BREAKING: Clinton Did Not Turn Over All Work-Related Emails As She Claimed

Category: AR PAC

The draft nuclear agreement between Iran and the United Kingdom, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, was announced today after many missed deadlines.

While Hillary Clinton has endorsed today’s deal, her official comments on the nascent deal lacked substance. However, in previous statements Clinton offered more explicit expectations for any deal with Iran.

Under today’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran is allowed uranium enrichment up to 3.67% for 15 years. Clinton, however, called for “so little enrichment or no enrichment … for a long period of time” because she believed “any enrichment will trigger an arms race in the Middle East.” Notably, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states have already said they will “match” Iran’s enrichment capabilities.

Another area of contention for Clinton is Iran’s breakout time. Clinton has called for a breakout time of over a year, but the “limits imposed by today’s agreement impose a breakout time of only one year.”

Evoking bipartisan concern in the United States is the ” contentious” arms embargo. According to The New York Times, restrictions on missiles would end in eight years and a “similar ban on the purchase and sale of conventional weapons would be removed in five years,” but, especially concerning, is that both could be lifted earlier. Democrats are said to be “worrying” over the arms embargo, and several in the Senate indicated they could withhold their support of a deal that lifted the embargo. Clinton has so far been silent on how the US should approach the arms embargo in the nuclear agreement.

Finally, Clinton called for a deal that “imposes an intrusive inspection program with no sites off limits.” Although Clinton claimed that today’s deal included “the access for inspections and the transparency that was absolutely necessary,” The Wall Street Journal reports it is “unlikely” that the IAEA will “have access anytime and anywhere to Iran’s nuclear sites.” In addition, a New York Times
report notes it is also “unclear whether the inspectors would be able to interview the scientists and engineers” who were key to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ “effort … to design a weapon that Iran could manufacture in short order.”

But unfortunately for Clinton, despite whatever rhetoric she ultimately comes up with to justify her support for the agreement, her previous qualifications for an agreement with Iran were not fully met with today’s deal. Indeed, Clinton will “own the agreement” that is being frowned upon by many in her own party, as Clinton is said to have “worked in harmony” on Iran with Obama during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Today, the Clinton campaign released a brand new Q&A factsheet about Hillary Clinton’s use of private email at the State Department. The campaign added a number of things to supplement their old fact sheet, so they could continue the obfuscation tactics they have used for months. However, three of the “facts” in the campaign’s new post highlight three instances in which the campaign acknowledges they misled the public back in March 2015.

1) Clinton Claimed She Turned Over All Emails, But She Didn’t

March 2015:

July 2015:


2) Clinton’s Campaign Said She Didn’t Received Classified Emails, But Now Recognize That Some Are Now Classified

March 2015:


July 2015:


3) The Campaign Said Clinton Used One Device For Simplicity, But Now Acknowledge She Used Multiple

March 2015:


July 2015:


“A major anti-Hillary Clinton organization is adding a nonprofit affiliate to its quiver as it ramps up for 2016.

America Rising, a Republican super PAC focused on opposition research, was set Tuesday to unveil AR2. The issues-based 501(c)4 won’t be able to run ads directly attacking political foes the way America Rising does. But the group is permitted to spend roughly half of what it raises on political persuasion, and can run critical spots urging someone like Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, to take positions on particular issues.”

Read the full story from the Washington Examiner here.

“After spending most of the year offering little in specifics on any issue, Hillary Clinton gave a major economic policy speech earlier today. She focused on middle-class wages, which have remained stagnant over the last six years of recovery, telling her audience that Americans “need a raise”:



One potential reason that HSBC didn’t get punished too severely may be because of its political connections — something that the Clintons know all about. As the pro-GOP America Rising PAC quickly pointed out in a blast e-mail, HSBC is a major Clinton Foundation donor, noted as corporate partners in several foundation projects. HSBC also put $200,000 into the Clintons’ pockets in 2011, the year after the US began its second probe of HSBC’s involvement in money laundering.”

Click here to read the full article from Hot Air. 

“Forget Twitter, Snapchat or Periscope. For campaigns seeking to connect with voters and raise money heading into 2016, there’s no better technology than old-fashioned email.

“Email is still very much king,” said Henri Makembe, a partner at Beekeeper Group, a digital public relations company in Washington. “When I have your email, I can get your attention.”

Jeff Bechdel, a spokesman for the conservative America Rising PAC, said contacting people via email today means being able to access them whether they are on their phones, tablets or other computers. And since most supporters who get emails have explicitly allowed the campaign to contact them that way, “those are the people who are going to donate, those are the people who will turn out to volunteer,” Bechdel said.”

Click here to read the full article from CNN.

Over the weekend, the ABC6’s Inside Story panel looked at the awkward relationship between Pennsylvania Democrats and Joe Sestak. The consensus was that Democrats don’t believe Sestak can win and that the party is settling with him as their candidate because no one else has stepped forward.

Sestak had a hard time finding good news in general this weekend. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ran the headline “Pa. Dems’ disarray could boost GOP in 2016,” and the clip of Sestak running over children at a July 4th Parade reached nearly half a million views.

During a speech this morning on her so-called economic “vision” for America, Hillary Clinton criticized “individuals and institutions” she sees as bad actors in the financial world. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton and her campaign made a special point to attack startups like Uber and Airbnb over the weekend in a preview of Clinton’s sure-to-be stale economic speech this morning. Perhaps sensing some pushback from “everyday Americans” that use these services, the Clinton campaign tried to walk back her criticism in Playbook: [Read more…]

Yet again, Hillary Clinton’s campaign dominated the Sunday Shows. And yet again, not in a good way. Reactions to Clinton’s first national television interview since announcing her campaign were abundant, as it did not go as well as Team Clinton had hoped. Check out a rundown of critical reviews below.

Vox’s Jonathan Allen said Clinton’s interview was actually “terrible” and she continued to be extremely evasive on “questions of substance.”

On CNN’s “State of the Union,” John King debunks Clinton’s answer about never having a subpoena for her emails as “just simply not true.”

Also on CNN, Brianna Keilar, who interviewed Clinton, said she was “surprised” that Clinton did not show more contrition about all the scandals plaguing her campaign. Keilar then went on to also say that Clinton’s answers about her emails did not pass fact checks.

And on ABC’s “This Week,” Cokie Roberts summed up Clinton’s performance by saying Clinton “is not on her game in these interviews.”

Yesterday, the American Federation of Teachers endorsed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. The endorsement came as no surprise to anyone, despite AFT’s attempts to appear fair in its endorsement process by meeting with several Democrat candidates, including Clinton her challengers – Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley.

In addition to AFT endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2008, the Clintons have been close to AFT and its president, Randi Weingarten, for years. AFT has donated $1.1 million to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative since 2011. Weingarten herself sits on the board of the Pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, and worked closely with Hillary Clinton while she served as Senator from New York. Weingarten also praised Bill Clinton as the “education President of the last century.”

Nope. No surprise here.