Maggie Hassan Shares Hillary Clinton’s Anti-Transparency Email Approach

Category: AR PAC

A year ago today, Hillary Clinton released her memoir Hard Choices. The day of the book’s release, Time declared: “Hillary Clinton avoids hard choices in Hard Choices.” [Read more…]

Ohio Democrat Ted Strickland, in a video reported on by the Daily Caller, told a crowd in Piketon, Ohio that his dream job was being a lobbyist for the Center for American Progress. [Read more…]

One year ago today Hillary Clinton said her family left the White House “dead broke” and that they “struggled … to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses.”

By “houses” she meant two multi-million dollar mansions. They were far from “dead broke.” Politifact rated it “mostly false.”


Fun facts:

The Clintons’ income between 2001 and 2012 was at least $136.5 million.

They are not just in the top 1% of wealth – but likely the top 0.1%!

Since then, the Clintons can’t help themselves when it comes to saying the most out of touch things. Bill and Hillary Clinton each collect hundreds of thousands of dollars every time they give a speech. When asked about it, Bill Clinton said “I gotta pay our bills.”

Even Paris Hilton handled talking about her wealth better!

paris hilton


CNN reported yesterday that Hillary Clinton’s Libya problems are not going away, noting that Clinton’s biggest challenge, confronting the aftermath of post-Gadhafi Libya, is yet to come. The aftermath not only includes two rivaling governments, but also the presence of terrorists, such as Islamic State.

Hillary Clinton has another Libya problem.

She’s already grappling with the political headaches from deleted emails and from the terror attack that left four Americans dead in Benghazi.

But she’ll face a broader challenge in what’s become of the North African country since, as secretary of state in 2011, she was the public face of the U.S. intervention to push out its longtime strongman, Moammar Gadhafi.

Libya’s lapse into the chaos of failed statehood has provided a breeding ground for terror and a haven for groups such as ISIS.…

So Clinton must be ready to explain why she backed a military operation in a region laced with extremism without effective planning for the aftermath. … Clinton has little choice but to own what happened in Libya.

Clinton’s ownership of the situation in Libya today is unavoidable. A top Clinton staffer said she had “leadership/ownership/stewardship” of U.S. policy in the country and that Clinton was also “the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya.”

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The report also points out that Clinton’s decisions on Libya bring more attention to a broader problem:

Gathering questions over Libya also point to one of the central complications of Clinton’s campaign for the Democratic nomination, due to formally launch on Saturday: the fact that she must own a record at the State Department that lacks clear-cut diplomatic triumphs.

Given yesterday’s report, Hillary Clinton staffers might reconsider pointing to her tenure as Secretary of State as providing “credibility with voters on foreign affairs.”

It’s a well-known fact that unions are enraged by Democrats who are supporting President Obama’s trade agenda. But until now, Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been generally able to stay above the fray. That’s all changed now.

In Pelosi’s liberal sanctuary of San Francisco, more than a dozen liberal groups will rally outside her district office to protest the trade bills in Congress. A few of the groups participating in the rally are CREDO Action,, Democracy for America, and Sierra Club.

Pelosi has steered clear of making her positions on TPA and TPP public so far, and now liberal activists are starting to hold her accountable. Looks like she is caught in a lose-lose situation: betray her president or her liberal special interest groups.

Ami Bera must be concerned about a primary challenge following two months of constant and brutal attacks from the unions over his support for trade promotion authority. Unions ran a TV ad against Bera, a Craigslist ad calling for a congressman with a “backbone,” and staged rallies with Q-Tips urging him to clean out his ears. A sampling of quotes from labor leaders and local Democrats demonstrates how bad the trade fight has become for Bera:

Steve Smith, Spokesman of the California Labor Federation: “It would be next to impossible” for union members to support Bera in 2016.

Kerri Asbury, Chairwoman of the Sacramento County Democratic Party: It’s “very unlikely” that Bera will receive an endorsement from the California Democratic Party. Asbury said, “At the end of the day, we have to look at our positions, not the person. If he’s not aligning with our Democratic Party positions, then what’s the point?”

Angie Wei, Chief of Staff for the California Labor Federation: “We’ve lost all our interest in defending this guy. We want to fight for people fighting for us, not people who turn their backs.”

As if begging for DC cash wasn’t enough, Missouri Democrat Jason Kander is continuing his campaign of hypocrisy today. [Read more…]

Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Hillary Clinton will give a series of policy speeches in the near future, but foreign policy will largely be excluded. According to Clinton advisers, she will not “focus on foreign policy in the coming months,” likely “devoting one speech to the subject”.

This is a curious development given Clinton served as Secretary of State for Obama’s entire first term, and because Clinton’s advisers reportedly point to her tenure as providing “credibility with voters on foreign affairs.”

But Clinton’s State Department was responsible for the botched Russian reset, which Clinton called a “brilliant stroke,” was seemingly voiceless during Iran’s Green Movement, refused to add Boko Haram to the foreign terrorist list, and failed to ever really pivot to Asia. In the words of her own senior staffer, Clinton was the “the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya,” a country that is now pulled between two governments, while simultaneously facing the threat of Islamic State.

These are just a few of the concerning choices made by Hillary Clinton’s State Department, but they make clear why Clinton would want to avoid defending her decisions as the nation’s top diplomat.

Avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders is giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money.

Sanders (I-VT) is emerging as Clinton’s toughest competition for the Democratic nomination. [Read more…]

America Rising PAC is releasing its latest video, “Dishonest,” as a series of scandals and bad headlines continue to plague Hillary Clinton. Despite her best efforts to distract from these serious issues, Clinton can’t shake the perception that she’s not honest and trustworthy. [Read more…]