Conflict Of Interest: New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Government & Private Work Overlapped

Category: AR PAC

According to the terms of the Iran nuclear agreement reached yesterday, sanctions imposed on Iran would be rolled back “sequentially as Iran complies with the requirement of the accord.”

In her statement endorsing the deal, Clinton touted that she built “a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history,” arguing that the sanctions “delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table.”

“As Secretary of State, I logged tens of thousands of miles and twisted a lot of arms to build a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history. That unprecedented pressure delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table, starting in Oman in 2012.

Clinton’s self-praise echoes her past statements that her sanctions “brought Iran to the negotiating table” in the first place.

“Well, as you know, I worked very hard and led our efforts to get the sanctions to be international that brought Iran to the negotiating table and sent one of my trusted advisers early in 2012 to begin that process of what – how big will the table be and who gets to sit around it and the like. And I have followed what has been done since then.”

While Clinton talks tough on sanctions, she is now supportive of a deal in which “Iran got more up front relief than the United States wanted, with the most important sanctions — those on the energy and financial industries — possibly being lifted this year if Iran complies with the principal requirements in the accord.”

WASHINGTON – Today American Crossroads released the results of its monthly Vox Populi tracking poll showing that Hillary Clinton continues to struggle in key battleground states where she trails a generic Republican by eight points (50%-42%). The poll also shows that 56% of those surveyed do not trust Clinton and 58% believe that Clinton would say or do anything to get elected.

Also of interest in this poll:

-58% of those polled believe that she is hiding something about Libya in her missing emails;

-63% disapprove of Hillary charging the Boys & Girls Club $200,000 for a speech; and

-34% of those surveyed prefer Joe Biden as president to 30% for Hillary – among only Democrats and Independents Hillary has only a 41% – 31% lead over Biden.

The poll can be viewed here.

“Despite three months of campaigning and trying to rehabilitate her image, Hillary Clinton continues to struggle in key battleground states,” said Ian Prior, Communications Director for American Crossroads. “As rumors of Joe Biden’s entry into the race grow, Democrats should pay very close attention to Hillary’s glaring and irreparable weaknesses.”


American Crossroads is a non-profit 527 political organization dedicated to renewing America’s commitment to individual liberty, limited government, free enterprise and a strong national defense through informed and effective political action. American Crossroads seeks to educate voters and empower citizens to hold lawmakers and office-seekers accountable for where they stand.

When the framework agreement with Iran was announced in April, Hillary Clinton said she would support a deal that “imposes an intrusive inspection program with no sites off limits.”

[Read more…]

Hillary Clinton endorsed yesterday’s nuclear agreement with Iran and major world powers, saying the deal “can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer.” But Israel and “the Sunni Arab world have set aside old grievances to stand together against the West’s engagement with Iran,” showing how out of step Clinton’s view is from our allies in the Middle East.

In some of the most telling headlines yet, “Israel and Saudi Arabia present united front over Iran deal,” and “Iran Deal Worries Mideast Neighbors,” it is clear Clinton’s view that the nuclear deal could make Israel and Arab states safer is in stark contrast to views of those actually in the region. The deal is said to have “caused fury in Israel and consternation around the region at the likely increase in influence and resources of a newly enriched Iran.”

In her endorsement of the deal, Clinton also claimed she would propose “early talks on further strengthening our alliance” with Israel and would “deepen our security relationship” with our Arab partners. But given recent statements from Israel and Saudi Arabia, it does not seem like Clinton’s plan is off to a great start.

A new nationwide poll released yesterday by USA Today & Suffolk University reveals Hillary Clinton’s support is continuing to sag.

Matched up against many Republicans, Clinton fails to reach 50% support: [Read more…]

Last August, Clinton called for restricting Iran’s breakout time, which is the time Iran needs to produce enough uranium for a nuclear bomb, to “more than a year.”

[Read more…]

A year ago almost to the day, Hillary Clinton said that any nuclear deal with Iran should allow for “so little enrichment or no enrichment … for a long period of time” because she believed “any enrichment will trigger an arms race in the Middle East.”

[Read more…]

America Rising PAC submitted a Right-To-Know Law (RTKL) request yesterday to determine what correspondence Katie McGinty, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s chief of staff and possible Senate candidate, has had with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, given recent reports that she attended their weekend retreat in Martha’s Vineyard. [Read more…]

What a difference a year makes. Lucy Flores, a Democratic candidate for Nevada’s 4th Congressional district, is struggling to find her political footing after a crushing loss in last year’s Lieutenant Governor’s race. Apparently Senator Harry Reid, who previously called Flores the “perfect” candidate, wasn’t impressed with Flores’ poor performance either.

“In a phone call that is one of his specialties, sources confirm, he called Flores, whom he once called a demographically ‘perfect’ candidate, and told her
something quite different: I’m not supporting you.

Yes, this is the same Harry Reid who said when Flores entered the race against Hutchison for lieutenant governor that she is ‘young, dynamic, Hispanic.
She’s great.’

Not so great anymore, it seems.”

With three other Democrats vying for the same seat, it looks like Flores’ stock is falling fast.

“Colin Reed, the executive director of America Rising, a Republican Super Pac which specializes in opposition research, has also gone out of his way on Twitter to express his wonderment at the crowds that Sanders is attracting and the ‘Bernie-mania’ he is inspiring. Stuart Stevens, Mitt Romney’s top strategist in 2012, even wrote a column proclaiming that Sanders is the real deal.

Jeff Bechdel, the communications director for America Rising, echoed Mair. He noted that ‘with Bernie, voters are seeing someone who is everything Hillary is not; inauthentic, not seen as trustworthy, overly cautious. With Bernie it’s not that way so you get these big crowds, get him moving up in the polls.’ Bechdel also noted both Sanders and fellow Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley weren’t guilty of ‘blatant hypocrisy” like Clinton.

He accused her of having a double standard on issues like Wall Street and “getting unaccountable money of politics’, where Clinton was not practicing what she preached.”

Click here to read the full article from The Guardian.