democrats Splintering Into Factions As Clinton Continues To Sink

Category: AR PAC

On Face The State this morning, Democrat Governor Dannel Malloy faced tough questions regarding his eagerly-touted endorsement of former-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid.

As host Dennis House questioned Malloy on the numerous scandals plaguing Clinton’s campaign, the interview quickly went off the rails, as Malloy was unable to adequately defend the former Secretary’s record.

When Malloy was asked about Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State, he responded, “there are different standards that get applied and Hillary Clinton has lived a life where different standards have been applied to her routinely.”

Malloy was also unable to answer House’s questions about reporters investigating the Clintons’ shady dealings:

HOUSE: What about all those reports in the Washington Post and New York Times? These are not republican publications that are doing these investigations into the Clintons.

MALLOY: What about them?

HOUSE: In terms of her trustworthiness its not necessarily coming from Republicans its coming from them.

MALLOY: No no they are reporting what other folks are saying.

But really, what does Team Clinton expect from a Governor who has been called America’s worst Governor. Not to mention, a governor whose recent tax on businesses caused General Electric to inform its employees that the company is looking to move out of state. Hopefully the Clinton camp has better surrogates out there, but that too seems doubtful.

New York City Mayor and former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Bill de Blasio apparently has no qualms throwing shade at Hillary Clinton for not articulating clear policy positions, particularly on the issue of income inequality. [Read more…]

While de Blasio offered effusive praise for Clinton’s speech this week on attacking voter disenfranchisement — “I think it was an inspired proposal; I give her a lot of credit” — in the selfsame radio interview,Republicans have widely retorted that her comments were divisive and purely partisan.

A Clinton spokesman declined comment, but the America Rising PAC, which plugs itself as dedicated to “exposing the truth about Democrats” through tracking and research, had no such reservations.

“Based on his recent words and actions, Bill de Blasio seems as unimpressed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign as everyone else in America. It doesn’t seem like he’s in any hurry to lend his former boss a hand, which is highly ironic given their long and close history,” said PAC spokesman Jeff Bechdel.

“While Clinton struggles to connect with so-called ‘everyday Americans’ because of her ongoing scandals, vast wealth, and insulated campaign, de Blasio is standing idly by as Clinton watches her poll numbers continue to plummet,” Bechdel said.

Alluding to Clinton’s upcoming June 13 kickoff, he added, “No wonder her campaign has decided they need to officially hit the ‘reset’ button at Roosevelt Island – less than two months in, they haven’t even convinced their close allies that Hillary Clinton should be president.”

Read more at NY Daily News.

Joaquin Castro is in a pickle.

As the Texas Tribune notes, Castro, along with other House Democrats “face an agonizing choice: oppose the measure and deep-six Obama’s economic legacy, or support it and antagonize labor, one of the largest financial constituents in the party.” [Read more…]

As the President’s trade authority debate continues on Capitol Hill, Texas Democrats are starting to take sides. Notably absent from that debate is former Democratic Congressman Pete Gallego (TX-23), who is planning to run again after his loss in 2014. As The Texas Tribune reports:

“Many Republicans back the deal, but he will need around 25 Democratic votes to give him the authority, called ‘fast track,’ to negotiate. Texans either firmly or likely against giving the president that power include U.S. Reps. Lloyd Doggett of Austin, Gene Green of Houston and Filemon Vela of Brownsville. U.S. Reps. Henry Cuellar of Laredo and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Dallas back the president.”

It’s worth noting that last October, Gallego toured a San Antonio business that exports goods overseas with President Obama’s top Trade Representative, Michael Froman. Since then, Gallego has stayed out of the conversation, choosing to sit on the sidelines rather than champion the businesses he wants to represent.


This week’s version of Politico Caucus includes a barrage of stinging criticism of Hillary Clinton’s campaign from Democrats in both New Hampshire and Iowa. [Read more…]

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro is putting on the full court press to be considered a “short list” contender for Hillary Clinton’s VP pick.

But Castro is running into some choppy waters, as anonymous Clinton aides are telling the press “If I were Julian Castro I’d be worried,” about overplaying his hand. [Read more…]

out of love

The Democrats and their traditional union allies are at each other’s throats over President Obama’s trade agenda. Powerful unions have trained their huge arsenal against Democratic House members, most notably Rep. Ami Bera (CA-07), with advertisements and opposition rallies, and have also decided to freeze campaign contributions to Democratic candidates. Democratic leaders have been vocal in their disappointment and anger with their longtime friends.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA): “Labor is going a little overboard and I think there is some potential backlash for how far they are going.”

Richmond on Labor’s tactics: “I’m watching them do it, and it bothers me.”

Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI): “We’ve always known the history of trade debates and local politics can be pretty tough. This time is no different… I just hope that they are not losing the forest to the tree here.”

Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR): “To actively campaign against you when you’re with them 80 percent of the time – I don’t take kindly to bullying. That gets my dander up. And I hope it gets the dander up of most every single member of my party.”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on union attacks and non-support: “Those who are concerned about it I think do take a lot of solace in knowing that they can count on the support of President Barack Obama in a Democratic primary if they need it.”

Democratic Chief of Staff: “I could understand withholding money from people who are on the fence – sure, great… But for the people who are with them who also really need the help, I just don’t know that’s a smart strategy. I think that there’s plenty of people who they trust to be with them who could really use their help in deterring an opponent by showing some strength at this point in the cycle, and they’re not helping with that.”

Democratic House aide: “We’re getting close to the end of the second quarter now … and now the answer they give us is, ‘Even if you vote no on TPA and no on TPP, you still may not get checks because we may be trying to take out people who did vote for it… It’s not like they are going to reward good behavior. Now they’re saying, ‘We may have to take our money elsewhere.’”

Unions, on the other hand, are skeptical about Democratic promises to their base, fearing that their friends in power are lying to them about protecting labor rights, wages and jobs, and the environment. The unions, however, have gained some support in their evisceration of pro-TPA/TPP Democrats. Liberal firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has been actively working against his fellow lawmakers. This has prompted one Texas Democrat to say to quip about
the current state of the Democratic Party: “Cannibals don’t eat their own… Here, we are seeing people going after their own, just because we have a disagreement.”


Colorado Democrat Michael Bennet apparently doesn’t believe in leading by example. Bennet is sponsoring a bill that would re-work campaign finance laws. [Read more…]

Today, the Washington Times reported that the Clinton Foundation, “set up a fundraising arm in Sweden that collected $26 million in donations at the same time that country was lobbying Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department to forgo sanctions that threatened its thriving business with Iran.”


Fox News’ Ed Henry said about the report:

What’s especially interesting is the Clinton Foundation is not specifically which entities in Sweden contributed this $26 million. Remember the transparency that was supposed to be there at the beginning of the Obama administration when that memorandum of understanding was signed.

Look at this Washington Post/ABC News Poll in terms of the potential impact. Do you approve or disprove of the way Hillary Clinton is handling questions about that foundation? 50% disapproved, 33% approve.

 What’s particularly interesting about that is when we had a private briefing with top Clinton campaign officials last week, when they were pressed about these questions about the Clinton Foundation, they insisted this largely amounts to Republican attacks on the Clintons and they believe that it will not really matter much with voters in the Democratic primaries or in the general election if she wins the nomination. This data might suggest otherwise.