Numerous Bad Headlines For Hillary Clinton Are The Focus Of The Morning Shows

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday, the State Department released 3,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private sever.

The New York Times Michael Schmidt reported that the State Department had to go back and classify about two dozen of Clinton’s emails, despite claims that the former-sectary hadn’t sent any emails that would be considered sensitive.

More troubling are the reports that long time Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal played a much grater role then previously believed.

The emails also show that top-level Obama officials had knowledge of Clinton’s private email server back in 2009, despite earlier claims that they didn’t.

Earlier this month, former Barack Obama advisor David Axelrod claimed he did not know that Hillary Clinton had a private email:

However, two new emails show that Axelrod actually emailed Clinton on her private server. On both June 25, 2009 and July 26, 2009, Axelrod sent messages to Clinton’s private email account:

axelrod-clinton-private-email-1 axelrod-clinton-private-email-2

This came after Axelrod had to ask Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, for the proper email address:


Politico is reporting that Hillary Clinton is meeting privately with labor leaders in DC in a couple weeks.

What will the meeting entail? Who knows! It’s secret. [Read more…]

“Clinton has promised to remove “unaccountable money” from the political process if elected, but her campaign and the Clinton Foundation have come under fire for their fundraising.

The comments prompted the anti-Clinton operation America Rising to push back. “Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric on money in politics changes at such a dizzying pace that even her campaign supporters and donors are thoroughly confused. Her hypocrisy is now officially entering the theater of the absurd. No wonder folks at the Mook fundraiser were baffled by his comments,” said Jeff Bechdel, America Rising PAC communications director.”

Click here to read the full article from the Washington Examiner.

Hillary loves Liz. Liz loves Bernie. No one loves Hillary.

Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton penned a love letter to Elizabeth Warren in TIME Magazine’s “Top 100 Leaders” issue. Clinton laid it on thick, saying Warren “fights so hard for others to share in the American Dream because she lived it herself.” [Read more…]

Despite repeated claims that she had handed over all work-related emails, the State Department announced last week it was missing 15 emails, a discovery made after longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal handed over emails to the Select Committee on Benghazi – emails, Clinton also claimed, were unsolicited. Clinton even tried to hide here relationship with Blumenthal by asking longtime aide Huma Abedin to print the emails without any identifiers.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe panel found these new revelations about Hillary Clinton’s missing emails to be laughable and just another example of the Clintons playing by there own rules.

Host Joe Scarborough said, “They are just amazing. You go back catty to a U.N. press conference and that story has been shredded like Swiss cheese. It doesn’t matter. Lawrence, does it? Does it? Look at that. You have dealt with the Clinton a long time. I get that frustrated look in your eyes, the rules that apply to every politician do not apply to this politician.”

Lawrence O’Donnell added, “It goes back to the original issue which is the proper custodial preservation of state department e-mails in all of the rules and protocols on that were violated. There is no question about it. It was very clearly in violation, so then after the violation is made, when she’s a candidate for president, Hillary Clinton says, I have now turned over all state department e-mails, all of them and the only stuff I didn’t turn over after my lawyers went through the server and checked it all was personal stuff involving weddings and material. What we’ve now discovered is that statement as she said it is not true.”

Bad news for Monica Vernon: 2014 Democratic nominee Pat Murphy is strongly considering another run for Iowa’s 1st district. Vernon, who lost to Murphy in a heated 2014 primary race, thought she could breathe easy after her biggest foe decided to withdraw from the campaign. But now Vernon has to deal with the 2014 Democratic victor stepping back into the ring as well as a progressive crusader on her left.

Vernon may just be having the worst year of any Democratic primary candidate.

This evening, Hillary Clinton will continue her nationwide fundraising tour by visiting the SoHo loft of Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge, who recently said he won’t be running for Congress again after losing his 2014 congressional race by 30 percentage points.

Hughes and Eldridge recently put their 4,100 square foot, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom apartment on the market for $8.75 million. It is unclear whether the listing price, which covers the apartment’s library, “dressing area,” and wine cellar, will also include the many high-priced decorations, including the $2,500 binoculars.

What is clear is that while Clinton continues to claim she is on the side of “everyday Americans,” she is spending an awful lot of time with mega-donors like Eldridge and Hughes, who abhorred the campaign trail because he “didn’t personally like going to the house parties and the rubber-chicken dinners that he was subjected to.”

People magazine reports that Bill Clinton needed to get in some “retail therapy” at Hermes in Paris recently. According to People, Clinton arrived in a “five-car convoy” at the store that “sells ties for about $225; a leather belt can set you back nearly $1,000.” The store shut down the third floor so Clinton could get in some quality shopping time.

It seems American taxpayers were along for the ride as well, paying nearly $9,000 for the cars in which Clinton was driven around. If only we taxpayers could get a nice belt as well.

With this expensive shopping trip, and Bill Clinton being the largest individual purchaser of some high-priced watches, seems the “dead broke” Clintons are doing just fine.

“It was the perfect loop: The Republican opposition research group America Rising finds footage of Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley in agriculture-loving Iowa, seeming to put down the intelligence of farmers. That footage becomes part of a 30-second TV ad, by the super PAC American Crossroads, boosting the Republican candidate, Joni Ernst.

Ernst wins. So does America Rising, which used that episode in Iowa last year to show prospective clients and donors what it can do.

Big political opposition operations, which didn’t even exist five years ago, will be important players in the 2016 presidential election. They started early, with America Rising tracking Democratic frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton since early 2013, and its liberal counterpart, American Bridge 21st Century, keeping tabs on more than a dozen GOP contenders for four years now.”

Read the full story from the AP here.