Clinton’s Shift To Healthcare: Another Unpopular Policy

Category: AR PAC

House Democrats can now add FL-13 to their list of crowded primaries across the country.

Yesterday, Tampa City Councilman Mary Mulhern announced that she would soon be filing to run for the FL-13 Congressional District seat. St. Petersburg City Councilwoman Darden Rice is also considering jumping into the race and said she was “blindsided” to hear that Mulhern was going to run. And let’s not
forget that Democrat Eric Lynn has already thrown his hat into the ring. Drama.

Florida Democrats failed to take down David Jolly in the 2014 special election and failed to even field a candidate in the 2014 general election. With their history of losing this seat and the current intra-party fighting, things are not looking promising for Democrats.

Yesterday the House voted to repeal ObamaCare’s controversial Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). California Reps. Bera (CA-07), Brownley (CA-26), Ruiz (CA-36), and Peters (CA-52) are all co-sponsors of the bill, but when it came time actually support the legislation, they voted no.

While it’s unclear why they voted against the Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act of 2015, it’s clear they are playing politics with seniors’ healthcare.

In a USA Today column, Carolyn Osorio blasts the Clinton campaign’s practice of not paying staff or interns. Osorio isn’t anti-Hillary – she’s probably one of Clinton’s biggest fans. She says she “slept in a Hillary for President T-shirt for most of 2007, cried when she conceded to Barack Obama, railed at Congress during the Benghazi hearings and was an early follower of Texts from Hillary.”

When Hillary Clinton announced she was running for president, Osorio applied to work as a Hillary for America fellow. “I couldn’t have been more excited until I was told I’d have to move to Nevada and work full time on my own dime.”

“I couldn’t believe my ears. I did not apply as a routine volunteer but as a fellow. Its application process with an elaborate screening and interview process was now revealed to be an ugly lie. If Hillary hopes to inspire young people, to prove she understands our interests she should offer substance to earn our votes.”

Osorio notes that while her campaign’s cheapness is being praised, it’s actually pretty “miserly.”

“For a woman whom I supported to demand this of me felt repulsive. Forget arguments about raising the minimum wage. I can’t even get a wage.”

Osorio isn’t alone. Clinton’s 2016 campaign has a history of not paying staff.

Keep in mind:

– Bill and Hillary Clinton made $30 million between January 2014 and May 2015, mostly in paid speeches to places like universities.

– The Clinton campaign is a $2.5 BILLION dollar endeavor.

– Hillary Clinton thought having 2 mansions was the same as being “dead broke.”

– While Clinton’s staff work in Brooklyn, she keeps to Manhattan.

But expecting an unpaid staffer to move to another state and work full time for free? No big deal.

Hillary Clinton Jokeyman

As New Hampshire hurtles toward a government shutdown next week thanks to Governor Maggie Hassan’s promised budget veto, some new information this morning shows the disastrous effects her veto could have on the Granite State.  [Read more…]

“The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in a report last week that there were 59.5 million people who were forcibly displaced at the end of 2014, the largest number ever recorded. More than half of the displaced persons were children. Refugee levels spiked in the Middle East, Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa, all regions where Clinton’s policies faced criticism during her tenure as secretary of state.

America Rising PAC, a GOP opposition research firm, pointed out that Clinton—the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for president—did not make a statement on World Refugee Day, this past Saturday.

‘Secretary Clinton’s silence on World Refugee Day was extremely telling,’ Colin Reed, executive director of America Rising, said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon. ‘Under her failed leadership at the State Department, the world became less stable and more dangerous, and her policies led to the global unrest that has contributed to the number of refugees reaching record levels.’”

Click here to read the full story from the Washington Free Beacon. 

During her stump speech, Hillary Clinton likes to use this line to sound like a populist:

“While many of you are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, you see the top 25 hedge fund managers making more than all of America’s kindergarten teachers combined.”

However, Clinton’s wealth, and especially her speaking fees, as reported on her 2015 financial disclosure, is significantly higher than the average kindergarten teacher’s salary:


Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth suggested that it’s time for Nancy Pelosi to step down as leader of the House Democrats and called for younger leadership of the Democrat caucus. Yarmuth told Politico, “We have to be willing to step aside. I love them all, but we have three leaders who are 75 years old.”

Combined with calls from Massachusetts Democrats Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch in April for Pelosi to step down and the Democrats’ fierce “civil war” over trade, it seems like Pelosi might not be the leader for much longer.

Barney Shrug

Governor Maggie Hassan would like Granite Staters to think that she works well across the aisle, but her state budget veto threat exposes her rigid partisanship and ideological agenda. [Read more…]

It’s been another rough Monday for Russ Feingold. Last week we learned that Feingold was using his political action committee to pay himself and his staffers, while donating less than 5 percent of the PAC’s money to other candidates for office. The media’s onslaught in reaction to the scandal has been swift and powerful. [Read more…]

While speaking about the Democrat presidential candidates’ healthcare reform plans in October 2008, Jonathan Gruber – the MIT economist who said ObamaCare passed Congress because of the “stupidity of the American voter” – claimed to “love” Hillary Clinton’s plan and pronounced it “better” than Obama’s because it included an individual mandate.

This was not new information; the Clinton campaign had been touting Gruber’s endorsement of her healthcare plan since September 2007. If Americans were troubled by the role Gruber played in the Obama administration, imagine how much more he would have done under Hillary Clinton.