Hillary Clinton’s First Sunday Show Interview Is This Weekend. She’s 31 Appearances Behind.

Category: AR PAC

Voters across Wisconsin awoke to news of Russ Feingold’s blatant hypocrisy. As a senator, Feingold liked to portray himself as a champion for campaign finance reform.

But his actions tell another story. Feingold founded a political action committee and nonprofit that raised $10 million over a four-year span. [Read more…]

This afternoon, Hillary Clinton graced the American people with a rare press availability. Unfortunately, Clinton didn’t take the opportunity to clear up her “position” on trade.

Yesterday, she spent a full four minutes in Iowa making it clear she has no position on trade. [Read more…]

The Clintons have a long – and bizarre – trend of treating reporters badly, with bathrooms. Here’s a quick history, plus what the Clinton campaign did to a reporter who asked to use the restroom today.

2008: Hillary Clinton Campaign Lets Media Set Up Urinal-Adjacent In Men’s Room

In 2008, Hillary Clinton’s campaign let the media set up urinal-adjacent in the men’s room.

urinal bathroom reporter

2014: Clinton Initiative Has Aide That Follows Reporters To Bathroom

family guy bathroom

During the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, it seems the organization has tasked an aide with the duty (pun intended) of following reporters to the bathroom. As Amy Chozick writes in the New York Times:

“But, for me, perhaps the person who stands out is the friendly 20-something press aide who the Clinton Global Initiative tasked with escorting me to the restroom. She waited outside the stall in the ladies’ room at the Sheraton Hotel, where the conference is held each year.”

The Clinton Global Initiative also keeps the press in the basement and away from guests of the event:

“Security, foundation aides told me, dictates that the hordes of journalists, many of them from overseas news outlets, be cloistered in a basement at the Sheraton. An elaborate maze of security barricades separates where reporters enter and roam (though not freely) from the lobby of the hotel, where actual guests enter.”

Today: June 15, 2015: Reporter In Need Of Bathroom Told To “Hit The Woods”

Today, Daily Mail reporter David Martosko – the SAME reporter the Clinton campaign banned from the press pool today – asked to use the bathroom at a Clinton event earlier today, and was told to “hit the woods.”

“When Martosko showed up at their first event in Rochester, he said he was denied access inside the YMCA of Strafford County by a ‘Secret Service agent.’ When he requested to use the restroom, the agent told him the area had already gone through a security sweep and he should “hit the woods.’”


California Democrats are abandoning their colleague Ami Bera in the middle of the Democrats’ “civil war” over trade. AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka admitted labor unions are making an example of Ami Bera, saying, “Those that stand with corporate entitlements are members we’ll know.”

Even other Democrats are hesitant to defend Bera. Senator Dianne Feinstein “refuses to defend” Bera despite voting the same way as Bera. Representative Brad Sherman wouldn’t tell labor unions to lay off the attacks. He said, “Labor is labor, they have members, they have to do what they think is the best for him.”

Capital Public Radio reports that a primary challenge is “expected” and now Bera’s party is leaving him out on his own.

Saturday marked the reset of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She posted her reset speech online and encouraged people to annotate and say more about their favorite parts! We did just that, and noted many false statements within her speech. You won’t want to miss it:

Click here to read our annotations fact-checking her speech, or see all our individual annotations through the links below:

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Former staffer of disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Tammy Duckworth, has a trial date set for a case involving a suppressed whistleblower.

Duckworth is being accused of retaliating against two employees from the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. [Read more…]

A Morning Consult poll released today shows a majority of New Hampshire Democrats prefer a candidate other than Hillary Clinton, making this the first time in recent polling that Clinton has not netted over 50% of Democrat support. Clinton received only 44% support from those polled, while Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders got 32%. Just a month ago, a Bloomberg Politics/Saint Anselm New Hampshire Poll had Clinton at 62% while a WMUR poll had her at 51%.

Sanders has been growing momentum in early primary states the past couple of weeks, drawing larger crowds and more enthusiasm than Clinton was hoping to surpass in Iowa during her campaign re-launch weekend. 

russ feingold pac

In 1995, Russ Feingold had this to say about political action committees (PACs):

“Contributions by political action committees to individual candidates have undermined public confidence in the Senate as an institution.”

[Read more…]

Hillary Clinton began a meandering 4-minute section of her already worn out stump speech with the following words: [Read more…]

This morning The New York Times reported that Clinton’s campaign was going to show their strength by drawing a larger crowd than Bernie Sanders:

Yet Mr. Sanders has drawn the largest crowds of any candidate so far, though Mrs. Clinton is looking to surpass him with a major rally here at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Sunday.

Well, they failed. According to their own campaign, Clinton drew just 600 people in Des Moines:

And yesterday, Bernie Sanders drew “a boisterous crowd of more than 700″ people. Looks like the Clinton campaign’s rough Sunday just keeps going.