Son Of Major Super PAC Donor Refuses To Reject Super PAC Help

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Hillary Clinton’s second presidential bid has seen her flip-flop on a number of issues, from gay marriage to driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants to sentencing guidelines. However, on today’s Sunday shows, senior Clinton advisors were consistent on one thing – that Clinton will not give her opinion on trade.

Today on Face the Nation, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said “No polls show that voters don’t trust Hillary Clinton.”

That’s really strange, because a June CNN/ORC poll shows:

A growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57%, up from 49% in March), less than half feel she cares about people like them (47%, down from 53% last July) and more now feel she does not inspire confidence (50%, up from 42% last March).

Or this Quinnipiac poll from a few months ago:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s margins are down in matchups with possible 2016 Republican presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and in no state do voters say she’s honest and trustworthy

Or this Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll from last year:

Today, 38% of voters say she is “honest and straightforward,” compared with 40% who say she isn’t.

ICYMI: Check out our video about Hillary Clinton’s bad trust numbers: “Trustworthy?”

The day after Hillary Clinton’s reset campaign launch, the reviews are in. And they’re not great. Commentators raised questions about Clinton’s authenticity, policy positions, and ability to inspire Democrats. [Read more…]

At her campaign reset today, Hillary Clinton touted her work allegedly “standing up” to Russian President Vladimir Putin, turning her first campaign announcement into something more like a standup routine.

CLINTON: “I stood up to adversaries like Putin and reinforced allies like Israel, and I was in the situation room on the day that we got bin laden. But I know, I know we have to be smart as well as strong.”

After Clinton came up with the idea of the Russia Reset, Russia turned around and combatted American foreign policy at every turn.

Then Clinton called the reset a “brilliant stroke”:

And evidently Clinton’s idea of standing up to Russia was stating “our goal is to help strengthen Russia.” Well she definitely succeeded.

Hypocrisy #1: Economic Inequality

After touting President Clinton and President Obama’s stewardship of the economy, Clinton claimed Republican policies would exacerbate inequality. However, data from the Saez-Picketty Income database shows that economic inequality increased more under Bill Clinton than any other President in the post-World War Two era. Even Vice President Biden has recognized this fact! In May 2014, Biden told Democrats at a closed event that “the fraying of middle-class economic security did not begin during President George W. Bush’s terms, but earlier in the ‘later years of the Clinton administration.’”

Hypocrisy #2: Attack On Republicans Over U.S. Debt Bought By Foreign Countries

During her kickoff rally, Clinton criticized Republicans for borrowing money from other countries in order to pay our debts. However, in 2009 as Secretary of State, Clinton encouraged China to buy U.S. debt so the Obama administration could pay for its stimulus package. Furthermore, while Clinton served as Secretary of State, Chinese holdings of U.S. debt rose by over 60 percent – increasing from $744.2 billion to $1.2142 TRILLION, according to the Department of Treasury.

Hypocrisy #3: CEO Pay

Once again, Clinton decried CEO pay while at a public event (a topic she reportedly avoids at private fundraisers). However, over the last eighteen months, the Clintons made more than $30 million from paid speeches and book advances, placing them among the highest paid CEOs in the country for 2014.

Hypocrisy #4: Incarceration Rates

During her remarks, Clinton said “unequal rates of incarceration is a family issue.” However, as First Lady and a U.S. Senator, Clinton championed policies that contributed to a sharp increase in incarceration rates. Specifically, Clinton advocated for “three strikes and you’re out policies,” and lobbied for her husband’s 1994 crime bill, which put more cops on the street and imposed tougher sentencing guidelines. Recently, even Bill Clinton admitted his penal policy “overshot the mark” by putting “too many people in prison for too long.”

Hypocrisy #5: Russia

Clinton saved the best for last – during her kickoff rally Clinton laughably said she “stood up to adversaries like Putin.” In fact, the opposite happened. As Secretary of State, Clinton “reset” relations with Russia, and triumphantly claimed this policy would “help strengthen Russia.”

