Clinton Trots Out Loyal Dems To Defend Her Lack Of Accomplishments

Category: AR PAC

Today, President Obama headed to Capitol Hill to implore his own party to vote on what he hopes to be a huge part of his legacy. With the intra-party fighting and rancor from rank-and-file Democrats, NBC’s Chuck Todd asks the important question: “Has the Democratic Party lost its mind?”

Chuck Todd breaks down the acrimony within the Democratic Party over President Obama’s trade agenda:

“…we get disagreements over policy. But the vehemence coming from Democrats and Democratic groups over these trade votes is something we haven’t seen in the 6 ½ years of Obama’s presidency.”

“Consider yesterday, when anti-trade Rep. Rosa DeLauro accused House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of misreading her caucus on these votes. (Those are fighting words telling a leader that she is misreading her rank-and-file.)”

“And now consider Howard Dean’s old Democracy for America outfit, which is threatening to primary any House Democrats who vote for the trade package.”

This morning on CNN’s New Day, Karen Finney said that former-Secretary Hillary Clinton was, “the most known un-know person in politics,” despite her being in the political limelight for over 30 years.

Later on in the interview, John Berman asked Finney were Clinton stood on TPP, an issue that she has been noncommittal on for months now.

Finney dodged hard on the issue, refusing to say whether of not Clinton would vote to give the president fast-track authority if she were in the Senate today.

Below is text of the exchange:

BERMAN: You called her one of the most unknown known people currently in this campaign where she stands on one of the big issues to the Democratic Party the fast track vote. There’s going to be a vote today we thought there was going to be a vote today. CNN’s Jake Tapper, Democratic sources are telling him that there aren’t the votes to pass it. If it goes down, what will the Secretary of State think of that?

KAREN FINNEY: She’s been very clear about this…she has. She’s said a couple things, she’s voted for trade agreements in the past and she’s voted against trade agreements in the past. Her sort of test on this one has been that she wants to see the final language because she believes that it should do two things. Number one she’s worried about issues of currency manipulation and are we protecting workers and number two is national security. Does it keep America safe? Given how dysfunctional congress has been, I want to see the final language makes a lot of sense.

BERMAN: In a way that’s a different issue than what they are facing today. Today they are asking whether the President should have fast track authority? Would Hillary Clinton, if she where in the Senate today, and she was once there, would she vote to give him that fast track authority?

KAREN FINNEY: I think she would want to see the language first.

BERMAN: She knows what’s in it though. She knows what’s roughly in it.

KAREN FINNEY: She roughly knows what’s in it, but roughly knowing what’s in something that has huge implications in this country that’s not the same thing as saying I want to see what the particulars are. How are we going to ensure that workers are protected? How are we going to ensure against currency manipulation but not just the big idea like check check are in there, but how are we going to do that?

BERMAN: Bernie Sanders is running against her and is saying c’mon stand up

KAREN FINNEY: But he’s in the Senate.

BERMAN: So the difference is that he has actually read where the trade agreement stands right now? That’s the only difference you think?

KAREN FINNEY: Well that’s part of it certainly, but I think the other piece of it is, this is where she is coming from it on this issue but I would also point out that she has been out on the campaign trail talking with voters and a few have been asking her about this and this is the answer that she has given. But she has heard voters on this issue, she’s talked about small businesses and family issues and paid leave and voting rights and one of the things that this ramp up period has given here is to hear what people want to talk about is heroin and opiate addiction which is a huge problem in this country.

This morning, America Rising PAC is releasing a new video, “Reset,” that showcases the reactions of Roosevelt Island residents to the news about Hillary Clinton’s rally at Four Freedoms Park on Saturday. As these folks and local headlines reveal, not everyone is happy with how things were planned. [Read more…]

Ahead of former-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s presidential reset on Roosevelt Island a panel on MSNBC Morning Joe attacked her for not answering legitimate questions about scandals that have plagued her campaign since its initial launch in April.

Yesterday President Bill Clinton gave an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper where he said he was unsure if donors sought favors from Hillary Clinton’s State Department saying, “you never know what peoples’ motives are.”

The Morning Joe panel found this response perplexing and laughable.

Huffington Post’s Sam Stein found the former-Presidents remarks to be, “fairly lawyerly to say something like I’m not sure, so that doesn’t come back and bite you in the you know what.”

Even the shows host Mika Brzezinski said, “The questions scream out at me, what in the world happened with the foundation and these ulterior motives, and this money and the email server. I am sorry those scream out at me.”

Joe Scarborough said about the Clinton Foundation scandal, “there is no good answer that is why Hillary has been on lockdown and in bubble wrap for the past three months.”

Brzezinski went on to say she was “flummoxed” by Bill Clinton being able to give paid speeches to people who were lobbying the State Department, while she isn’t able to give her sister-in-law shoes because her brother works at the State Department.

Sam Stein closed by saying elements of Hillary Clinton’s character and policies are deeply troubling.

During an interview with Jake Tapper, Bill Clinton said he “didn’t know” if any Clinton Foundation donor sought favors from the State Department when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. [Read more…]

As Clinton prepares for her campaign launch reset, voters from states she recently visited don’t have very good things to say about her. Check out America Rising’s new interactive graphic with quotes from voters who don’t think Clinton is doing so great.

Are you not ready for Hillary? Email us your quote and we’ll add it to the map! [email protected]

Click here to view larger map.

Rep. Brad Ashford’s (NE-02) HUD problems are not going away. The Nebraska Watchdog reports that U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley is now calling on HUD Secretary
Julian Castro to release a copy of the full audit of the Omaha Housing Authority. Ashford served on OHA’s board of directors from 1996 to 2001 and was CEO
from 2002 to 2006.

In 2013, HUD released a brief summary of the audit that uncovered that OHA from 2003 to 2005 “OHA didn’t follow HUD’s requirements or its own requirements
in buying $1.9 million worth of goods and services.” Ashford has claimed that the money was misspent after his tenure at OHA, but the audit summary says otherwise.

Ashford has put no pressure on OHA to release a full copy of the audit and that “Any decision to release a copy of the report is in the hands of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.”

Big surprise. Clearly, Ashford is worried about what else could be found in the audits.

At today’s CGI America closing session, Detroit’s mayor said that Bill Clinton is the “single largest purchaser” of Shinola watches.

FLASHBACK: A year ago, Clinton laughed it up about buying 14 of those very $550 watches.

It’s been over two months since Catherine Cortez Masto announced her candidacy for the Senate, and since then she’s stayed pretty quiet. Her website doesn’t have an issues or news page, and a quick Google search confirms that she hasn’t done or said much.

Perhaps it’s time for Cortez Masto to change that by answering the following very simple question which would say a lot about what kind of Senator she would be: Does she agrees with Harry Reid’s strategy to  “obstruct all of the Republicans’ spending bills” and cause a government shutdown this fall?

We’ll take silence as a yes.

“Catherine Cortez Masto has done her best Hillary Clinton impression and said virtually nothing since announcing her candidacy for Senate. Now that her backer Harry Reid is threatening a government shutdown, there’s no time better than now for Cortez Masto to speak up and let everyone know whether she is just another Reid puppet.”– American Crossroads Communications Director Ian Prior

Today, at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting, Bill Clinton reiterated that he has only sent two emails in his life because he didn’t want to be one of those people sending “embarrassing stuff on email.”

This completely contradicts Hillary Clinton’s claims from March of this year that her private email server contained “personal communications from my husband and me.”