New Poll: Clinton’s Net Unfavorability And Untrustworthy Numbers Up

Category: AR PAC

“As other candidates spent their Independence Day kissing babies, Democrat Joe Sestak spent his running them down.

As Sestak, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania, approaches a pair of voters and a small child with an outstretched arm hoping to be met with a handshake, a woman exclaims “watch out!” However, either unaware of or unconcerned with the child’s presence, Sestak precedes to knock the little girl to the ground.”

Click here to read the full story from the Washington Free Beacon.

Hillary Clinton has officially been running for President since April, but even amidst major U.S. legislation and fiery rhetoric out of Tehran, she remained noticeably quiet on the Iran nuclear negotiations.

Over the weekend, Clinton, echoing the Obama administration’s concerning eagerness for a deal, said she “so” hoped “we are able to get a deal next week that puts the lid on Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

Not unlike her milquetoast “position” on trade, Clinton – who as a former Secretary of State should have strong opinions on issues like these – seems more concerned about politics than good policy.

On China, in a clear departure from her 2009 plea to China to “continue buying US Treasury bonds,” Clinton accused Beijing of “stealing secrets from defence contractors,” as well as taking “‘huge amounts of government information, all looking for an advantage.’” A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry denounced Clinton’s comments.

Given that she either aligns with the flawed foreign policy of the Obama administration or flip flops on significant issues, it’s no wonder former Secretary of State Clinton has been so quiet on foreign policy.

Pennsylvania Democrat Joe Sestak marched in a Delaware County parade honoring our nation’s independence on the Fourth of July.

Unfortunately for a few of the parade’s youngest attendees, the parade was not without incident. [Read more…]

While Hillary Clinton participated in a 4th of July parade in New Hampshire over the weekend, her campaign decided it would be a good idea to rope in the press corps like cattle. For good reason, their actions overshadowed any positive news for her campaign and continued to dominate the Monday morning talk shows.

Hillary Clinton’s Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri had to do some damage control this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Palmieri struggled to answer questions about the campaign roping off reporters while Clinton participated in a 4th of July parade in New Hampshire this weekend.

 During the interview, Palmieri also admitted the campaign was worried about Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, but said “we don’t need to attack each other. He’ll run his campaign, we’ll run ours.”

Finally, Palmieri conceded that all of Clinton’s recent scandals – the private email server, Clinton Foundation controversies, limited press access, etc. – contributed to Clinton taking a hit in her trustworthy poll numbers, saying “none of this is helpful.”


Reporters were corralled like animals by Hillary Clinton’s campaign yesterday at an Independence Day parade in New Hampshire. [Read more…]

When Catherine Cortez Masto was term limited from running for attorney general in Nevada last year, she found a cushy landing at the Nevada System of Higher Education, earning her $215,000 a year. [Read more…]

Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering, who launched a primary challenge to former Democratic Congressman Brad Schneider in Illinois’ 10th Congressional district, has recently come under fire for potentially illegal campaign fundraising operations.

A complaint filed with the FEC by the non-profit watchdog group FACT alleges that Rotering received contributions to her congressional campaign in excess of $5,000 as early as January 2015, but did not officially register with the FEC until March. Rotering’s campaign has been dogged by these accusations since she announced her candidacy in March with already $400,000 in the bank, but has not officially been held accountable for her actions – until now.

FEC Complaint Rotering

Rotering’s campaign schedule over the July Fourth holiday may not be as sunny as she may have hoped.

Editorial boards across New Hampshire are taking Gov. Maggie Hassan to task for her politically-motivated budget veto. Boards from the Nashua Telegraph, Foster’s Daily Democrat, and New Hampshire Union-Leader all take issue with Hassan’s decision to cut services rather than work with the legislature. [Read more…]

Russ Feingold’s growing scandal regarding his PAC, Progressives United, continues to make news for all the wrong reasons. In an interview with the far-left Shepherd Express, Feingold was asked about his PAC’s woes and pointedly said that the main purpose of Progressives United was not to, “give direct contributions,” to candidates.

[Read more…]