Shortly after Hilary Clinton’s campaign reset on Roosevelt Island, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny reported from a watch party in Marshalltown, IA, where only 6 people, including a Clinton campaign staffer attended. CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield called the event “pitiful.”

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is off to a terrible start. Her official launch was in April, but now it’s happening again this Saturday? Here are 10 reasons why she’s resetting her campaign – and one handy reset button we brought her campaign to help!


1) Nobody knows why she’s running for president.

MSNBC explained that Hillary Clinton lacks a rationale for running.

2) She hasn’t decided her stance on major issues, and is hypocritical on others.

That includes trade, Keystone XL Pipeline, and minimum wage. It’s not about principle – in her first week on the campaign trail, she flip-flopped on 3 major issues.

And while Hillary Clinton keeps saying she wants to “get unaccountable money out of it once and for all,” her senior campaign staff are raising money for her campaign with millionaires, and her campaign is coordinating with outside groups. She is also planning a $2.5 billion campaign. Guess that’s $2.5 billion of “accountable” money?

3) Hillary Clinton has been showing herself to be really out-of-touch.

Americans learned the Clintons made $30 million in 14 months, largely from speaking fees to groups including public universities – where tuition is already too high for students. Also, Clinton decided to run for President at millionaire fashion designer’s beachfront “compound.”

fancy fireworks

4) And Bill has been providing plenty of facepalms too.

When asked about his exorbitant 6-figure speaking fees, he replied “I gotta pay our bills.” OH OK.

Plus Americans are uncomfortable with his secret shell company WJC LLC.

face palm

5) Her email problems aren’t going away…

Emails between Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal about Benghazi and Libya shed new light about Clinton’s role in handling that attack. Because of these and other newly released emails, Hillary Clinton will be testifying on Benghazi again.

6) Nor is the Clinton Foundation foreign donor scandal.

Americans’ concern over the Clinton Foundation scandal are not going away. It doesn’t help that the Clinton Foundation has yet to disclose many donors. Or that firms that donated to the Foundation also lobbied Clinton’s State Department.

And don’t forget about the Russian Uranium deal
clinton hillary russia uranium FACEBOOK

Or the fact that the Clinton Foundation took money from countries with known major human rights abuses that anyone with Google could have known.

7) Americans increasingly think Clinton is NOT trustworthy and honest.

Clinton’s favorability hit a 14-year low. MSNBC called Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers “crushingly bad” and “terrible.”

8) Clinton’s failures as Secretary of State are still a big deal.

It’s hard for Clinton to focus on her tenure as Secretary of State – largely because that tenure was plagued with failures, including those in Libya.

The State Department is STILL slow walking FOIA requests. And Iowa Democrats can’t even name an accomplishment by the former Secretary.

harry potter shrug

9) Her relationship with the media has not improved, despite promises.

Reporters aren’t happy with the access that team Clinton given to reporters so far. Things have gotten so bad, her team had to address their unease this week.

10) Even her allies aren’t supporting her!

Steve Rattner (Clinton fundraiser): Calls her poll numbers “terrible.”

Bill de Blasio (former Hillary Clinton campaign manager): Refuses to endorse her for president.

Maggie Hassan: Won’t endorse Clinton.

Dannel Malloy: Had a REALLY hard time defending Clinton’s record.

This morning Hillary Clinton’s National Press Sectary Brian Fallon wouldn’t give a clear answer on where Clinton stands on TPP. You might remember yesterday that Senior Advisor Karen Finney was asked about TPP twice on CNN, and dodged both Jake Tapper and John Berman on the issue.



Former-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manger Robby Mook and Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri joined Politico’s Mike Allen at Playbook Cocktails.

At times Clinton’s staffers failed to adequately answer any of the questions they were asked.

