TRACKING VIDEO: Sen. Feingold Touts Badger Pride 48 Hours Before Teaching At Stanford

Category: AR PAC

“‘Just when you thought the Clintons couldn’t possibly be any more out of touch, now we learn Bill Clinton required some ‘retail therapy’ today in Paris,’ wrote America Rising communications director Jeff Bechdel. ‘For a couple that claimed to be ‘dead broke’ just a few years ago, Bill and Hillary Clinton sure do know how to live the good life. Nothing says ‘everyday American’ like a quick shopping trip to Paris, mortgages on houses, contract demands that are pages long, and six-figure checks for hour-long speeches.’

‘With this expensive shopping trip, and Bill Clinton being the largest individual purchaser of some high-priced watches, seems the ‘dead broke’ Clintons are doing just fine,’ noted America Rising PAC.”

Read the full story from Breitbart here.

Today in New York, Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “Fast Food Wage Board” will be meeting to discuss raising the minimum wage for fast food workers, beginning the process for Cuomo to declare a minimum wage increase by executive action while bypassing the State Assembly. This is all to appease the so-called “Fight For $15” movement being pushed by the SEIU and major liberal donors at the secretive Democracy Alliance.

Hillary Clinton recently supported the “Fight For $15” effort, saying she supports the movement. However, in her continuing effort at incertitude, Clinton oddly did not endorse a $15 minimum wage.

Oddly enough, while Clinton is hesitant to make clear her stance on the $15 wage, the Clinton Foundation has no qualms in taking money from some of the very companies the “Fight For $15” movement has protested:

So another day, another issue that raises Hillary Clinton’s hypocritical policy issue stances. New York is set to meet on the issue at the same time, Hillary Clinton tries to take a firm stance that doesn’t expose her hypocrisy.

Last night, news broke that Hillary Clinton did not provide all of her “work-related emails” to the State Department, as she claimed earlier this year. This draws more attention to Hillary Clinton’s lack of transparency, and even has one of her most ardent supporters concerned.

On CNBC Squawk Box this morning, long-time Clinton supporter and 2016 campaign fundraiser Steve Rattner said of the revelations: “It upsets me a little bit, I have to say. It’s a little troubling.”


While NBC’s Today Show went into how these recent developments are a political liability for Clinton, with a majority of Americans finding the former Secretary not honest and trustworthy.


Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton endorsed the Fight for $15 movement but, strangely, did not endorse a $15 minimum wage, leaving many puzzled by her actions. Now, it turns out that the major backer of the Fight for $15 Movement is supported by the Democracy Alliance, a network of major liberal donors. As POLITICO reports this morning from documents they obtained, the SEIU is now listed as a Democracy Alliance (DA) Partner.

POLITICO reports:

The list of DA partners now includes six prominent unions, with four (the American Federation of Teachers, the Communications Workers of America, the Service Employees International Union and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) joining in the last two years, according to a list and other club documents obtained by POLITICO.

Hillary Clinton has been doing what it takes to win this dark money group’s support – even sending her top officials to their recent meeting in San Francisco. When she endorsed the Fight for $15 but not the $15 minimum wage, was it just another cynical play for campaign cash and the support of union executives?

Today, The Associated Press reported that Hillary Clinton did not provide all of her “work-related emails,” as she claimed earlier this year:

The State Department has been unable to find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said Thursday.

The emails all predate the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. diplomatic facility and include scant words written by Clinton herself, the officials said. They consist of more in a series of would-be intelligence reports passed to her by longtime political confidant Sidney Blumenthal, the officials said.

At a March 2015 press conference, Clinton claimed she delivered all “work-related emails” to the State Department:

CLINTON: “Third, after I left office, the State Department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work- related emails from our personal accounts. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totalled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though I knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them. We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work- related emails and deliver them to the State Department. At the end, I chose not to keep my private personal emails — emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes.”

She also made the claim after a New Hampshire campaign event in May 2015:

MSNBC’s ANDREA MITCHELL: “On the emails, can you explain the criticisms of [inaudible] that your lawyers vetted these, so they’re no really a public release and that you haven’t really cooperated with putting everything out and at least one of these included information that was classified and involved the suspects of Benghazi.” CLINTON: “Well first of all, I’m glad the emails are starting to come out. This is something that I’ve asked to be done for a long time and those releases are beginning. I want people to be able to see all of them and it is the fact that we have released all of them that have any government relationship whatsoever. In fact, the State Department had the vast majority of those anyway because they went to what are called .gov accounts. I’m aware that the FBI has asked that a portion of one email be held back. That happens in the process of Freedom of Information Act responses, but that doesn’t change the fact that all the information in the emails was handled appropriately.”

A CNN/WMUR Poll released this evening shows that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is now only 8 points behind Democratic “frontrunner” Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.

All the recent polling has shown Sanders gaining significantly on Clinton.

failed gifToday, driven solely by her political ambition, Maggie Hassan vetoed the state budget passed by the New Hampshire House and Senate. [Read more…]

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), a highly touted Hillary Clinton surrogate, appeared on Morning Joe today to attack Clinton challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his growing support in early primary states.

McCaskill, when asked if the new Bloomberg Politics poll showing Sanders gaining ground in Iowa and New Hampshire was cause for concern, responded:

“No I think the media is giving Bernie a pass right now. I very rarely read in any coverage of Bernie that he is a Socialist. I think that everybody wants a fight and I think they are not giving the same scrutiny to Bernie Sanders that they are giving to certainly Hillary Clinton and the other candidates.”

It seems that the 2008 collapse of then front-runner Clinton is still fresh in her surrogates’ minds.

The Bloomberg Politics poll shows Sanders up 8 points in Iowa and up 6 points in New Hampshire since May.

Hillary Clinton is losing support in earlier primary states according to a Bloomberg politics poll released today. Clinton is down 7 points among Iowa voters and down 6 points in New Hampshire since May.

While the former Secretary is losing support among these earlier primary voters, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders is gaining ground in both states, leading Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin to say of Sanders, “he can create a lot of trouble for her, he can extend the nomination fight, he can pull her further to the left.”

On the heels of Ravi Patel’s decision to withdraw from the Democratic primary in Iowa’s 1st Congressional district, Monica Vernon secured the endorsement of neighboring Democratic Congressman Dave Loebsack (IA-02).

The Vernon campaign immediately promoted this “thrilling” endorsement, but “thrilling” isn’t the word to describe Loebsack. One must only go back to 2012 when The Des Moines Register ranked Loebsack as the least effective member of Iowa’s then-seven person congressional delegation.

Loebsack Endorsement

Democrats in IA-01 are likely ruing the fact that their best Democratic prospect is a two time electoral loser touting the endorsement of Iowa’s least effective representative.