Kentucky Dem Is Proud He Bankrupted A Local Community

Category: AR PAC

According to a report yesterday, Boko Haram is suspected to be behind yet another attack in Nigeria, as two bombings at a market have left 50 people dead and 70 injured.

Notably, Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group despite the fact “counterterrorism officials in the State Department, Justice Department and FBI all favored officially designating the group as an ‘official terrorist organization.’” The group pledged its allegiance to Islamic State earlier this year.

Recently, in a letter to the FBI, Sen. Chuck Grassley raised significant questions about an operative of Islamic State, Ali Awni al Harzi, who ” planned and perpetrated the attack against the Consulate of the United States in Benghazi.” After being obtained in Turkey and sent back to Tunisia, Harzi was interviewed by the FBI and subsequently released by a Tunisian judge. Shockingly, when asked if she found the release of Harzi “distressing,” during a 2013 testimony to Congress on Benghazi, Clinton said she did not.

According to a terrorism expert, Harzi, who was killed in a drone strike last month, was said to be “a jack-of-all-trades,” for Islamic State, as well as “extremely dangerous for the U.S. and a versatile asset for ISIL.” These latest developments are another reminder of Hillary Clinton’s weak record on fighting terrorism.

At a press availability in New Hampshire today, Hillary Clinton declined to support liberal union-backed “Fight for $15″ movement nationwide:

“I support the local efforts that are going on that are making it possible for people working in certain localities to actually earn 15,” Clinton said in a response to a question from BuzzFeed News during a press availability in New Hampshire on Thursday.

“I think part of the reason that the Congress and very strong Democratic supporters of increasing the minimum wage are trying to debate and determine what’s the national floor is because there are different economic environments. And what you can do in L.A. or in New York may not work in other places.”

Just a month ago, Clinton expressed support for the movement in Michigan:

Hillary Clinton showed her most robust support yet for the national effort to raise pay for fast food workers, speaking by phone Sunday morning to more than 1,200 workers and organizers from the Fight For 15 movement gathered in Detroit.

“We need you out there leading the fight against those who would rip away Americans’ right to organize, to collective bargaining,” she said over loudspeakers to a convention center ballroom filled with mostly African American cooks and cashiers.

“We need more cities and states to follow the lead of Los Angeles, St. Louis and New York,” Clinton said, referring to rulings by city legislatures to raise their local minimum wages to $15, and Governor Cuomo’s convening of a wage board to raise the hourly minimum for fast food workers in New York state.

In Michigan, Hillary Clinton endorses the “Fight for $15″ movement. In New Hampshire, she backtracks. At the end of the day, no matter where she may be, Hillary Clinton exposed her so-called positions as nothing more than blatant attempts to get to the left of Bernie Sanders. She will say or do anything to win an election.

Hillary Clinton got heckled this afternoon at a town hall event intended to discuss her profit sharing plan in New Hampshire over her position on climate change. [Read more…]

Jack Conway supported President Obama in 2008 and 2012, serving as a delegate in both elections.

Now, Conway’s hard work as a two-time Obama delegate is hurting Kentucky again. According to Politico, President Obama has attacked Appalachia coal with another restrictive regulation limiting mountain top removal operations as his war on coal rages on.


Although Conway talks a big game on the campaign trail that he stands up for Kentucky coal, history proves otherwise. In his 2010 Senate bid, Conway received over $15,000 in support from anti-coal activist group Sierra Club who contributed $4,000 to Conway and spent $11,189 on attacking his opponent.

Conway has also received contributions in past campaigns from Nancy Pelosi who helped push cap and trade legislation as well as Harry Reid who said, “coal makes us sick.”

Jack Conway can’t escape the fact that he’s just another Obama liberal.


Today the House voted on a drought relief measure for California. Amazingly, California Reps. Ami Bera (CA-07), Julia Brownley (CA-26), Raul Ruiz (CA-36), and Scott Peters (CA-52) voted against the bill. Democrats opposed the bill because of an endangered fish. It looks like they have chosen a three-inch fish over supplying farmers much needed water and millions of Americans with fresh produce.

Today, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said the four American hostages being held in Iran should not have been released as a precondition to the Iran nuclear deal. Pelosi then flippantly said their release “would’ve been good.”

Question: “Do you think the four American hostages being held in Iran should’ve been released as a precondition to any deal made about Iran’s nuclear program?”

Pelosi: “No, no. It would’ve been good but it’s just, no – this is a nuclear deal. This is a nuclear agreement.”

Florida Democrat Gwen Graham’s political future is up in the air following the Florida Supreme Court’s redistricting decision and news that the race is now a “toss up.” The Tampa Bay Times’ Adam Smith wrote, “Seven months after taking office, Graham now faces a strong likelihood that will be her final term representing that district.”

Graham must be worried because she accepted $5,000 from the embarrassing talk show host Jerry Springer. She will need all the money she can get to win a competitive campaign.

Hillary Clinton and her team went to great lengths to tell reporters, donors, and voters that things would be different this time. Clinton’s big spending ways from 2007 and 2008 were long gone, replaced with an almost comically cheap campaign manager and spending strategy. [Read more…]

While politicians on both sides of the aisle worry about relaxing the arms embargo against Iran, Clinton has so far been quiet on this critical piece of the deal.

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Hillary Clinton is returning to New Hampshire Thursday for the first time since she roped off the press like cattle during a parade on July 4. [Read more…]