This was highlighted when Politico’s Annie Karni asked a simple question in reference to a 2007 Washington Post article that highlighted Hillary Clinton’s 2007 campaign strategy, which sounds eerily familiar to her current campaign strategy.

Bellow is the text of the exchange:

MIKE ALLEN: “Annie Karni came to Politico from the Daily News, had great coverage of the Clinton campaign and she has a question.”

 POLITICO’S ANNIE KARNI: “Hi. There’s an article from 2007 that was kind of circulated today, and let me just read you one line from it. It said ‘Introducing biographical information about Clinton’s childhood and early adulthood, her advisers hope, will flesh out the familiar caricature of Clinton as an overly ambitious careerist who leaves scandal in her wake.’ And then there’s a quote from Howard Wolfson who was the campaign manager saying, ‘There are people who say they know everything about Hillary Clinton, and then you ask where she was born, and they have no idea.’ And the article talks about how she’s going to talk about her mother, her Midwestern roots and kind of re-introducing herself to the country. And this story read a lot like the stories we all wrote last night after you guys previewed some of your speech. And so I’m wondering, if you guys feel like you have to do it again, did it not stick last time? And if it didn’t stick, why’s it going to work this time?”

CLINTON COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR JENNIFER PALMIERI: “I can’t talk – I wasn’t part of, you know, ‘08 was a very different race in terms of… uhh…. There was, like, extraordinary interest on the Democratic side and umm, uhhh I think it’s hard to just compare the two situations. But it’s, you know she’s talked about this at times. Obviously she’s written about it in her books. But it’s true, it’s-it’s true just don’t know it about it, you know I talked to reporters yesterday and they said, well she does – you know, we don’t think people know it and we do think that uhhh, uhhhh, you know she talked about it tomorrow, we’ll do more of that. She has been doing it too. There is – I think it illuminates uhhh if you think you need this kind of fighter in the White House, it illuminates why and it’s true that people haven’t, that it hasn’t taken and I think that this is a different campaign in terms of uhh, you know what the press might focus on with her and uhhh we’ll stay at it.”

Today, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a new biographical video to re-introduce a candidate who has been in public life for three decades. In the video, Clinton says of her 1995 Beijing speech:

“Many people in our own government, our Congress, did not want me to go to Beijing, but you don’t shy away from confronting human rights abuses.”

Somebody should alert candidate Hillary Clinton to the actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said human rights “can’t interfere” with economic issues when “we pretty much know what” the Chinese government will say:

CLINTON: Now, that doesn’t mean that questions of Taiwan and Tibet and human rights, the whole range of challenges that we often engage on with the Chinese are not part of the agenda either. But we pretty much know what they’re going to say. We know that we’re going to press them to reconsider their position about Tibetan religious and cultural freedom, and autonomy for the Tibetans and some kind of recognition or acknowledgment of the Dalai Lama.

And we know what they’re going to say, because I’ve had those conversations for more than a decade with Chinese leaders. And we know what they’re going to say about Taiwan and military sales, and they know what we’re going to say.

QUESTION: So can’t you just stipulate that at the beginning?

CLINTON: Well, I mean Matt, there’s a certain – I mean, look, there’s a certain logic to that. I mean no – I don’t mean to in any way to say that we know everything that’s going to happen. But successive administrations and Chinese governments have been poised back and forth on these issues, and we have to continue to press them. But our pressing on those issues can’t interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis, and the security crisis. We have to have a dialogue that leads to an understanding and cooperation on each of those.

And someone should notify the Clinton Foundation, which has a donor list full of regimes with brutal human rights records:

Instead, as Mrs. Clinton commemorates her 1995 women’s rights speech in Beijing in back-to-back events in New York, she finds herself under attack for her family foundation’s acceptance of millions of dollars in donations from Middle Eastern countries known for violence against women and for denying them many basic freedoms.

This was not how she intended to reintroduce herself to American voters.