Illinois Democrat’s Empty Rhetoric Exposed As Caterpillar Announces Layoffs

Category: AR PAC

“Washington Democrats may be recoiling in horror as Alan Grayson enters the Florida Senate race, but American Crossroads welcomes him with open arms. Democrats up and down the ticket in Florida are going to have to answer for everything Grayson says; even more so if this dyed-in-the-wool liberal and Democrat version of Todd Akin ultimately defeats the manicured opportunist and former Republican Patrick Murphy.” – Ian Prior, American Crossroads Communications Director

“Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has traded in her “Scooby Doo van” for a $10 million Learjet.

A campaign tracker for America Rising, the super PAC that is critical of Clinton, caught her and her entourage hopping on the Learjet 60 after a campaign appearance in Ottumwa, Iowa Tuesday. The camera does not catch her face, only the legs of her blue pantsuit worn during “micro” campaign appearance in a nearby home.

Clinton and her team have drawn attention to their campaign lifestyle by suggesting the goal is to go cheap.”

Click here to read the full story from the Washington Examiner.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign went to great lengths a few months ago to demonstrate exactly how “cheap” they were. The idea was this: get stories written about how frugal Clinton’s campaign is so Clinton’s 2008 donors won’t feel burned again by her lavish spending. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton sat down with CNN’s Brianna Keiler in an attempt to tamp down growing chatter about an issue nagging her campaign—her poor relationship with the press.

Any hopes of the interview being an asset to Clinton quickly faded after Clinton refused to directly answer the first question, and many thereafter. [Read more…]

After an event in Iowa today, Hillary Clinton ventured into the mysterious land of press interaction to take a few questions. But don’t be fooled, she didn’t really provide any answers. [Read more…]

Today, Colorado Democrat Morgan Carroll announced she is running for Colorado’s 6th Congressional District. But months before her official announcement, Roll Call reported that Democrats were already worried that her voting record in the state legislature could be a “liability.”

In 2009, Carroll was the only senator to vote against tougher sentencing for child predators. She has also voted for many of the same higher taxes and fees that failed 2014 candidate Andrew Romanoff supported.

It looks like Democrats are stuck with yet another failed candidate for this critical House seat.

On Monday, Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders drew over 7,500 people at a rally in Portland, ME, his fourth crowd of thousands in recent weeks. The morning news led with Sanders’ momentum and the trouble it spells for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Reporter Cecilia Vega told Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos the Portland crowd “felt more like a rock concert,” adding: “there is worry in Hillary-land.”

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mark Halperin highlighted the huge gap in authenticity between Clinton and Sanders. “Ask Bernie Sanders a question, he will answer it the same every time,” Halperin said. “Ask her a question…there will be a 90-minute conference call and then another one while she decides what to say.”

Even Hillary Clinton’s allies are worried. On CNN’s New Day, Paul Begala admitted “Bernie is real,” adding “this is going to be a real race.”

The Portland rally also made several front-pages. Maine’s Portland Press Herald, Lewiston Sun Journal, and Bangor Daily News talked up the rally.


A New York Times front-page headline read: “Sanders Momentum in Iowa Leaves Clinton Camp on Edge.”


Friend, foe, or in between, everyone agrees: Bernie Sanders is no fluke, and he’ll continue to cause trouble as a more authentic alternative to Hillary Clinton.

The New York Times ran a profile of Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger Clinton, this morning. See below for the 6 things you didn’t know about Roger: [Read more…]

“Democratic Pennsylvania Senate candidate Joe Sestak literally ran into some children during the Marple-Newtown July 4 Parade in Newtown Square, PA last weekend.

The Republican research firm America Rising had a tracker following Sestak at the event and captured footage of him slamming into a pair of toddlers while running along the parade route. America Rising put the footage in a Vine that, as of this writing, has been viewed over 12,000 times. At one point in the clip, bystanders can be heard shouting “Watch it!” and “Jesus Christ!” as Sestak bowls over a small girl. ”

Read the full article from Business Insider here. 

“There’s nothing that stokes a politician’s enthusiasm like a Fourth of July parade.

Unfortunately for Democrat Joe Sestak, that enthusiasm proved a little too much when it came to kids dotting the route this weekend. The Pennsylvania Senate hopeful and former congressman ran into kids at least twice after he failed to spot them in his path. Good thing they’re too young to vote, right?”

Read the full story from The Washington Post here.